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Podcast and Articles

Optimizing Lat Exercises, Unveiling the Power of Cables for Building Stronger Lats

There are many things that I believe exist in our world because they have been around for a long time...

The Dr. Chalmers Show Season #3, episode 18 - Part 2 of the great interview with Steve Kuclo, IFBB Pro, weightlifting champion

A top bodybuilding superstar stops by the show, and we cover some great topics for all athletes. There is more...

A top bodybuilding superstar stops by the show, and we cover some great topics for all athletes.

Please follow Steve Kuclo and check out his website HERE: In 2011, Steve earned his IFBB Pro bodybuilding status at the...

The Power of Choosing to Hate Lazy: How One Decision Can Change Your Life

I was recently asked at a networking event what one decision I had made that had the most impact on...

The Dr. Chalmers Show Season #3, episode 16 – Who should you believe about your fat intake, the government, or your own body?

In this episode of my Insights to Wellness podcast I talk about the fats that we intake in our diets....

Detox is more critical to your overall health now than ever before. Disasters can exacerbate the need to detox.

The Ohio train derailment and some of the national health impacts of this disaster are being overlooked and not covered...

Are you working your abs correctly, or wasting your time?

I know that your abs, and rectus abdominal, are one muscle, but you need to think of them as 2....

Isotonic is holding the tone like Yoga, but isometric is how hard you are pulling/pushing. Which is right for you?

There are many ways to work out, and I want to cover some that impact us, and you might have...