I've always been fascinated by psychology since it has such a profound impact on our lives and, to a significant extent, we get to choose what our psychology is. Jordan Peterson believes that because the Bible was the first book published and thus had such a big influence on everything else, it h...

Over the last few years, I've noticed increased anxiety and stress in my patients. Yes, Covid exists, or did it exist? Are we done with the Russia situation now? I'm not certain. They are concerned on top of their regular life. I've tried to think of a pleasant or delicate way to express this, bu...

When we begin to plan for the future, whether it is financially, for health, or just for the family, it is critical to do something to create a force of action. A force of action is a stage in bringing this process to life. Using a force of action moves things from the stage of thinking about it ...

People commented on how lonely it looked after yesterday's piece on creating your own life and how only you can achieve it. I never saw it that way; it was a personal obligation to take command of your life and create a direction. This does not imply that you will be lonely; instead, it means tha...

Psychology, in general, has always piqued my interest. You can learn a lot about people if you sit back and observe them. As you come to know them, you can see how events in their lives have shaped them into the people they are now. Whether a person wants it or not, their environment will influen...

There are so many differences of opinions and definitions of the “Standard of Care” that I had to put this podcast episode out. The medical field is one of the largest and most critical job fields in the world. The professionals that dedicate their lives are truly a blessing to everyone impacted ...

Stress is one of the most challenging things we face in our life. The truth is that specific stress is necessary for us to grow and evolve. However, we all must have a spot to decompress and breathe away from the stress. The other day, I had a patient suffering from high blood pressure and exhaus...

Let's talk about hormones for a second. What is a hormone? It is a chemical messenger that is made in the body to get the body to do certain things. For instance, testosterone is the healing hormone. It tells the body to repair and rebuild bones, muscles, blood vessels, and organs. Estrogen, also...

An old expression goes, “it's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't care who gets the credit." I like that line; however, I have learned that perhaps its sister line is equally as accurate. The idea that "it's amazing what you can overcome when you don't have to hold the blame" would als...

Headaches come in a variety of severity and origins. The most severe is a migraine headache. I classify it as the most painful because we are the reason we get them. Migraines have an origin in the lack of oxygen to the brain. When the brain loses oxygen, the blood vessels contract to increase th...

I had someone come in a couple of days ago, and they were getting tired, edgy, a little snappy, and felt kinda bad. They couldn't figure it out and thought they might be sick or coming down with something. After testing them, they didn't test that badly. After testing, we talked for a bit since t...

I am seeing more anxiety and stress in my patients over the last few years. Yes, Covid is a thing, or was it a thing? Are we over that now with the Russia thing? I am not sure. On top of their normal lives, they worry. I have gone round and round trying to come up with a nice or soft way of sayin...