Intro to dr. Chalmers

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Podcast and Articles

Research matters in discussions around cannabis, and medical uses. What do you think?

When Nate brought the cannabis idea up, I asked him why he was so interested in it. He said it...

Heart health must include the blood vessels. What do you think this means?

I mention this often, but I wanted to discuss heart health again. By heart health, I mean the entire cardiovascular...

What do you think about cannabis? Well, my opinions have changed through additional research.

Cannabis has been around for longer than the US has been a country. And since about the 60s has been...

Is Cancer or heart disease the leading killer in the United States?

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the developed world. A total of 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 people...

What is Scoliosis, and is it tough to live with?

Let's talk about scoliosis for a bit. First, you cannot look at a person and tell if they have scoliosis,...

Functional vs. Sport training. Which is more important?

I keep using the term functional training and functional movement, and I get asked what I mean by functional movement....

Can your marrige survive snoring, or will you die?

So, you snore, huh? That’s gonna be a problem. Not for your spouse, even though I am sure they would...

Stuff happens, and how you handle it can impact your health and wellness.

The Covid shutdown and the craziness that ensued and is still going on showed us many things. Some are scary,...