We call it metabolic coaching because that is how we feel it works best.  Just like the coach wants the team to win, often winning is dependent on how the team plays.  We will pull your blood and muscle test you to get an idea where you sit metabolically.  Then we will get a list of your 10 favorite foods and 5 foods you never want to eat again.  With this information we can start to rebuild your diet.  The important part on diet is that you never have to feel like you cant have your favorite foods, every time you over restrict yourself you set your long-term diet up for failure.  Many of your favorite foods can be eaten on a healthy diet and you can lose the fat at the same time.  Youll hear us say often, its not the calories its the chemistry.  Which is why you can eat, ice cream, cookies, pie, pizza, muffins, pancakes and many of your favorite foods and still achieve your goals. 

We will meet twice a month and go over everything to fix any of the larger items or do the larger checks.  We can also communicate via the Pillars of Wellness app on a day-to-day basis. This ensures the fastest route back to health.  You will learn what your body needs and how to manage all of the different aspects of your health. 

We will help reset your hormones, diet, exercise, sleep, stress, supplementation all of it.  Your body was designed to heal itself we just need to get you the nutrients and chemicals it needs to accomplish that task.  The body was also designed to work as a holistic unit.  The mind plays a large role in how your gut works. In turn your gut plays a large role in how everything in your body works.Â