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Podcast and Articles

The Dr. Chalmers Show Season #3, episode 25, Part 1, Treating Plantar Fasciitis in the office and at home. What are the best techniques?

Answering questions and helping people is just in my DNA. In today's podcast, I go over treatments for Plantar Fasciitis....

The Normalcy Bias, Why Ignoring the Possibility of Major Change Can Leave Us Unprepared

The normality bias is an intriguing psychological concept that helps explain why people are often surprised by changes that they...

The Gut-Serotonin Connection and the Importance of Maintenance

When we look at American health issues and then at how we live, it's easy to see the relationship. We...

Redefining Autoimmune Disorders, Exploring an Alternative Perspective on their Origins and Potential Solutions

I'll get into specific autoimmune disorders later, but today I'd like to talk about them in general. I have a...

Addressing Back and Neck Pain through Awareness and Action

I see a lot of patients who come in with back and neck problems. They have no recollection of ever...

The Dr. Chalmers Show Season #3, episode 24. We all agree that there is a massive Mental Health problem. Are there solutions to fix this epidemic?

We often talk about how this country has a massive Mental Health problem. It does and there's no argument. This...

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome and Sharing Your Expertise

I've emphasized several times that decent people stand up, because that's what good people do. Having said that, and more...

Quality Time and Shared Interests with Your Kids

I saw a meme the other day that, while I'm sure it came from a nice place, I believe completely...