The most common reason people don't exercise is that they don't have enough time or experience with exercise to go to the gym and work out. The truth is, that may be partially true for many people. However, you do not need to go to the gym to exercise; simply move. I had a doctor who worked lengt...

The greatest gift and the heaviest curse ever granted to man was free will. This concept is the foundation of Christianity and the distinction between important life issues such as capitalism vs socialism. The notion that you have control over your life and can pick where you want to go and what ...

People are frequently perplexed by how I manage the majority of people's care. I've been advised that a patient does not wish to take any medical medications during their treatment. This is frequently functional, and we can make it work; nonetheless, I would caution against taking an all-in or al...

When we look at American health issues and then at how we live, it's easy to see the relationship. We are stressed out about a wide range of difficulties, some of which are real and others of which are not. We don't always have or prepare the best cuisine. Not everyone has the time to exercise or...

When it comes to testosterone replacement, one of the most crucial things to keep an eye on is your DHT, or dihydrotestosterone levels. DHT causes hair loss in both men and women, and it is also extremely damaging to the prostate in men only. I haven't noticed many other places discussing or even...

This year's flu has been particularly severe and annoying. Normally, the flu treatment kills out the illness in a few of days 2-3, but this bug is proving to be a bit more difficult. What we're seeing is that it starts with indigestion, loose stools, nausea, vomiting, and severe congestion, and c...

One of the most essential things you can have is goals. They can mean the difference between feeling lost and uncertain about the future and being motivated and enthused about now and tomorrow. When I ask individuals what they want, they frequently respond, "I don't know, I guess I want to be hea...

Many folks are experiencing menstrual problems. There is a significant portion of this that is inflammation caused by food sensitivities such as seed and vegetable oil, glyphosate (gluten), sugar, and so on, but there is another large part that I see people overlooking all the time. That substanc...

Most men do not consider prostate health until they learn that someone they know has prostate cancer, but they should. There is an old adage that if a guy lives long enough, he will develop prostate cancer. However, there are many things we can do to prevent prostate problems in the long run. One...

The echocardiograms have provided useful information. As some of you are aware, I tested for a decreased ejection fraction, and Lu also tested for certain abnormalities. Neither is vital today, but they both would have cut our lives short if we hadn't discovered the problems we can now fix. I hav...

We all tend to be cautious about who we let near our children since we are all acutely aware that the incorrect influence can have disastrous consequences for our children's choices and lives. However, how cautious are you about who you let to be around you? I'll tell you a personal experience to...

You may or may not be aware, but not all protein powders are suitable for all applications. For example, the finest meal replacement powder, Thorne Mediclear SGS, is not the best for muscle mass gain. I can't say enough good things about it; it's also best for pregnant women, but I digress. I hav...