One thing I constantly hearing from patients and reading online is that folks are terrified right now because they don't know who to believe. While this can be frightening, it also has the potential to be beneficial in the long run. For example, those people who are lying to you right now and you...

Sometimes in life, we are confronted with knowledge that causes us to question much of the previously trusted information. Information that we have long held dear to our hearts as truth. Information obtained from people and sources we were taught to always trust, such as the government, our schoo...

When we talk about health and wellness, we frequently refer to improving the appearance of the body. Weight loss or fat loss, muscle growth, toning up the body, and skin clearing are all things I work on not just every day, but several times a day. our should come as no surprise given the prevale...

Over the last few years, I've noticed increased anxiety and stress in my patients. Yes, Covid exists, or did it exist? Are we done with the Russia situation now? I'm not certain. They are concerned on top of their regular life. I've tried to think of a pleasant or delicate way to express this, bu...

In this episode of my Insights to Wellness podcast I talk about the fats that we intake in our diets. Not only what kind of fats, but how those fats interact with vitamins and your body is critical. Do you remember the old charts from your elementary school health courses? The food groups in a tr...

In this episode of my Insights to Wellness podcast I talk about the fats that we intake in our diets. Not only what kind of fats, but how those fats interact with vitamins and your body is critical. Do you remember the old charts from your elementary school health courses? The food groups in a tr...

When people are really frustrated in a relationship, one of the most frequent problems is that the other person is not listening to them. Being heard is difficult for a variety of reasons. When someone asks you a question, and you ignore them, it demonstrates high disrespect. It makes people feel...

I know that your abs, and rectus abdominal, are one muscle, but you need to think of them as 2. The upper half and the lower. I see many people trying to train abs with one motion, and it isn't going to work out that well for you. Remember that every muscle has an origin and insertion point. Usua...

An old expression goes, “it's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't care who gets the credit." I like that line; however, I have learned that perhaps its sister line is equally as accurate. The idea that "it's amazing what you can overcome when you don't have to hold the blame" would als...

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the developed world. A total of 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 people are diagnosed with cancer each year in the US. About 600,000 people in the United States will die each year from cancer. This number does edge out heart disease at 500,000. Many of these ...

I keep using the term functional training and functional movement, and I get asked what I mean by functional movement. The difference between most sport training and functional training is the range of motion or ROM. Typically, weightlifters training for lifting events train to go parallel with t...

We talked a lot about the core, how it is your pelvis, and the things that attach to it. So I wanted to go through and go over some of those muscles. From a historical  note in the 1640s, "to disable, render useless," a figurative verbal extension from hamstring (n.) "tendon at the back of the kn...