People are frequently perplexed by how I manage the majority of people's care. I've been advised that a patient does not wish to take any medical medications during their treatment. This is frequently functional, and we can make it work; nonetheless, I would caution against taking an all-in or al...

So my social team shared a picture of our vacation to Palm Springs last Thursday, which was the worst photo choice ever, but I believe now is the ideal day to talk about that new business. We brought a group of investors and athletes to California to see Falcon. Falcon is California's largest can...

We all tend to be cautious about who we let near our children since we are all acutely aware that the incorrect influence can have disastrous consequences for our children's choices and lives. However, how cautious are you about who you let to be around you? I'll tell you a personal experience to...

Cannabis has been around longer than the United States and has been seen negatively in the United States since the 1960s. To the point that this plant has been rendered illegal, and millions of people have been imprisoned for possessing even trace amounts of it. Our ever-loving government even la...

Check out all things around my TEDx talk at When people make recommendations based upon research and personal experience, it sets a different outcome from the speakers. Speaking from personal experience helps establish the street cred and solutions that the speaker reco...

It's amusing that many people in the medical world believe that using stem cells to treat patients is unlawful. It is not, and it is prohibited in the United States to advertise that stem cells can accomplish anything. If you tell someone that stem cells can assist with the X problem, the FDA wil...

The two most common grounds for divorce are financial and sexual in character. It's also been claimed that we shouldn't discuss money or sex in public, so I think we don't care about divorce. Remember that when I talk about it because I'm sure I'll cross someone's line sooner or later. People get...

When someone brings their child in for me to work with, I often say something and the child looks up, amazed, and says, "Wow that makes a lot of sense thanks man I'll start doing that." However, when the child, boy or female, says that, the parent looks perplexed because what I just said that the...

Many people, including myself, will tell you how essential date night is because it is. We do, however, have longer date evenings every couple of months, which is really wonderful. Since it's a date night, I try, if ineptly, to arrange them. An extended date night is exactly what it sounds like a...

What is one of the most significant heart, brain, and muscle system supplements? Of course, it's CoQ-10. Now the question is, why is CoQ-10 so beneficial? The explanation is found within the electron transport chain. This cycle is in charge of all aerobic ATP generation. What exactly is ATP? Aden...