When you are away from something, even a part of your life, for an extended period of time, you can forget what it was like. We recently acquired a couple of adorable puppies, and they are wonderful. They are, however, puppies and do not sleep through the night. This reminds me of when we were ba...
Sometimes in life, we are confronted with knowledge that causes us to question much of the previously trusted information. Information that we have long held dear to our hearts as truth. Information obtained from people and sources we were taught to always trust, such as the government, our schoo...
This time of year can be great. However, it can also be bad. The last year’s events have shown us what can happen and how fragile our community can be. As hard as a previous couple of years have been on us, the lack of community and fellowship around the holidays is all too common for so many peo...
I was on a coaching call, and one of the people was worried about speaking and having people hate the message. He said he wasn’t looking forward to people being negative in the comments. The issue is that he looked at it as if these comments came from him or someone like him. We have to understan...
Wellness and how to achieve it is really all about creating the highest quality of life for the longest time possible. What will make you genuinely happy, healthy and fulfilled? Take some time to think about where you are now and what you wish to change. This will give you a solid foundation to w...