The Green Myth, A Journey from Cannabis Skeptic to Advocate

The Green Myth, A Journey from Cannabis Skeptic to Advocate

Cannabis has been around longer than the United States and has been seen negatively in the United States since the 1960s. To the point that this plant has been rendered illegal, and millions of people have been imprisoned for possessing even trace amounts of it. Our ever-loving government even launched a massive commercial advertising effort to tell us how dangerous this plant is. We were warned that even a single use may lead to cocaine and death.

Around 1930, a film called "Reefer Madness" was filmed, which perpetuated many stereotypes about cannabis that still exist today. It's astonishing that we can tell a bunch of lies and people will believe them for over 100 years, regardless of what science tells us. We have built a picture that is not only false but may also be preventing us from making a significant impact on the opioid crisis. While the movie and the government tell you that cannabis, or marijuana, is extremely addictive and can lead to murder, severely impaired driving, long-term psychological damage, all types of violence, and sexual assault and rape, this has not been proven to be true.

If these difficulties sound similar, you may be thinking of alcohol, which is not only legal but is currently viewed favorably in society, with marketing appearing in all print and television advertisements. The truth is that cannabis addiction statistics have always been unclear because they have never distinguished between individuals who enjoy cannabis and those who cannot function without it. As a result, everybody who takes it on a regular basis is classified as addicted, even if there is no true addiction.

This statement begs the obvious issue of why people enjoy it so much. Why do people feel the need to utilize it on a daily basis? To answer this question, I'd like to guide you through the steps I took to shift my perspective from that of the normal American who was told over and over again how bad cannabis was and how even one joint would ruin my life. A funny side tale illustrates my thoughts on the matter. Throughout high school and college, I had a girlfriend with whom I was planning to marry who smoked cannabis with one of her friends.

I told her that "I knew what that stuff did" and that if she smoked again, we were breaking up, and I meant it. So, let's just say I was skeptical. I should mention that when I told her this, I was drinking extensively, as many college students do, but it was fine with her. About 15 years later, I became the doctor who assisted in the evaluation of investment possibilities for The Athlete Group, or TAG, an alternative investing firm. It was my responsibility to assess every new investment opportunity related to medicine or health.

We dealt with pain, concussions, human performance, and whatever else an athlete would require because we mostly worked with professional athletes and the NFL. We had several of our athletes approach us and tell us that they wanted to invest in cannabis in some way because they all enjoyed it so much. The strategy of investing in what you know and like.

As a result, cannabis fell into my research vertical, therefore I had to explore it and provide my viewpoint. This was a strange road because I began out trying to illustrate through science why we should avoid cannabis because it is dangerous, harmful, and addictive.

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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