The Dr. Chalmers Show Season #3, episode 11 - What About Dairy?

The Dr. Chalmers Show Season #3, episode 11 - What About Dairy?

In this episode of the podcast, I cover a topic that is on the top of moms' minds everywhere. What about Dairy? Commercially produced cow milk has lots of chemicals, and I personally would not touch it. A lot of the problem is what the cows are being fed.

if you can walk into the field and see a cow eating grass with no pesticides, you are probably ok.

Listen to this podcast and let me know your thoughts,

Automated Transcript edited for grammar.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:10] All right, Now I want to talk about dairy. We talked about cow meat. We talked about, you know, cows and stuff like that. People always talk about how you should cut dairy out of your diet. Dairy is a giant category; everyone's me says, I don't like what dairy or we're cutting out. Right, Dairy, it's bad for you to make our cow milk? People milk? Goat milk? Sheep milk? Cheeses? What do you? What? What type of dairy are you talking about?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:41] Now, Cow milk has gotten a bad rap, and for lots of good reasons, commercially produced cow milk is terrible for you. It is tons of inflammation. A lot of that milk is I wouldn't even when it comes out of the cow before they chemically mess with it, I wouldn't even touch it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:00] Because they've got their feed in this corn, these cows, corn, and all sorts of other grains. And that's not what they're supposed to be eating It just it makes that milk, and then the drugs they can put these cows in the number of literal pastures are allowed to be in the milkman, just that partial commercial cow milk in this country not a chance.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:23] If you can find raw milk now, we're talking as well as that stuff you've got to get from the actual farmer. And so you can go out, and you can see all of these are pasture raised and the cows are clean and, you know, raw cow milk is going to, you know, really great I would definitely do that one.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:39] But the big thing is, is the cheeses, you can get a lot of really good clean cheeses, especially the raw cheeses. Lot of different stores Whole Foods carries a bunch of them that are really great for you. Sheep and goat, manchego, I mean, there are tons and tons of really good cheeses out there that fall in the dairy.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:59] Now you have people who are lactose intolerant, people who have dairy allergies, and that's great. Those people shouldn't eat dairy or we should just desensitize them to it so they can be dairy, and that's made by primary but you've got to find somebody like me who can desensitize the terms of the chances that are low.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:15] But if you're allergic to suffer, sensitive to it, don't eat it or get decent sized to it. But I'll tell you that dairy is great and I love dairy I eat a lot of dairy I have a lot of my patients dairy I have a lot of my diabetics who like cheese, move over and started eating a lot of dairy, a lot of clean mozzarellas like all those Keto pizzas and stuff like that like there's lots and lots of room for dairy for a lot of people.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:42] So it's not just Cow Milk; there's, like I said, lots and lots of other stuff that's come with those things. Make sure you guys are eating clean foods, which is, by the way, clean is different for a lot of different people.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:57] You know, nuts and seeds are not bad for some people they're terrible for others. But, you know, dairy is not something we should all just freak out about I mean like all dairy causes inflammation. That's not true. You know, commercially raised American cow milk causes lots of problems, but that is not the entirety of dairy so just a heads up on that one.

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