I've always been proud of my scars. They contain anecdotes of instances when something noteworthy happened to me. Now my kids are receiving scars that they will remember for a long time, and it's fun to watch from this perspective. Scars appeal to me because they act as a deterrent to a monotonous existence. Most persons with scars have a story to tell. They were out doing something, possibly the last time they did something.
However, the story frequently involves that person getting over something, which is always amusing. The difficulty is that physical scars usually heal and any long-term problems are simply compensated for and acknowledged. Emotional wounds, on the other hand, transform people in ways they may not even realize. They have the ability to make us more fearful and block us from useful persons or tasks. They can influence how we treat people and exacerbate our problems.

When you fall and break your wrist, most people assume you need physical therapy or rehabilitation to get back to normal. A few weeks of targeted therapy on the affected area to restore full function is normal and frequently done. We are given social and work time off to address these difficulties, and no one questions it. However, how frequently do we address the emotional and psychological scars that we all bear?
How much time do we devote to resolving those issues? Do we give them social time to work on their psyche? If you do not have a coach, therapist, counselor, or someone with whom you are doing your psych rehab, I strongly advise you to locate someone. Working on your mind will always benefit you, and it will almost always benefit people around you.
Check out Chalmers Pillarsofwellness.com for Wellness updates! And ask me any questions you have at questions@chalmerswellness.com. I answer all of them and look forward to hearing from you.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.