Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Your Diet is More than Food

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Your Diet is More than Food

A holistic approach to health, emphasizing that nutrition extends beyond the physical realm. The discussion highlights the crucial role of mental input, such as music, books, social media, and continual education, in shaping who we are. The importance of core values and gratitude practice is underscored, illustrating how focusing on positive aspects can transform our outlook and behavior. A personal story exemplifies the significance of integrity, encouraging listeners to define and uphold their own core values.

The impact of media and environment on mental health is also addressed, urging us to seek positive influences and content. Self-examination and the need for therapy or coaching to navigate life's challenges are advocated. By taking control of small aspects of our lives, like maintaining a clean space, we can expand our sense of control and improve overall well-being. Embracing philosophical foundations and filtering the influences in our lives can lead to personal growth and a more positive impact on ourselves and those around us.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:24 - The Role of Nutrition
00:44 - Beyond Physical Diet
01:38 - Gratitude Practice
03:05 - Core Values and Their Importance
04:28 - Personal Story on Integrity
06:00 - Influence of Media and Environment
07:13 - Finding Positive Influences
08:41 - Taking Control of Your Life
09:54 - Self-Examination and Therapy
11:01 - Philosophical Foundations
12:01 - Western Philosophy and Self-Improvement
13:20 - Impact of Influences on Self and Others

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So yesterday we did, I talked a little about detox supplementation and how important it is that chemicals in our body. How about somebody needs those chemicals to actually do its job? However, I want to make sure that we understand that the nutrition is vital. Extremely important. Chemistry is very, very important. However, the food and substance you put in your body are not the only part of your diet. It's really, really important that we understand. This is why the mental piece is such a big part of what we do here to understand that, the way you think, the things that you put into your in your world, the music you listen to, the books you read, the, the stuff that's on your feed and social media that all has played a major role in what goes on, who you are, your education, you know, the continual education or indoctrination you get into is really, really, really important. When we look at, you know, a lot of times when, when we have generational, strife, right? We, you know, see, people are ten years older than you look back and they're like, how did you why do you think the way you do? How did why do you act? What what is your your ethics in your work? Work? More work ethic, more morals, all those things. Where did you guys get this? It's from the education they got, the music they were listening to, the video games they were playing, the media that they were taking it. That's that is a major, major, major part of what goes on in somebody. You can totally change the way somebody, you know, processes, acts things by changing the amount of information they put out. Maybe it's one of the reasons we do things like gratitude.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:38] There's a lot of other things that we do. But that's one of those things when you start focusing on like, for instance, Take Gratitude is a great example. When you start focusing on the things that are positive in your life, the things you're happy about, the things that you're grateful for, you start noticing them more. You start noticing the things that you're that you're grateful for easier. So when something happens, you're like, oh, thanks. You're like, oh, I'm going to compose a gratitude today. Oh that's fantastic. That was really nice. Like that type of thing. Like as you start to focus your energy on the positives, you start to not only see the positives, you start to create the positives. So you start seeing, hey, I like that this thing happened. So I'm going to do more and then you start becoming, you know, nicer to your kids. You start becoming, you know, better all the way around. These are the things that we have to recognize and kind of bring in. It's funny because a lot of times, for instance, there's the the big Paris Olympics things. You know, which was obviously, you know, they're trying to say it wasn't as obviously a shot at crochet. A lot of people like, I don't understand why you're saying that, because our core values are set that way. And it's funny because when you go over core values of people, like when you sit down and start going through things, you go, well, what are your core values like as a basic understanding of who you are, what are your core values and who got what are you talking about? Like what? What are the things that you hold very important?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:05] The ideals you uphold, like, you know, integrity and you know, that type of thing. And they go, I don't know, like because they haven't sat down and like, what is it that I find good in the world? What is it that I find important? You know, what do I what stand or do I want to hold myself and my family to? That that is starting to fall apart quite a bit. The idea that, you know, you even have to teach people like what core values are and how to develop them and how to adhere to them is kind of interesting. And and again, no one's going to be phenomenal throwing core values. It's just the things that, you know, we all try to strive to be. Integrity is one of mine. And, there's a story I tell about, my business partner and I, we're working on a video, and, I was looking to sell my Aston Martin, and, he was like, how much you want for it? I was like, here's a classic Aston that was older, and I didn't. I didn't want to sell a car to a friend of mine if I thought there's any problems with it. And so we're working on these two deals, and I was like, look, if you can get these two deals done, I think I'll just give it to you. There was a very slim chance he was going to get either one of those deals a little on both of them. And so we got both of them done. And so I gave him my asset, and he was like, you don't have to do that. And I was like, no, no, I said I was going to. And he was like, yeah, but you were joking. I was like, it's still set.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:28] So it was one of those things that, you know, that meant more to me than to happen, because I was trying to live by my core values. And again, I'm not perfect at it, but that's, you know, when when somebody blatantly comes up to me, I usually make the right call. But those are some of those things. And that one was not fun. But knowing that, I went ahead and stood by, you know, my integrity, my core values. That was that was like I said, it was more for me. But it's that type of thing. So like when you start looking at your world, start looking at the music. You're listening. Tell me. Like, what are the lyrics? You know what's going on? What are they talking about? You know, I pretty much. I liked a lot of the music from today, but it's all about cheating on people getting cheated on, drugs. There's. There's all sorts of things. I'm just like, I can kind of do without that. And so, you know, I've kind of moved off of that going back to a lot of, a lot of the 80s music, which is just better. But when you start looking at the things that you allow in your field, in your life, how negative are they? You know, if you look at the news and this is the problem with the news, the news tells you a lot of things that are really negative, because there's a lot of really negative things going on in the world. But the problem is that you have no power to solve any of them. But there was a ring. There was a big, you know, mudslide in India that killed like 100 people. That's that. That's terrible. I can't fix that. You know, and you know, Appalachia Swimming Forum.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:00] How does that help you? How does how does it like, oh, we have to make sure we don't. We're not around places with mudslides. If that's the information you got, great. Don't be around places with without slides. But there's lots of things that are going on. You know, that you have very little control over. You know, maybe you want to get the snippets of stuff, but look what's in your feet. Is it negativity after negativity after negativity? I hate Kamala Harris, I hate Trump, whatever it is. Or is it, you know, positive things are building you up and kind of helping you kind of move forward. I've got a lot of philosophy and stoicism, stuff like that online. I've been part of a couple of groups. Apex, you know, is one of the groups that I follow. And a lot of the guys in there push really, really, you know, great stuff. They talk about their wins. They talk about the things that are, you know, doing well in their life. They talk about the things that, you know, they had a struggle with and they overcame it, and this is how they overcame it. So if you have the same issue, maybe you should try this. There's lots of that. It's in my feed and there's like, aside from like, oh, it's a great idea. I didn't think of that because there's multiple different professions. Roofers in there. There's plumbers in there. There's, you know, business coaches. There's all sorts of guys in there. But they're all throwing positive feedback out into the world. You know, things they've overcome, personal things they've overcome. I would.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:13] I would stress that you start to find those things. So sit down and figure out what are your core values. What is it that you know? What makes you the better person? We know what if you're like, if you sit down, you're like, if I started doing these things, I would be a better person in my own judgment, right? You know, those sort of things. Write those down. Like, these are the things I want to adhere to. These are the things that I want to strive to be better at. You know, these are universal truths, like integrity is good. You know, being honest is good. Hard working is good. You know. You know, think things to that degree. Everybody has it's funny because everybody will come down like, this is important to me. And you're like, okay, well, that's in this umbrella, you know, so you just specify on, you know, you want to keep a really clean car. Okay. That's cool like that. That's good. But it falls into a specific vertical. So a lot of these type of things will also help take control of your life. So for instance in Jordan Peterson talks about cleaning your room, the reason that you want to clean your room is because that is a small thing that you have total control over. And then once you start to understand that you have control over that, you start moving out. Just clean your room, clean your house, clean your yard, you know, start cleaning your up, cleaning up everything else around you, you know, those sort of things. Then you can go out into the city and that type of thing. It's kind of a it's not necessarily the same thing as Maslow's hierarchy of needs, but it's like, do something small, master that, and then take that idea and take it over bigger.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:41] Make it over there. But that's the thing. So when we're start trying to look at, you know, how do we holistically improve our overall health, you're going to have to start examining your life. You're going to have to start examining what you allow into your feel when you allow into your life. And you're gonna have to start making, you know, cuts and be like, this doesn't serve the person I want to be in. So I'm going to take it out. And that's that was that's the probably the hardest thing, to do, especially by yourself. But yeah, this is one of the things that, you know, therapists do really well with. So if you have a therapist, ask them to help you kind of walk down that road. If you don't have a therapist, maybe it's time you get one. Life coaches are pretty decent at this, too. This is one of those great things like we do this with. We have some NLP, some other stuff, and this is one of those things that is a great thing for a coach to do. When people ask me like, hey, you do, mental work, right? I'm like, yeah. And they're like, are you a therapist? Now? When we get to things that need specific therapy, we send people out for that. So, you know, hey, I need to sit down and figure out my core values. I need to figure out what's gonna make me better as a human being. Cool. I can help you with that. You know, I was raped by my uncle when I was six. Not my treat, not my field. You need to go talk to somebody who's trained specifically in that. So that's that's how that works.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:54] The mental thing is gigantic. And so there's, there's verticals that all sorts of people can help you with. But that's one of those that you guys, if you can self kind of do that yourself and start looking at just world I mean like what am I allowing that and just, just go through the first couple times it's going to be, you know, really shallow. You're not going to cut a lot of stuff out. But look at me like, does this message that I'm getting from this book or from this music or from, you know, this TV show or this whatever this is, push me in the direction where I want to go. Does this, you know, feed into the core values that I've established myself that make me the better person? You know, if it does, great, stick with them. If it doesn't, you know, want to try cut them out and try to find something a little bit, you know, more in line with where you're beliefs, of what makes you a good person lie. And if you haven't sat down and been like, what is it? Things that make me a good person. Like, what are the things that I should strive to be if I want to be a better person? I think you should sit down and try to write those down, like figure that out if you need help with it. Find somebody who helps with a that's a thing and figure it out, because that's going to be as far as your mental space goes. That's gonna be one of the basic starting points of where you're trying to get to.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:01] You know, you have to find a base of what's important to you from a philosophical standpoint and then start feeding into those philosophical pillars or verticals so that you can get where you want to go. I just, so I met with, the pastor of my church, and one of the things I'm gonna start doing is reading more wrestling, philosophy. So this is the he said I, he quoted some Western philosophy to me I thought was fantastic. And so I'm gonna start doing more reading into the wrestling stuff. But that's the type of thing. So if you guys, if you guys are thinking about doing that, I would 100% tell you lean into that one, because that's gonna make a biggest change in your life of who you are. And that's the thing. Feel like, well, how do I know if I should cut this person on my life? Who do they stand with or against? Your core values? And people go, well, I don't know, but they're real negative. I'm like, well, they probably sinning. You get your core values. You just haven't defined your core values. So sit down, figure that out, put your core values down. What do you want to live in? What do you want to hear? So what do you want to live by? Like what's important to you and then build that up. But that's the thing. So remember that your a lot of what's going on in your world affects you as a person. And if you don't recognize it, it's affecting on a subconscious level. So it's better than ever to kind of think about that and think about what influences you're letting in your life on you, because it's going to end up on you and on your kids and on everybody around you. So look at that. A lot of people have it. If you if you guys need help with that, you know, find somebody who helps with that. The apex guys are pretty good at that. We do some of that. So that's the biggest thing. So figure out what's going on in your head and try to filter it. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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