Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - What is it I do

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - What is it I do

This approach to health focuses on restoring the body’s natural design and improving overall well-being through a combination of metabolic, structural, and psychological adjustments. It emphasizes gradual, sustainable lifestyle changes tailored to individual needs and goals. By addressing diet, exercise, hormone balance, and mental health, the process aims to enhance quality of life while respecting personal preferences and comfort levels. Small, manageable steps, such as reducing unhealthy habits incrementally, help create lasting, positive impacts on health.

A personalized methodology ensures that dietary and fitness plans align with individual physiology and preferences, whether it's keto, vegan, or other dietary frameworks. Diagnostic tools like cardiovascular and DNA testing guide customized strategies for managing conditions such as diabetes, chronic fatigue, or celiac disease. Additionally, nutrient-rich recipes and practical coaching foster progress at a pace that feels achievable, ensuring a sustainable path to better health and longevity.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:01 - Introduction & Philosophical Basis

01:20 - Approach to Health Coaching

04:28 - Step-by-Step Lifestyle Adjustments

07:29 - Diagnostic Testing & Custom Plans

09:14 - Dietary Guidance

10:53 - Developing Nutrient-Rich Recipe

12:18 - Family Involvement & Long-Term Goals

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So as far as questions go, I've got in the last two weeks, I've gotten four people who asked me what it is I do and how it works. So apparently I have not answered that question. So I will answer that question first. In this borderland of chiropractic, which is important from a philosophical standpoint, the chiropractic philosophy is that health comes from above, down, inside out. Another way of saying is the power that made the body heals. So it's the idea that we are not the ones, the doctors are not the ones who are healing. It is the natural order of things. It's God's universe as a higher order that is making these things happen. So it kind of keeps us in a humble state. And then the other piece is that health comes from the inside out. We have to fix it metabolically that chemically we have to fix it for another structure standpoint. We have to fix psychologically that fix those things on the inside. And then once those things are rectified on the inside, there will the health will come out from that. So restoring, you know, design, restoring physiology, that's that's kind of the big point. So that is how a lot of my philosophy comes from. That's why, you know, we talk about the natural function.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:20] That's why we talk about exercise and diet and hormones and psychology and fixing those things and that that creating that restoring the way the body was designed to function can move forward. So that's that's the biggest part of the philosophical statement that is the basis for chiropractic as a basis for how I do things. And I just I love adjusting people. It's it's super fun. So the other thing is that basically what I'm doing is this is where to describe it is kind of like health coaching. People will sign up or come in and they'll come and I'll do a phone and we'll we do it. We do an intake, you know, goals call and the intake is kind of, you know, where are you now, Where do you want to go realistically and how are you to get there? And so we kind of figure that out. And some people are real gung ho and they want to do all the things really fast. And usually that's not the best path for everyone. So I guess so then we can go really fast as you watch stuff. For instance, a great example of this is I had a guy come in years ago and he was overweight. He wasn't working out because suddenly you're eating right and all the things were cut off. And he comes out and he tells me, he says, My business partners, a health is over Now. He dropped in a heart attack yesterday is like, you have to help me is I have to overrules I can't die is I'm freaking out. That guy is motivated in a way that we can do a lot of change quickly. And he's wanting to be continually reminded of why he's working out because his his partners rep.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:03] So that sort of thing works, right? What we truly will see is you all come in and say, Hey, I want to be healthier. And the first question I always have is, what does that mean to you? What is healthier? Me? I mean, more energy is I mean, the sex life doesn't mean losing fat as it be gaining muscle, having more energy, not having lines anymore. What what is more chronic fatigue? What is it was I mean, once they kind of dial down exactly what it is that meets that person and we can put some metrics together for, you know, here's where we are today, Here's what we're trying to go. Here's how we're going to measure the change we can. Then we start kind of workouts. Most people come in and they want to start moving in the right direction. And so it'll end up happening is that we'll do the goals, so we'll figure out where everything is, and then we start making small adjustments to their life. This is this, this works the very best every time like this is, this is the path I would recommend for everybody is, you know, figure out 3 to 5 things that we can do. And then I'll check back in two weeks later how it in those five things, three of them were killing it, were doing great. One of them I have one at all. The other one was kind of cool. All right. We'll really quickly go over the three that you get great on, make sure that we don't any questions there we go into one the and all that is just something that we can apply to your life is and we should drop that something else and we'll figure out kind of that one.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:28] The one that you're kind of iffy on. We can figure out ways of making it easier, kind of going through different different pathways and then what you're going to get those things established. You can add 1 or 2 more things depending on your schedule, how that goes. And we slowly start creeping things up. Like we've had people who, you know, we're smoking cigarets And my first question is how much do you enjoy smoking? And everyone's wants going to be like, I love it. It's my favorite thing or cool. When we're in a buffer, we're not going to of it because quality of life. I do everything based on longevity and quality of life and I always tell people there's no reason to give up everything you enjoy. Just to live longer because now you're miserable for longer. You know, get the foods and get the things that you enjoy, you know, buffer. And so often I like the cigaret example. How much you smoke pack of it. All right, cool. Do you enjoy every single one? I really should. Not really. Like, okay, there are four or 5 or 6 that you really enjoy that you know, since you eat first thing in the morning and the 3:00 smoke break naturally. And then I guess the list of the ones I really enjoy. All right, cool. Give me three cigarets off your four and then you do the rest of your day. Live the rest of your day, normal thing. Did you miss those 3 or 4 as well? Not really. Cool. Can you give me 3 or 4 more? Then we find a place where we can ask, you know. You're still going to pack a day and you love smoking. We were able to get half a pack gone without you really noticing. Okay. That's a big benefit to your to your health.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:56] And we've changed the way you're smoking from a highly chemical processed cigaret to one that is more organic, less less chemical processing. It'll be healthier. But we can't do it that way. You know, so we've reduced the amount and then we're getting more, you know, green tea. And I thought it'd be, you know, take care of the things that, you know, the body needs to process itself out and you know, what size will get people. And they'll be like, I'm drinking too many Dr. Pepper or coach or whatever, and we can start whittling down that number. And the thing is, is that small changes over time make gigantic differences in your health. And so just finding the 1 or 2 things we can do really, really helps. Most who are getting a testimony like a lot of people will come in and will do all the cardiovascular testing and make sure that you're supposed to do with hormone testing. That's right. Supposed to be DNA testing, that sort of stuff. Okay. Here's where you're at. You know, here's here's the things are gonna be beneficial to you. Here's the things that matter to you. Here's a supplements that you probably take. Here are the things you need to watch out for. Then they'll sit on that floor that they'll get, you know, all the things part of their life. That's a normal part of their life again. And then we'll start doing other things. Not everybody has to go to the general to do that stuff. It's just when we start customizing the stuff for an individual, it's we do this gradation where you can't everybody has to go to the gym five days a week and eat really clean and do all that stuff to be healthy. It's are we healthier than we were last time?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:29] And so that's kind of the way we do everything is we just start bringing you on a path, you know, might take ten, ten years. But that's the thing. You know, any progress at all is better than no progress. You know, if you start today on something small, makes a whole lot easier. So, you know, we're the states. You're driving a ten Cokes a day, drink seven and drink three glasses of water. You know, it's not it's not a gigantic move, but it is a step in the right direction. And as soon as you start making changes to push yourself in that direction, it becomes easier and easier and easier to make more changes. And so that's basically what we do facilitate that. We help people get anything else they need. There's a lot of stuff that people do like, for instance, that clearly I talk about the quarterly study, the angiogram and the toxicology for your cardiovascular system. We don't do that. I sent that out. UTI Diagnostics does. There's several places around the country that we should do that. But it's one of those things that when we're working with people, it's it's what is the best thing for them to not to get those things. So that's basically what it is that we do. And so if there isn't a set program that will kind of walk people through it and talk about what they need to move themselves in a healthier direction. If you have something specific, you know, lion, celiac, you know, the IBS stuff, the chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, you know, most dementia, diabetes sort of stuff. If you have those things, we can start working on them. We start pushing the value in the direction where it's more positive for your health and less positive for the illness or the disease. You have to kind of move it back in that direction.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:14] So it's basically what we do. You know, it's not one of those things that is is always overbearing. Everybody needs a little bit different stuff. I've written people for vegan diets so that you can have that. That's your proclivity. That's all right. We do. We do a decent amount of. Hero and carnivore. But we do a whole lot of little like. So, you know, not everybody needs to or should be carnivore. It's just that some people who can't do Carnivore just physiologically in the body as a producer. Sure. Quito And then the same thing. Quito is not obviously for everybody either because it should not function as well. But low glycemic women are fine for lots and lots of people. And just drop in the grocery function. Showing them different ways of eating foods has helped with fat. It's helped with energy, cell health or across the board. So, you know. That's a big piece that we do is just trying to help people figure out, you know, what it is they should be eating. Because everyone, you know, talked about, you know, this day, it's fantastic. And that that's fantastic. And the problem is that they're all right. Like veganism, vegetarianism, carnivore, keto, paleo. These are all phenomenal diets. They're not for everyone. So figuring out, you know, which diet is best for me that would be healthiest for me is most conducive to my life is where probably the first thing is stuff that we help people make. You know, because a lot of times it's it's not nearly as difficult. People think it is. You know, if you're willing to make some food, you can do anything you want with your body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:53] And we're making it so fine. We're making work for this event we're trying to put on. I've heard about your coaches asking you how do you put some mass on some, like football players, like basketball players to put meat on the bones muscle just not eating enough. And so we've been making protein pancakes and protein muffins, and we made a chocolate peanut butter muffin that has no sugar. And it has this amount of fats from eggs and butter so that it has 25g of protein and has five grams of creation, which is it's amazing. It is one of my favorite things. It is so good. So we have like chocolate chips in it and we bake it. They obviously know full well that. So we put it in the fridge because that's where food gasses eat it and hardened and they've got a crunchy my like inside has all the country pieces. my gosh, it's so good. And we made these pancakes. It's so funny because my wife and my son are kind of spearheading that and they're like, These aren't perfect. They were so good. My gosh. But I eat it for dinner. Let's go. That's so good. And she's like, they're too thick and they're too dense and they're little bit dry. And she's like, I'm going to add more heavy cream. I mean, it is not like you just you just keep playing with those. I'll I'll eat them for you and I'll tell you how great they're really see for me.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:18] So, yeah, because the idea is we've got to we've got to figure out foods that we can give these athletes that meat between classes that will increase their, you know, protein and take the fat and take some of these guys. We're using a higher carb set in need. So we're developing these recipes for these girls. And we do this all the time for for people as well. So we have this whole big list of nutrient functions. So that's kind of what we do. It's, you know, the whole family's involved. You know, my dad actually works laughs. And so this is kind of who we are, what we do. So. It's just the how far along the path, how fast can you go comfortably and we can move for so, you know, if that's what you guys are looking for. But you know, that's what we do. So if you guys have issues at large or celiac diabetes or dementia or something, you know, we can put together plans that help move the body in the right direction as far as that goes. And we just can't change overall health. So, you know, that's what you guys are looking for it. And he wants to help. Right. Your whole the office poor as well as working on our fall cycle and we'll get everything right. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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