Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Vaccines RFK and Myself

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Vaccines RFK and Myself

The complexities of vaccine research, informed consent, and the financial incentives that shape medical decisions are explored. It examines how healthcare professionals may be influenced by industry standards, raising questions about transparency and patient rights. The importance of long-term studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations is highlighted to ensure truly informed medical choices.

Beyond vaccines, broader issues of medical freedom and access are addressed. The need for patients to have greater control over their healthcare decisions is emphasized, along with concerns about regulatory barriers. By shedding light on these topics, a deeper look at the systems influencing modern medicine is encouraged.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 - RFK’s Stance on Vaccines

02:53 - Medical Industry & Informed Consent

04:25 - Financial Incentives in Healthcare

07:59 - Medical Freedom & Access

13:00 - Need for Long-Term Vaccine Studies

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] So I'm a little bit late today because I had to do I was doing a radio interview about RFK. So, you know, one of the things I want to make sure that we kind of get out is there's been a lot of lies, not what RFK is coming out doing. And it's kind of funny because the it's the same lie and wonder if people get really mad at the other people who get really, really happy. The problem is, is that it's still a lie. RFK is not against vaccines. RFK is against the fact that we don't have research into the vaccines. His idea is that if we can get better research into vaccines, we can get better, safer vaccines. He's not trying to get rid of vaccines at all. He's trying to make them easier, better and more efficient. He still wants the vaccines. He just wants them to be cleaner and better and more efficient. So the idea that he's trying to get rid of them from either side, that they're like, I can't wait to RFK. It's easy to get rid of all the vaccines. Not what he's doing. Not his goal at all. The other way. I can't believe that RFK commit to get rid of all these vaccines again, not his plan. So the thing is, is that what he wants is the research. And so, you know, you certainly said well, I heard that they were very well researched. That's not actually the case. I think you go back and forth on this, and I have looked for so long to find the research on this other research guy. That's what I do. I wake up before I read research. That's where I got all this information over two years.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:27] So the thing is, is that there is no solid good information on vaccines. So the problem we're getting into is we're making decisions based off information that is not accurate. And the easiest way to show that we don't have this information is that RFK wrote a book called The Real Anthony Fauci, and he's written this about this in areas where he says in the book that our federal government, Fauci and a lot of the doctors are lying when they say that there's a lot of research that proves vaccines are safe and effective. He says the research isn't there. Now, if you call someone a liar in a book and you publish it, that's illegal. It's called libel. You get sued for it really easily. Look at CNN. CNN has been sued for things. It's on the air and they're getting sued left, right and center for lying about all sorts of people and slander and the whole deal. RFK could not have put that book out and not been sued if what he said wasn't true, because that's the other side. A lot of us have been looking for this research that these pediatricians and medical doctors have told us is out for a long time or at all vaccines. The medical stance on vaccines is that vaccines have never hurt anyone ever in any way, shape or form. They're magical. They're the only thing we know of that you can consume in any amount, any time in your life, and it won't hurt you at all. For instance, if you drink too much water, it will kill you.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:53] However, vaccines, you can take as many as you want to, whatever you want to, and it will not hurt you in any way, shape or form. So that's medical sex. That's legitimately either sex, as silly as that is. And you go and you go, Well, we there's tons of research. You show me the research is required that you find it yourself. No, but I've read it. If you've read it, where is it? And according to all these doctors have said, they've read the research and that they approve because of the research, that vaccines have never hurt anyone, ever. According to what happened with Fauci and and our. Okay, that's not accurate. Now, the other side of that, I like to point out, and this is one of those things that I think we're walking to dangerous area. I think that where there's a very good chance that we're about to lose a whole lot of pediatricians, most of the nutrition's that are out are breaking the law. The reason they're doing that is because they're breaking informed consent law and informed consent law. What ends up happening is that part of informed consent is just to give everybody all the information available. And if you don't, that's breaking the law. Now, here's the thing. They're getting all the information. It's not because there's not a lot of information. Now, the problem we get into is that you have to be able to meet people, make these decisions without fear of coercion or retaliation. If you then tell them, if you don't get vaccinated, I'm going to kick you out of practice and deny your children medical care. That's a violation of informed consent. Now, the reason that these doctors are kicking people out of the practice isn't because they're so in love with vaccines. It's because they're getting kickbacks from the government and from from the insurance companies.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:25] If they get 90% of their patient base vaccinated, so they're getting kickbacks to get people vaccinated and they're kicking them out of the practice if they don't get vaccinated, which is a violation of informed consent. Now, I think we should bring practice. So we want to, you know, if you want if you want to get everyone has to get vaccinated for you to be part of that practice. I'm cool with that. I think they should be able to do that. The problem is that the moment it's illegal and the problem is that if if we start getting research and some of these vaccines turn out to be not 100% perfect all the time for everybody. What I'm afraid of is that some of these attorneys are going to get a hold of information. We are recognizing violating informed consent laws. They're going to start suing these pediatricians and they're going to lose. Flat out. Now, here's the thing. This is the thing people are assume about medical malpractice insurance. If you break the law, medical malpractice over covers you. So if they find out that these doctors were breaking the law by by in fact, by violating informed consent rules, their medical malpractice will no longer cover them. And trust me, the insurance companies love to find reasons not to cover people, especially if lots of these doctors are getting sued. So one of the options is actually going to sell the practice that you shut down early. So I'm really worried that we will lose a lot of good medical care from a lot of good medical doctors, especially doctors who are really, really, really trying their hardest to help people. So I want everybody to remember as this information starts coming out and let's let's walk down this road. Let's say that vaccines are really bad. We get the research. We're like, my gosh, these are terrible. Your medical doctors, your nutritionists have done the very best they can to take care of me with the information they were given. They are not hiding information from you. They are not lying to you.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:04] The medical industry was lying to them. And then they just passed that that lie on. They were wrong. So as hard as it is for you guys, trust me, you guys, to come to terms with the fact that your medical doctor, your pediatrician, was somehow related to lying to you about vaccines. You need to understand. They are much more hurt by it than you are because they've been doing this for people for a long time. They took a lie and they propagated. So. But let's try as hard as we can to recognize that if information comes out that shows vaccines are really, really bad, let's try to say this is day zero. This is this is day zero, right? We got the information for bad. Let's move forward from here. Let's let's try to let people live the life they had will make that stuff go from the. So this is one of those big things we're going to have. You recognize that the medical doctors were not lying to you. They were lied to and they trusted the people that told them. The FDA, the CDC, the W.H.O., the NIH, the medical schools, who got all information from those groups. So you're going to have to let lucky individual docs. Yeah, I realize it's difficult, but people are people. They make mistakes. They trust the wrong people in this world. So that's one of the things my personal stance on vaccines is that. I don't want them back. I don't want to take anything away from anybody else. I'm a big cannabis and I love cannabis instead of opioids. Ted talk on it. Dan Patrick right now is trying to take away people's rights to have cannabis, forcing them back to opioids, forcing them back to alcohol. I think it's a terrible position to steal or take away people's rights, especially with medical freedom. I think my stance is that the government should have to be forced to provide a very, very clear and substantial threat to society to restrict anything. We should have more access to hormones, peptides, antibiotics, antifungals, you know, all those things.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:59] We should not have to go to the doctor and beg for birth control. We should not have to go and ask for antibiotics or antifungals. Really some things which, you know, even even like critical steroids. We should have access to those ourselves. We should only do that with ourselves. We should have more access to medications, not less. But we should be able to have the choice whether we want to do it, you know. And I think that all medications should be held to the same standard that I am held to with supplementation. I've been in the supplementation market for a long time. I helped design supplements. I made one that completely blocks hangovers. I've worked with large companies like Wright Life to develop supplements to supplement containers and supplement programs. You know, for a long time. And the funny thing is, is that even though we have research that shows that our bodies use lysine, the amino acid, lysine to fight viruses, I cannot legally come out on stage and say we're using lysine because lysine fights viruses. So if you want to fight viruses, you lysine. It's illegal for me to say that because we don't have a clinical double blind study that showed that using lysine to fight a cold or flu was functionally beneficial, even though we know for a fact it is me all the all the secondary and tertiary roundabout in research. We don't have one specifically on the lysine stuff. I'm holding my hand so it's illegal for me to come out and say that I would love to hold medicine to the same standard. Now you cannot say this treats or prevents or blocks a disease unless we have a global wide clinical longitudinal study that proves that be fantastic because a lot right now they're coming out there say all sorts of things about different medications and vaccines and things like that, but they don't have the research to back up.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:41] And from the natural side of human to say these things, you would get crushed. So, you know, that's my stance. Yeah. If you want to get vaccinated, great. If you want to send your kids there, your kids, you vaccinate. That's that's cool. You go do your thing. Don't force us to put things in our kids or in our bodies. We don't want it. So that's that's kind of where my stance is. The herd immunity argument is hilarious. That is. That's that's silly. But. And we can have if you want, But so that's kind of where where the three people stand. You know, RFK is, you know, pro-vaccine. He just wants better research so he can get better vaccines. That's that's his stance. He's like which is I don't understand at all. We're really coming from this are just like, you know our faced anti-vaccine are pro-vaccine. He's pro research he's pro information. And that's where his thing is. He's like, let's get more information and make better, healthier vaccines, which I'm not going to against either. You know, cowpox as a vaccine was great for smallpox. I mean, it wasn't technically a vaccine. It was injected people with with an actual live virus that gave them one problem, but it was the right amount of immune response to cover multiple pox and stuff. You know, maybe that's not the best example, but, you know, great. If we can find medications that don't have harm and cause great benefit, I'm always for it. I just don't think we should be able to force these things on people. And I think that we should get more research on stuff. So I guess we're our fans are slightly aligned with that one. So that's kind of where this whole thing is. The fact that I think it's hilarious that, you know, Senator Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders, you know, the top two people, Bernie Sanders got 1.5 million from Pharma and then Elizabeth Warren got like 800 grand.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:28] They're both out there being like, you know, Warren specifically was like, you have to promise that you won't do anything that makes it easier to sue vaccine companies and that you won't be part of anything related to suing vaccine for four years after you leave. And he was like, no, no, if the vaccine things have done wrong, they're going to get sued. And she's like, no, that's that's completely no, you can't do that. It was just it was hilarious. The election was back and forth. So, you know, it's all about, you know, trying to protect the vaccine. How exclusive with the FDA entire job is to protect us, protect pharmaceutical companies. That's a completely different discussion. So that's kind of we're all at it. So, you know, if you guys think that we have enough research on vaccines, that's you, That's cool. That's fine. I don't believe we do. I would like to know what do you want to see? Okay. I want to see each individual vaccine in a clinical doughboy instead of one single site, you're saying? Millions of people get, you know, a couple of thousand people in the placebo, which is no vaccine. And then the other side, which is the vaccine, we're stuck. So like we're setting up the vaccine. So give a thousand people to me vaccine and then take a thousand and don't give it to them and then see kind of where we are five, six, seven, ten years later, like, hey, the kids who got no vaccines. Where's the autism? Where's the where's the autoimmune disease rate? Where's the, you know, the gut issue? Where are they here. And then the other side got vaccine. Where are they? Once you kind of get that information out on all the vaccines, then we can start making decisions.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:00] So that's kind of where we are. And that's. Yeah. Yeah. So the comment was, Don't take my sugar daddies away. That's what Warren was saying. Yeah. Now, Warren and Sanders are paid to make sure that the status quo is maintained. So, yeah, you're the idea. Not taking away their sugar daddies is 100% the thing. That's what all politicians are set about. It's you know, who's paying them. And then whoever lobbies and with money gets their special interests met. This is a whole thing about money and politics. It's, you know, a lot of a lot of the silly stuff, like our acacias being like, hey, if we find the poison in our food, water and medicine and get rid of it. And people are like, hold up now. We don't need to we don't need to do this research. And you've changed what we're doing, you know, even if it's toxic to the children, we all let's just let's just keep things the way they are, which is, I think, absurd. But, you know, we all have we all kind of have our own opinions on that one, you know, But I as a libertarian, it's like, why don't you give already the information and let them make their own decisions? I think that's reasonable. Apparently, there's lot of people on both sides who don't agree. So there's less. So, Jamal, we're going to talk about some kind of some stuff that Patriots trying to limit your medical choice in Texas and force you back to opioid addiction and get away from cannabis for pain, which I think is a terrible option because, again, we're limiting our people's ability to choose. So we'll talk about that next week. But you send me questions, dropping the comments or questions@chalmerswellness.com. Thanks for your time.

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

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