Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Vaccine Religion

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Vaccine Religion

Vaccine discussions remain a highly censored and controversial topic, with many questioning the reliability of research and the influence of major medical institutions. The medical field often treats vaccines as unquestionable, despite concerns about long-term studies, informed consent, and financial incentives for pediatricians. Many parents seeking more information face intense backlash, highlighting the emotional and social pressures surrounding vaccine decisions.

Beyond science, the debate is deeply intertwined with politics, industry interests, and public perception. While some advocate for vaccine mandates and herd immunity, others push for medical freedom and the right to question mainstream narratives. The conversation continues to evolve as new research emerges, challenging deeply held beliefs about vaccine safety and effectiveness.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 - Introduction & Censorship

01:51 - Doctors & Research Gaps

03:20 - Vaccines as a 'Religion'

05:17 - Informed Consent & Coercion

06:47 - Political & Financial Influences

13:19 - Lack of Long-Term Studies

17:47 - Herd Immunity Debate

21:58 - Censorship & Medical Freedom

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] All right. So we're going to really test out this whole new Facebook. No, no fact checker thing today. We've got vaccine in the title, so usually this would get you back in no matter what. It's funny I do that, but it's not with a board certified pediatrician who has babies, Dr. Deborah Bang. And she has more letters behind her name. She has in her name. It's on Children's Walmart.com. Go to the blog and then going out to the ones with gas and see all and you got some more. So and that one was originally posted to YouTube. It was up for an entire four seconds before they kicked it off. We had to put it on Rumble because right now this is kind of a whole hearted, whole part of what's going on. You can't talk about vaccines. Anything you get in here and talk about anything, you know, bring them up to read about anything. It is highly censored. And there's a lot of people who and this is for a lot of you new moms, I get it. I hear from your moms every day about, well, you know, if we get more information about the vaccines and this and that and everybody's going to that, that's not going to happen. The more information we bring about vaccines are going to people who are in the deciding phase who will start to shift. And those are going be mostly your your moms, your new moms who are starting to do research and things like that. But there's not really a whole lot of people who are going to all we already cover. Which you have to understand the vaccines. It's less science than it is religion at this point.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:51] I want to give you guys an idea of what you're up against from someone who's been in this fight for a long time. Primarily, if you look at it, you know, like all the research comes out, guys, doctors don't read research. I know everyone thinks all the doctors are not. Like, there's so much research that I have to bring to the forefront of people and say, Hey, look, maybe you read this research that's been out for 20 years and they're like, What? No. So what you have to understand is that doctors are people to their entire day is completely full and they don't really make time to read, research and learn and things like that because they just doubt their system is not set up so that they can read, research and change what they're going to do versus a set of standard of care. This is how things come. And all that information is disseminated from the NIH to CDC and the FDA. This spread on medical schools and it's brought down from there. And some of that stuff skips the medical schools because it gives the pharmaceutical reps, the beautiful women with the large for us, the short skirts, those. And you're like, IRA, no legitimate way. That's like for a long time that was the qualifications. Now a lot of it is from school reps just if there are brilliant people, but that's kind of what we got going on. So what is happening is that it just goes the farm reps, the farmer reps kind of they tell the ratio the docs would prescribe how to describe what to do with it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:20] So you've got that function as well. So what we're going to end up seeing is that any research that comes out on vaccines is going to be bad versus where they are right now. So let's start off with where we are right now as far as vaccines go in the medical community. Vaccines are viewed as this is license, religion. They're viewed outside of science. They're viewed as perfect and immaculate. The idea that they have never hurt anyone ever in any way and they've only done miraculous good for society and the world as a whole. That is where we're starting with the medical industry. The notion that nobody needs to survive in this way. Hold on. No one's allergic to this. No one has a genetic issue that these are bad for these. We shouldn't do this. We can do this on anybody, no matter of dosage, no matter how they were born, no matter anybody. Everybody can take these the same hurt anyone ever. No one's asking those questions. So, like, that's just where we're starting to just understand. The other thing is, is that a lot of the doctors, a lot of pediatricians are their practices survive based off the kickbacks they get from insurance companies for keeping the patient population 90% vaccinated. So keep keep that peace of mind as well, that a lot of these doctors, their livelihood, their practice literally life because these are like six. Yeah. These are hundred or $300,000 checks. These guys are good. And then the other thing is, is that the vast majority of visits for pediatrician's offices are not for sick kids. They're for vaccine visits. That's the first two, three, four years of life. Then we start seeing all the ages of all this, of afterwards.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:17] But if you were to eliminate vaccines right now, a lot of pediatric pediatric offices were doing tests. So keep that in mind. So what you're fighting against isn't just science is keeping these pediatric pediatric offices open from fact as far as that goes. And this is going to be much more about ruffling feathers. A lot of the pediatricians are breaking the law in the way that they do it. So informed consent laws mandates that you have to give people all of the information ahead of time so they can make a decision, however, which they're not doing, which is not what I'm talking about. But then you can you can not force their hand in any way. You can't coerce them. You cannot bludgeon them into it. You can't you can't do anything to force their decision. Now, when you come out and you say if you don't get these vaccines, will withhold medical care from your child and we will not allow you to come back to the practice, That's coercion. It's blackmail. That's you know, so that is that is the part of this that is that I would consider illegal from the informed consent standpoint. Now, having said that. If you have a doctor who says vaccines are more important than your child's health, I would not want your doctor to get away. But that's your call. So we kind of have to understand is that there are people who this is this is such a big deal, no matter what science comes out and there is no science going to come out that's going to get through the science, because if it comes out, it goes mad. 99.9% of the time.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:47] These are perfect for this 1.1% of the time they're pretty bad. That is, as I said. So that is that point 1% is worse than what the belief is now that there are 100% perfect all the time everywhere. So you guys can take that next year and take that into account for whenever something comes out. And remember Trump's president right now. So any information that comes out that is negative against vaccines, it's not research, It's Trump doing it. And so whoever might. Well, yeah, that's just because Trump's against them. And, you know, that's why that's why this these lies came out. So that's the other piece. So this is very, very tribal. So you're going to get, you know, people who are like, we're going to do 100% for RFK. And now that Trump is president and Trump wanted RFK to come in and do everything RFK does. I mean, you are against RFK now Just because he's working under a Republican in RFK, by the way, is not a Republican. He is still a pretty solid Democrat. And there's Republicans who hate him because of that. So there's a lot of that going on as well. The the big thing that we're going to start to see is that as the research starts to come out, which we've already done a lot of the research, RFK is fantastic about the fact that he's been working on this for 20 years. There's two offices that I know of who have been charting their unvaccinated kids versus the vaccinated against. The research is already being done when it comes out. This may be pretty staggering. However, like I said, you're going to get a lot of this that people aren't just going to freak out about.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:25] So those of you who are in the South, those of you who are doing the research, those of you who are reading the research, those of you who follow along as the researchers coming out, you're like, see, I knew this. I knew that these things had bad side effects. And if you aren't reading the research, the doctors aren't reading it. Everybody else is reading. I like people. It's still funny to me. Like they were talking when he was they were talking about how the Covid vaccine is a life saving vaccine. This is what one of the senators said. People don't recognize that. Rand Paul questioning Fauci. Get like all the conspiracy theory that it was made in a lab. Rand Paul pulled the straight out of al Qaeda e-mails. He's like, you funded this. You paid for this. And factions like now, we didn't like straight up, like you say. I have the e-mails. This is. Hey, Dr. Fauci, thank you for the money, for the gain of function research. You know, from the inside from Wuhan virology lab. He's like, that's not what it seems like. It's black and white. So a lot of people still don't know what happened in the public eye and hold. You also as a surgeon full recognizes there's been a lot of people who are going to be hate for it. Now, I have got I have been working with moms. I've been working with stuff for a long time. And people really, really hate this stuff. One of the moms was asking her insurance change and she had chief executive officers in Frisco and she was like, Hey, I was going to natural choice, but they don't take my insurance now. Where else can I go where I don't have to vaccinate my kids and I will be vaccine freedom. And we were like, healthy kids.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:00] And, you know, and so I went back and we talked again. And it was kind of funny because you were hitting her up on the DMZ saying, like, I hope your kids die. You're a horrible, terrible person. You know, you're not fit to be a mom. Your choices are to kill my kids, you know, all that kind of stuff. So, you know, this is kind of where we're at. People are very, very, very angry. Just like look back at Covid, Right? That was a that was an experimental vaccine for a bioweapon that was created by our government. And people were just losing their mind like, you know, we should we should put everybody who's unvaccinated in a camp like widget or go back and look at this stuff, you know, see if you're going to get vaccinated. You're killing your grandma from Wichita, Kansas. And, you know, we're not going to deny you medical care. Hope you die because you didn't take the vaccine. It's not about the vaccine. It's about will you submit to the authority over you? And if you don't submit, your recognize authority is over. You submit to it and become part of the group. Then you're back. And that's really where a lot of this comes from as well. So you've got the doctors agreeing whose practices and financial security to survive off of these things. You've got a large group of people who, you know, the fast food companies, the FDA, all those guys are pushing really hard for these things just financially. They take a big, big piece of this as well. And then you've got people who it's become a religion and so they're into it no matter what. But you also have to recognize is a lot of people who go to the doctor side, the parent side, who recognized in the back of their head that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:47] If these things are dangerous at all. From the doctors side, they've been doing damage to kids the entire time they've been in practice and they can't let that go because that is going to destroy our whole world because they view themselves as a good person. And to be fair, they are good people. They did what they thought was the best thing for the kids at the time. Now, you know, we didn't have the research, so I don't if you can't you can't blame those people for being ardent and pushing as hard as they can for what they thought was best. What they were taught was best because doctors are taught in medical school that vaccines are the reason that we have society We have today. Without vaccines, we'd all be dead of the measles. We'd all be dead, you know, chicken pox and like all these things. And so, you know, you have to understand that what they're taught from the people they trust. The NIH, the CDC, the FDA, the medical schools, a directive from pharmaceutical function. They have to believe that because they don't believe that then everything they've they've been taught, they now have to take a step back and question. And so there's a whole lot of that function from from the medical side that they're not really willing to turn around look at. So I don't want anybody to suspect or think that if RFK gets in and all this research comes out that we're gonna have this miraculous change in the country, we have a much bigger fight because right now all those drugs are like, you know, we have all this research and it's all great and this and that and that's not accurate.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:19] So real quick on that, I'm trying to go about six months with information, about ten minutes on top of that. What we have to understand from a research function is there's a couple of things that we really want. And this is really we're just going into research. So the first thing is we want to figure out is who paid for the research. Because guess what? If you pay for the research, you own the research. If you own the research and it comes up with information you don't want disclosed, you can throw it away. That's what happened with all the research in the medical and then the tobacco stuff, the clinical different factor. So that's one. The other thing is, is that, you know, you have to look at how long was the study. So we're talk about longitudinal studies. We want to study that sort of human being for five or 10 or 15 years. So, for instance, one of the problems with the vaccine, the research on me was five years. So they injected. And the other things you want real quick is you want to got a lot of people. You want to know the thousands and thousands of people because we want to recognize this, that, you know, different food sources, you know, the health of the mother, the food source the mom was eating develops babies. So that's a major, major player in this as well. So you want as many people as you can. So as you said that this study was for five days and it was the only thing they were looking at was do the babies die? So they left them for five days. So it's like 150 years. You know, it was less than 200 people, 156 people they looked at for five days and they gave them the shot and they're like, they didn't die. She must be totally healthy. That'd be like saying what we gave somebody, you know, heroin for five days and they're not dead yet.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:54] So heroin must be to be safe to give to people. So that's generally the same type of argument. So you want a longitudinal study, which is a long period of time when a lot of people in the study you want to see a double blind study and you wanted to test one thing. So what you do is you say, here's a group, people who did not get the vaccine and here's a lot who were who did get the vaccine. Now, the other thing you want on that is you want to make these two groups, this even is possible. And so what you're looking at in that is, are they eating the same things or are they growing up in the same environment? You know, you know, from for as far as a food function concerns because as people are starting to learn again welcome to the to the site as you are starting to learn the things we eat have a massive effect on our health. So the food dyes, the seed oils that, you know, the nutrient density of the foods like the things that we're consuming. If you have genetic just issue genetic relationships. Yeah, these are all massively important. Your stress levels are massively important. So which you have to look at is, you know, these, these groups of people, how even are they? And they're not going to eat anything and be pretty close. And so those are the things we've got to look at when we're eating research. So it's there's there's more than just what's written on the page. So those are some of the things you've got to start trying to factor in.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:16:18] And we're not going to we're not going to get research out in the next six months that is completely one side or the other. But as it comes out, all the research is going to come out, is going to be pointing away from where the medical established view of vaccines is, because the medical cells, backs of vaccines, as if they're completely perfect in every way. They never hurt anybody ever, And they always make their own way. They only make good things happen. So if you're in a ten for perfection. Any research that comes out. Reality, even if it's a nine, is going to pull away from that. So remember, that's the thing that you guys are all going to start to see as this research comes out. So there's not going to be anything that upholds the standard that medical doctors are telling. And when they say, Well, I've read the research guys, there isn't a whole lot of good research on this. I say good research, not that that says vaccines are good or bad. Just as quality of research. There's no longitudinal studies with a lot of people in it. There are no placebo. We gave you know, we gave these guys the happy vaccine and they had no other vaccines. We wash them for, you know, 5 or 6 years like that, you're not going to see that. Those studies have never been done. So as a sole source coming out, recognize that people, the vast majority of people do not make decisions based on research because when they don't read it too, they can't understand it. And three, this is more of a religion as anything else. And so this is going to be a big, big fight.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:17:47] Hopefully we get to the point where it's like we get medical freedom and say, look, you know, we don't have to mandate these things. We're going to have a big, big fight on herd immunity. So, you know which my argument for herd immunity is, if vaccines really work with that, you tell us they work, that you get the vaccine, then you never have to worry about getting that disease. Then once you're vaccinated, you should be fine and you should go hang out with everybody who has heart disease and you shouldn't get it because you're immune. Right. That's the reason this is a vaccine picking you to things. So, you know, that's kind of where we're at. The. As the research comes out, it's going to be very, very interesting is where we're going. But just recognize if your guys are new parents, you guys have actually parents. This is an extremely if you haven't gotten into this yet, you're just getting into it. This is extremely heated. People people want you to die legitimately want you and your kids to die for will deaths if you don't vaccinate because. That's their stance. They need you on their side. And again, the Covid vaccine thing is the greatest example of where this gets. You know, even after all of the damage, all of the problems, all of the known issues with the Covid vaccine. A lot of doctors are still telling our patients that it's the very best thing to do. You should definitely go vaccine because it's going to help save your life.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:19:10] Like I've heard this from doctors still to this day. Doctors are saying and I'm talking patients and they're like, it was funny because, you know, patients are coming to me. Like my doctor told me that I got a vaccine. I said, all right, thanks. Only thing about it is like, now I leave my doctor because he still thinks I should get them. He's crazy. But again, it's not the research. It's not the science. It's the religion of vaccines. Labeling everything as long as available vaccine causing me good health. So. As this thing heats up, as this thing gets a little bit crazy. What I want you guys to think about doing is, yeah, look at what people are saying and be like, which side do they want to be on? Because like, you know, people are like, they hear that, you know, I'm in favor of the vaccine idea. And then like, how can you be in favor of the vaccine idea? Guys? The vaccine idea is that we take a shot or no, we never have to worry about that disease process again. If that was a real thing, I would 100% be on board with it. The fact that we can't do it yet is a problem. So I believe one day we probably can. It's not for me tomorrow or the next day, but the idea is fantastic. The fact that, you know, you can understand the idea is great, the dream is great, but just because we're not ready for it now doesn't mean the dream is great. So that's where our faces on it, that's kind of where I am on it, is that if we can ever figure out how to do it safely, it would be a great thing. But we're not there yet. So, you know, that's kind of where a lot of this is.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:20:38] I wanted to do this without doing it, being real technical, in fact, because you guys know that where where the vaccine finally is, because a lot of it we're just getting into it and they're getting just massive, massive harassment, Horrible, horrible, terrible things are being said to them. And they're taking it back by like, I'm just asking questions. I just I'm sure you get more information, You know, for my kids health, I'm asking these questions of people tell me I should die. Yeah, it's because it's religion. It's not it's not a science to a lot of people. So. That's where this is. So people are media. People are wishing death on you, your kids to come out and keep looking for the information. The information is out there. If you are chicken podcasts I did with Kristi Potter, Dr. Potter or Dr. Bay charge on WSJ.com and then go to blogs and then go into the top ten roles that you should see and said, See all you guys, you down and see this podcast. Do not look on Google. Do not look on YouTube for any information about these. Google and YouTube will ban you for discussing this or bringing this up. The censorship medical censorship on YouTube is still the Google is still extremely strong. Yeah, my Google, my Google listing for my practice got taken off because I had said too many things on YouTube the CDC disagrees with.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:21:58] So Google will try to shut you down as far as your practice, as far as your reach, as far as your speech, as long as you say anything that the CDC doesn't 100% back up. So again, on process, when I talk about medical institutions, medical establishment, I'm talking about the FDA, the CDC, the niche and pharmaceutical companies. I'm not talking about the doctors, doctors, medical doctors are, for the most part, phenomenal beings who are doing the very best they can with what they were taught to help you and your kids. So keep that all in mind. But you guys have to do your own research, You guys, you have to. Not the trolls who are trying to force you into their way of thinking. So you guys, any of the questions that driving the common sense of questions that Jonathan and we'll try to help you guys out if you're in the personal area and video stuff, we've got a couple different docs that are pretty vaccine friendly. You can do the vaccines or you can choose not to If you guys are in the first area and you know of other docs, the Egyptians who are friendly to the idea of not doing vaccines, make sure you drop this in the comments.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:23:02] I don't know every pediatrician area. I have a lot of people coming up here and like, look, we want to do a couple of the vaccines. We don't want to do all of them, but we got kicked out of a medical practice because we wouldn't do all the vaccines on schedule like we wanted extended schedule. Like is there is there anyone you know who can help us out? A lot of these pediatric offices who are allowing vaccine freedom are showing up really quickly. So if you guys know of any in the North, Plano, Frisco area, make sure you drop those names in the comments because we need to make sure that we get those guys out. This isn't just about anti-vaccine or pro-vaccine. This is about medical freedom and medical choice. So you guys know those people. Please drop in the comments and we'll make sure that I get within all that email that I'll start talking about them. So anyway, if there's any questions, drop in the comments or questions@chalmerswellness.com. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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