Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Top 3 Things to Stay Healthy

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Top 3 Things to Stay Healthy

Staying healthy comes down to a few simple habits: keeping your body moving, staying hydrated, and getting regular chiropractic care. Making sure your joints are aligned helps with flexibility and prevents stiffness, while activities like walking, yoga, or even dancing keep you active without feeling like a workout. Movement isn’t just good for your body it also helps your brain stay sharp and functioning properly.

Drinking enough water is just as important since it helps flush out toxins and keeps everything running smoothly. A lot of common aches and pains come from sitting too much and not moving enough, so small changes like stretching, standing more often, or adjusting your posture can make a big difference in how you feel long-term.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:05 – The Importance of Chiropractic Adjustments

01:36 – Movement is Key to Longevity

03:21 – Hydration for Detoxification and Health

06:07 – Health is an Active Process

07:30 – Full-Range Motion and Long-Term Mobility

08:55 – The Impact of Physical Health on Quality of Life

10:20 – Movement and Mental Health

11:36 – Final Recommendations

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:05] So probably the number one thing for long term functional movement health you can do is you can get adjusted regularly. So go find a Chiro and security adjusted on a somewhat regular basis that that how much do you adjust is going to depend upon where you start, how long you've had problems, what type of activities you're doing or not doing. So I can't tell you how often you do. You just it you just it's really important. So the reason that this kind of gets into it is goes back to its old neuroplasticity. So neuroplasticity is the body's ability to learn and relearn things and then make those things carry those things through for long periods of time. So things of happening as if you're supposed to be able to move this much and then you don't move this much in c limb of this much. Your body literally starts learning. This is how much it can move. And so what is happening is we have, you know, not enough movement to some joints and extra movement to other joints. And so the joints start moving in ways they're not designed to. And so what ends up happening is that you start having loss of range of motion and you start having, you know, popping, clicking, grinding. We start having, you know, stiffness and tension in the musculature. Doesn't your supposed to go? So if you've watched people decline over time, you know, a lot of us who are hunched over and they're, you know, lurk, they're kind of limping around with canes and stuff because they have not they've lost so much of their natural range of motion and natural muscle function that they no longer can move around normally.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:36] And you see this really easily with people who are in their 40s, who are peers all the time, is they're all hunched for their role for like this. They have shoulder problems, neck problems, jaw problem, sinus issues. So getting those joints opened and moving is really, really important. The next thing that I would tell people to do is get out and start moving. Yoga is a great thing. We just had. We just had yoga or having come on a podcast to check that out. Chandler follows Starcom in the blog section. We talked about movements like that and how hypercritical it is to long term health and function. So definitely, definitely get out and start moving, you know, and then stay hydrated is probably the third one is just getting off fluids and flushing out. So those are your three big things that people are just aren't really doing enough of. I see people every day. They come in there. I don't know why my back hurts and I won't. Do you sit for eight hours a day for a year? Like, yeah, I well, that's part of the reason of, you know, in a sit stand desk, you know, move around more. They never touch your toes. We'll have people come in. We're going to justice and their joints will actually move properly again. And then I'll have, you know, hey, every hour or so, just. They never touched your toes ten times. You've been backwards. You know, keep your head back, move your monitors up so that you're sitting more like this. The position that your body is held in all day long is critical to your long term health. Moving and going out and doing the things you know, you don't have to go to the gym or lift weights. That's not your thing. Go dance, you know, walk around the neighborhoods, you know, reset your judgment treadmill for a little bit, you know, do some yoga, do some, you know, do whatever if you like to lift, lift.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:21] But, you know, if you're going to lift full range motion function. So these are the things we keep talking about them over and over a lot of times, especially if you're lifting if you're doing these things that are sitting on your side, you're going to need to get adjusted. You're going to get those joints, You lose normal range of motion and they're going to have to be reset Once the joint gets reset as the carbohydrate piece, once the joint gets reset, there's the receptors between the joints, the muscle fibers and your to or as you start relaying information back up to Brett, your brain is constantly being built and rebuilt by the inputs that we put into it from our surroundings. So if you don't move enough, the little part of your brain that that goes through that organ, that body part, that whatever is going to start losing information as it starts losing information, the part of the brain that was reserved for that thing, that real estate search being spread out for other things. So you really do start losing functional movement and coordination and stuff like that. So maintain this motion. You know, like I said, a lot of times you've got to get adjusted to put the joints back. Virtual space is the motion you're doing is sending the proper information to your breath. So the when you are right, you should move 100% your shot, but you should also make sure that the information from that movement is going to your brain properly and that's going to be chiropractic in order so you can adjust. It's really important for long term health.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:49] And then obviously the hydration piece is really, really important as well because your body uses water like a dump truck. And so what ends up happening is that all the metabolic waste of lactic acid, all the trash, your breathing and all the processed food junk you're eating, right? Yes. You really that somehow. And so one of the ways does is it drops in the water. Then you put water out, you sweat the water out. And that really kind of helps get the stuff out. The other thing does is that a lot of things right will hold water. And the reason it holds water is because there's too much waste chemicals or too much acidity. There's too much things like that. So ends up happening is that your videos look were too salty. And so the way that we can make it less salty is by adding more water. So you start increasing the amount of water you write it holds. And so the the acidity, the saltiness that is around the tissues isn't as concentrated, not as salty. So that's why that's why your body is holding water. So you'll drink a lot of water, allowing your body to then off put these chemicals so they can flush the mouth. You're going to be a whole lot better. So just those three things are going to help you tremendously. You know, there's a whole list that I usually go into D three and all the solvents you can take and stuff like that. But if you're just, you know, doing those three things to start, that's going to help tremendously.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:07] Now you try to do things like what we should talk about not being processed foods, we should talk about D-3, we should talk about methylated B vitamins, and we should talk about a mac, three fatty acids. And that's all great. Yeah. The problem with health is that it is an active function is not something you can acquire. You know, I think one of the greatest things I've heard about, you know, body and performance and things like that is that you can't own it. You can rent it and rent is due every day. You know, you've got to you've got to do something to push yourself in the right direction every single day or else you're not going to have. You know, I think that if a lot I think people spend a lot more time in nursing homes, just go visit once they go see how the 17 year olds are dealing with their music, how they feel that, you know, all the meds. There are all those things. Take a look at that. See kind of where that is, right? Is that where I work for me, you know, because. A lot of people who aren't nursing homes are 60, 70 and 80. We're doing great. But usually what you'll find is that those people spend a lot of time moving those people. You know, we're not taking a lot of that. They were. You know, usually you're going to see that they're taking care of themselves so much their better degree. But the moving piece is really, really important. They're not a little bit full range of motion. If your body can move 99 degrees, you need to exercise in 99 degrees of motion. There's a whole fat like, you know, get your knee up real high.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:30] People talk about squats all the time, like you need to go to parallel. They don't you know, the ask to grasp function is much, much, much, much better function. How much can we make those knees move? How much is the hips? It is whatever action, whatever range of motion you don't exercise in, you don't get to keep. That's part of this neuroplasticity, which is again why getting adjusted. So it works because all of a sudden you're like, well, I can move my shoulder 70% of the range of motion, which I'm sure is fine. Let's say you end up with frozen shoulder. That's how you end up with, now I can't do this or I'm really weak or actually helps out of the out of the habit. And when you're 35 or 40, it's no big deal. When you're 50, 60, 70, it becomes a bigger and bigger and bigger problem. So make sure that you're doing your moving, which you're moving a full range of motion. One of the reasons I like doing it so much is because it's. Can you feel the stretch now? Can you move a little bit more? I can't. Great. Move a little bit more. Feel the stretch. Get really, really open. Lots of movement. The more movement you get into the joint, the more movement you get to keep out of the joints. I'm actually saying this, that you have this good pounding in your breath. So a lot of health is how much do I care about where I'm going to be long term? The thing that drives me nuts, the thing that pushes me forward, is I keep seeing people whose kids are 25 or 30 and they can't go and hang out with them, can't do stuff with them.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:55] Like, you know, well, I'm old, so I can't, you know, I can't climb the steps of my computer, you know. You know, it was a long walk. It was like two miles. And it was, you know, it's kind of uphill. We're in Italy, and that was just too much like, Are you kidding me? You've got to the point where you can't do that. And there's 35 four year olds here who are like, my gosh, it's crazy. If you're not doing something right now to actively push back and sit, that's how you're going to be when you're 40. I'm sorry for yourself. This is how it's going to be. You've got to you've got to work on these things on a regular basis. So, you know, there's a lot of things that we can do with the top three things are going to be make sure your body is able to move the way it's supposed to, which is that's the chiropractic piece. Then go out and make it move, which is the geography and then the, you know, flush out the waste, like getting good clean water that doesn't have fluoride. So hopefully where you get that some but you know, good clean stuff. Those are your top three things because if you're if you'll just start looking up, you'll start looking up how important it is for the brain, for the body to move. It's radically super duper important because all the all the motion, everything that you do with your body goes up, your spinal cord goes your cerebellum, which is the cerebellum, and back out as the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe. That's your thinking since out of it as the frontal lobes are far off and doing what it does, it suppresses the temporal lobe, which is fear has the amygdala, which is fear, hate, anger, terror, all that fun stuff.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:20] So that just like that. It's going to help with mood and attention, you know, it'll help with your keeping as you're sort of moving your body, your lymphatics. If somebody starts actually moving around, flushing out. So you get all that waste that likes gas and all that nasty, that have dead viruses and parasites and stuff like that actually starts moving and search flowing out. And then as you start sweating, it will start coming out of your sweat. It's living around you, rising, filtered out your kidneys, your liver, so that your blood less and you can expel it through fecal matter and through Europe. So moving is super hyper critical to long term health, but not just long term. How do you live longer? The big thrust of this is that your quality of life is going to actually higher if you'll do these things. So there's a lot of other things as well, but these are the easiest three things to start to do. So cut back on your coffee or your sodas, all that are increasing our water you're consuming. You guys work with all my stuff in it, and you or me are where we're saying it works and salts where it tastes. Definitely great. Knock it out. Lemon juice. Fantastic. Do those things, but get the water and get moving and make sure the joints moving like they're supposed to. So getting adjusted to it, a big part of that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:36] So, yeah, there's a lot of times, by the way, that low back issues and the issues are both because the policies that allow lots and lots of times a lot of people can actually female athletes, they'll reset their pelvis and they get to walk around and I got my knees don't hurt anymore. My back feels better. Yeah. When we reset the base, we. Hit your core, reset the pelvis and everything around it is tied into it. It's reset. So the problem is, is that before we present it, all, the movement they were doing was damaging our hips, the lower back and the knees. So, you know, that's the fact. So go finally. Chiro get adjusted. Even if you don't hurt, you know, put back together on a regular basis and then get out, move and drink water. So those are those are probably the top three things I would say to start really focusing on if you really, really want to start getting healthier, there's a whole bunch of other things that you should be doing. Let's start with those three and that'll help out. So thanks for your time. I guess, any questions dropping in the comments or questions?

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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