This video explores the link between internal health and healthy skin. It explains how diet, digestion, and liver health affect conditions like acne, wrinkles, and pigmentation. The focus is on improving skin health from the inside out by eating natural foods and avoiding harmful substances in both diet and skincare products. Methods like coffee enemas are mentioned for their potential to help detoxify the liver and improve skin.
The video also offers practical advice on reducing inflammation and water retention for better skin. By cutting out processed foods, sugars, and seed oils, noticeable improvements in skin clarity and overall health can be achieved. It encourages a holistic approach to skincare, suggesting that focusing on internal health can lead to longer-lasting and more effective results than just using external treatments.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:04 - Introduction to Skin Health
00:30 - Internal Health and Skin
01:22 - Impact of Topical Applications
02:58 - Coffee Enemas and Liver Health
04:08 - Diet and Skin Health
07:21 - Water Retention and Inflammation
09:16 - Importance of Natural Foods
11:48 - Final Recommendations
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So, we're going to talk a little bit about skin health today. I talk to people all the time, mostly women, about what the best lotion is. The best suffer wrinkles are, you know, skin pigmentation, you know, aging, things like that. We talk about Botox for the holidays. Go. The the number one way that you make any organ in your body healthier is from the inside out. One of the things you have to understand is that what you put in your mouth doesn't go in your body. Technically, what goes technically goes in your body. The way we look at this is that once it gets in, your mouth starts, the digestion process goes through. As it cleans it, digestive enzymes digest it, then you start to absorb it. The absorption is really where the functional pieces. So sometimes that you consume eat, don't get absorbed in soluble fiber. And so they don't really count as what's going on in the body. But they can help decrease all sorts of issues, like as they start moving fecal matter and stuff out, decreasing toxicity and decreasing, absorption of that stuff. So. Primary thing. What goes in your mouth doesn't necessarily go in your body. What goes on your skin also doesn't necessarily go in your body. A lot of it does, though.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:22] So if you put something on your skin, just assume that it's going in your skin. So all your makeup in here, if you're writing on your hands with whoever ink you're using, the stuff that you get, like, on your hands, on your skin. I got a great example. If I write in your skin, it's all brownish, you know, yellow, and then it absorbs in, and then you have iodine. Oils are the same thing. We use Progestin Plus and things like that to help balance progesterone. Estrogen levels with the oil on your skin is absorbed through goes out. So keep that in mind is a lot of makeup as you guys are using have chemicals on that are not fantastic. But you know, I'm not gonna tell you guys are using your makeup, so that would just be silly. If you're trying to address the skin now and make it healthier. So we're looking at acne. We're looking at, fine lines, wrinkles, that leathery feel, the moisture content of it. The healthy glow, the blood flow, all of that stuff is best controlled from the inside out. Now, when we talk about coffee enemas a lot for this, for the very specific reason that. We were looking for an osmosis queen. So basically, what's going on? We reduce. All right, let me talk about osmolality real fast. So you have a give us eight ounce glass of water. You put five tablespoons of salt into it. You taste it. You go, oh my gosh, that's eight ounces of water is really really salty. Of these five tablespoons of that, if you take that eight ounce glass make it five gallons. But you don't change the amount of salt that's in it. It's taste a lot less salty because the amount of salt per, you know, the PPM, the per million is much less.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:58] Yeah. So what we're trying to do is we're trying to remove the saltiness or the waste from the entire body. So we do a coffee enema. It helps clean out the liver. And when we say clear, deliver what its meaning is, is of breaking up some of these congested bile salts and talking about it, too, it's helping to feed the body to, you know, kill parasites, which are causing all sorts of different metabolic issues, to give nutrients to the liver so that can help, break down chemicals faster. It can help move the chemicals that's already broken down, the waste products out. So buying pull out. So basically, we're just feeding the liver so that it can do its job at a much higher rate. Okay. Now, the job of the liver is to clean the blood in the left. It's to take out all that salt or that waste out of the blood in the left. So what we want is we want to. So your blood in your lymph have this much waste in them, and your liver has as much waste in your liver. So I'm gonna pull anything out of here because they're equal. If we can decrease the amount of stuff that's in the liver, the liver can now take out the stuff that's in the blood. And so as we do that, the blood gets cleaner and the lymph gets cleaner. Here's what happens.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:08] So you clean the liver, it can pull the waste at the liver out of the blood and out of left the blood in the limps job isn't to go around the entire body and pick up all the waste, all that extra chemicals. The reactive action of stress, like all the cigaret doesn't want it, absorbs it through that you auscultation higher, higher pressure gradient lower. So the bad stuff flows over here until they're even again. So the blood in the lymph can pull all that stuff out of your gut. You know. You know, I see a lot of issues with inflammation, the ovaries and uterus. Cleaning the liver helps pull the information out there. But the big thing is, is it goes through all of your systems, including your skin. Your skin is a giant organ, and it starts cleaning that as I've pulling the waste out. So decreasing the inflammatory chemicals that cause the pores to clog up, that causes the acne to happen. As we start cleaning those things out, we start seeing clearer and clearer and clearer skin. So as far as clear skin goes, you can boil this down. The same thing I always talk about is, you know, good chemicals and pulls out. So, you know, if we're getting the waste out, we're getting the good chemicals in. You're gonna be a lot better. One of the big things that we see with skin health is directly 100% related to diet. The amount that we get in here who have acne and rosacea and dry skin is flaky. It's place. It hurts psoriasis, eczema, all that kind of stuff and want to change their diet. So we take out the things that are sensitive to we take out the things that are, inflammatory on the, on the surface, and we move them over to something that is a healthier body, functional, a better, we see tremendous change. It's funny, just just eliminating sugar, like, we just say, okay, I'm just going to eliminate sugar, carbohydrates.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:49] We're just gonna limit sugar, right? We've seen giant changes in rosacea, flakiness, acne, all sorts of stuff. We had, I had a patient come in their diet, and I changed her diet to a low glycemic diet, and, yeah, she lost some weight. She was feeling better. I mean, she was just like, look at my skin. It was just amazing. She had acne. It was. It was. It was. Her skin was kind of oily and dirty. Not like a healthy shine. Like I've got just the right amount of moisture. It was like extra oily. It was kind of not goopy, but it was just the skin. Just like really, really, really unhealthy. And then just by eliminating the sugars and the processed foods that she was eating within like a month or so completely clear, like went from bad acne to nothing. And it was really kind of interesting because her face also like it was funny because her face got smaller because as the inflammation went away that that water was able to leave. And so when we talk about that water retention stuff, what ends up happening is again, the body starts giving all that waste and it goes, ooh, I don't like this waste. It's too it's too spicy, it's too salty. So it holds water to separate the saltiness from the, the, the crystalline structure matrix. And so we get this puffiness right. That puffiness is to protect you. So as we flush out those chemicals that are causing the puffiness the body goes, oh I don't need this extra water. And it dumps it. And so the skin gets tighter. And so that's when we do detoxes like that.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:21] And we're flushing this stuff out and people are like, I lost 5 pounds in a week. It was amazing. I didn't even change my diet. That's what we're talking about. That water weight is is it flushes that out. Your your your tissues become more, they get closer back to where they want to be as far as a chemistry set, the balance gets a little better. So that's when some of the big, big stuff that we that we're seeing with skin. So it's not so much what you guys are putting on it, but it's what you guys are eating. Again, and I know you guys are tired of hearing this, but the more chemicals we pull all over our diet, the more natural our food gets. Yeah, the single ingredient stuff. Right. So you're pretty good. Chicken. Chicken. If you're going to eat steak, eat steak. Those are one ingredient foods. If we look at. Yeah, like the Beyond Meat stuff has 75 toxic chemicals in it. Just because we're trying to be vegan because plant based is better right now. Wildly toxic. So if we can clean our foods up and get, you know, pull out as many the pesticides as we can, you're not going to get them all out. You know, even organic stuff has some organic pesticides on it. Now, if you can get if you can find a farmer's market or you can find the farmer, that's the best way to go. So I always talk about how I get my meat, from the Wagyu guys, and I could, I haven't I've seen the pictures. If I wanted to go to the farm and look at the cows and see how they're fed and treated, I could, but the thing is, I know from, you know, working with the people, you know, what? They're getting fed where they're grazing, you know, the whole thing. So I know my food is that food is especially clean. So if you've got farmers markets around you and stuff like that, that's a great way to go. There's a lot of confusion about, you know, what you can and can't eat. And the problem is the reason there's confusion on that is because it's different for every person.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:16] Like there's, you know, look at peanut allergies. Like those guys can eat peanuts. I think that's, you know, they're great, but if somebody else sees them, they can die. So if you have, you know, food sensitivities to specific things, that's going to be another issue that's going to make it not healthy for you. I've seen lots and lots of stuff I do. I did a real about the apples thing, which people are just losing their mind over. So real quick on that genetically modified stuff is bad across the board. Don't get genetically modified stuff. Everything is going to have you sprayed with chemicals unless you can find like a small farmers market and get stuff that you know is clean or clean or, so the best thing you can do is consume the foods, have a good time, but increase your your body's ability to detoxify. So methylated B vitamins. And I see, you know, coffee enemas, you know, that type of thing. Sweat sweating is fantastic. Gets a lot of that waste out. But if we're focusing more on what our skin is going to look like, we want to focus on what we're doing on the inside of the body. So again, strip out as much of the fake stuff as you can. All the seed oils are going to be a good thing to pull out. So you want that the reason cereals are bad is because the omega three omega six function. So the more mega threes we have, the better the body processes. The more omega sixes we have, the worse the process is. There's a there's a limit on omega sixes. We do need some, but we're getting about a thousand times more than we need. And that's causing, chemical imbalance. That's causing some problems. So, that's where a lot of that goes. Plus a lot of those, those seed oils and stuff are.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:52] They're hydrogenated and they're they're really, really messed with. So be a little bit careful with that stuff. But the more we, the more like I said, we clean the inside, the better. You're going to be the fastest, easiest, cheapest ways with coffee. Most. It's the only process I know where you get the best, the fastest and the cheapest all in one pack. Usually you get to pick two of those three things. So. You know, we've had tons and tons of people who've started doing coffee enemas, and their skin clears up and their energy comes up and they feel better just because the body is able to clean that liver a little bit and the liver's been able to decrease all the waste that's in the blood, in the lymph, the blood melanctha decrease everything else. So when we talk about like, for instance, inflammation in the gut, there's only one way to pull the inflammation of the gut. Well, so the best way to pull the information out of God is to clean the liver, have the liver use the blood in the lymph to clean the information about the gut. The other thing is to quit eating things that are possible.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:48] Like I always tell people, you know, before we start doing detoxes, stop poisoning yourself. You know. So if you're eating a bunch of seed oil stuff that if you're eating, if you have a bunch of heavy metal, like silver mercury fillings in your mouth, we can bind and pull out heavy metals, but you're constantly adding the heavy metal problem to yourself, so get those things out. Quit consuming the heavy metals and then the detox works a lot better. So if you guys are looking for skin, look inside. You know, the the amount of money a lot of women are spending on face creams and skin care creams, it's it's been half that on the inside of their body. They would feel better, look better. You know, they have less puffiness. Their skin look ten times better. And we're looking for a long term solution. The best long term solution is fix it from the inside out. You know, the whole chiropractic philosophy that, you know, people hate so much as they observe down inside out. So everything comes from, you know, God and from physiology, the way everything's built. And if we look at fixing the inside out, it's a lot easier and a lot better path. So that's that, that standard chiropractic philosophy that, you know, society hates so much is really, really, really the basis for how all this stuff works. So clean yourself up, your going to get better and you'll feel better. Thanks for your time.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.