Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Questions@chalmerswellness.com

In this episode, the discussion centers on common questions about favorite supplements and pre-workout routines, with a focus on the importance of sourcing supplements directly from trusted suppliers to avoid counterfeit products. The speaker shares insights on why they white label the products they use, ensuring they meet high standards for both personal use and patient care.

The episode also explores a personalized approach to nutrition, including a supplement regimen that compensates for the lack of organ meat consumption. The benefits of specific amino acids like leucine for muscle growth and recovery are highlighted, along with the importance of proper supplementation during fasting. Additionally, the impact of nutrients on the body’s chemical processes is discussed, and listeners are encouraged to consider how their purchases can support a charity benefiting veterans and first responders.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:40 - Favorite Supplements and Store Products

01:41 - Counterfeit Supplements on Amazon

03:20 - Pre-Workout Routine

05:16 - Nutritional Needs and Supplementation

08:08 - Meal Replacement Shake Recommendation

09:50 - Whey Protein vs. Specific Amino Acids

11:07 - Fasting and Collagen Supplementation

13:08 - Supporting Charity Through Store Purchases

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] Late today, my, normal podcast computer won't even turn on. I did a podcast just for you, and I have no idea what's going on now, but, the cameras are dead, and it won't turn on, so. Yeah. Anyway, so questions from questions. And Tom was almost like, actually a question I get quite often people ask me, you know, what's my favorite protein or what's my favorite, you know, pre-workout or that type of thing? All the stuff that I take is on the store, the pillars of the store. The reason. So what I do with that stuff is it all comes from if you guys order stuff from the store and you order ten things and you get three one day, and for the next and two the next day of life, the reason is because they use different manufacturers. What I do is I go and I find the best stuff I can find the stuff I want to take, the stuff I need to use for my patients, and then I white label it. The reason I do that is because, a while back, we started having issues with, with patients bringing stuff in and, we were working here at the time a lot. And this was back when Doctor Marshall's life and, we were they come in and they were having issues. They'd be like, this smells funny. Which smell? Or something like that does not weird. And they be like, it makes me nauseous. The that I'm like, that's weird. And I'm like, did you? Because they didn't hear from us because, like, did you guys get this from here? Oh, no. No, I got it from Amazon. And I was like, all right, well, that's okay. So, and I was like, why did you get from Amazon? They're like, well, it's easier to order online. It's a little bit cheaper on Amazon. I was like, all right, cool. So I kind of control and like, you know, hey, the stuff you guys are selling on Amazon. And they were like, we don't sell on Amazon.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:41] And I was like, what are you talking about? Like, they're like people that are counterfeit again. And which made sense because it didn't smell right. The Bibles looked a little different because piano doesn't use black bottles. They use violet bottles, which is like a purple color. And so it was kind of weird. And so I was like, well, where's all the stuff come from? Like, it's counterfeit? We don't know. And so there are other products that I like as well, you know, that people are, you know, getting stuff and people are a lot better on Amazon. And so we, we heard of white labeling such as like, look, if it doesn't come from my office or from my website, my website, and it's not real. And so that's one of the reasons that we did it, which is just make sure that, you know, all the stuff that has my name on it. If it doesn't come from my website or my office, then it's not real. So that's the way we do it. So like, all the, like the pre-workout that I take now, I will take more than you guys probably need to. I'm a little bit bigger. And, you know, I'm also okay with, you know, if I need a scoop and a half, I'll still take two scoops. You're like, well, that's a little wasteful. Yeah, but it's not that big of a deal, right? Because it's like extra arginine from the cardio flow isn't going to be a problem for me. So I take a little bit extra. But so for instance, a pre-workout that I take is the cardio flow. The average person needs one scoop, and that means that the container last for about a month. I take care, now the energy, the pre-workout, I take the energy, I take one heaping spoonful. I don't take any more than that, because sometimes that one heaping teaspoon is enough to get me a flush.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:20] Give me that nice and flush. And while I like to kind of feel a tingle, I don't like to be red and splotchy and that type of thing. So I only take one. Like I said, it's not level. I can eat as much as I can get on the spoon, but you know, I only take one of those and then I'll take the equivalent of about four capsules with collagen. And my pre-workout, I take that 30 minutes for I go to the, before I go home and work out. So it's the energy and the cardio flow, and the collagen. And then as soon as I get done, I take the tag, because that's, I take the tag. Bcaa. Can take two scoops. The average person needs one. I take two scoops, right? Since I get them working out. And then I take that with most problems. Right. Forgot about. So I take a whole bunch of supplements, right? I forget about, and that because I was talking about the reason that, you know, when you're asleep is when you're healing, when you're regenerating. And so taking things right before you go to bed, is a solid idea is to make sure you have, throughout the night. So, you got to be a little bit careful about some of you taking your sleep, but as part of that, you're good. So that's the pre-workout. That's the way I do mine. I take a lot of stuff, like I can I get my lunch stuff, I grab my lunch stuff. So this is this is basically what I take three times a day. Because, again, my body requires a giant amount of nutrients, like, we've talked about this all the time of detoxification, things like that. The way you look at the body is the body's a big chemical engine, and your individual organs are a concentration of, you know, we do specific chemistry in the liver. We do specific chemistry in the heart.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:16] We do specific chemistry in the brain. So those organs hold a lot of specific nutrients, which is why typically eating those organs is beneficial. And I was told to like eating liver, like clean, good organic beef liver is good for it. You should do it. Organ eating organs are great. The reason I don't talk about how delicious organ meats are and how much I enjoy eating, is because I think they're gross and I don't eat them. So I still need those chemicals to get everything to work. So remember, chemical engine or a chemical engine does is it uses things called reagents. We also call those nutrients those reagents mixed together to make new stuff. Or they we take reagents to break apart this thing over here. And so when your body runs out of the chemistry it needs, when it runs out of nutrients, it can't perform the chemistry anymore. When it can't perform the chemistry anymore, you don't get that thing that it's trying to do. So it's trying to detoxify the body and you run out of methylated B vitamins. You run out of, you know, nothing. You run out of NAD whatever it is, you run out of some chemicals or you run too low on them. Your body can now no longer do that chemistry. And that's when we have dysfunction. So I want to make sure that I have all the nutrients. Remember when you if you're eating, you're getting some nutrients along with your macros. So a lot of people focus really heavily on, you know, oh, I got this many carbs and this much fat and this much protein or what I ate last week. Yeah, we all. We got cooking ten.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:40] You got supposed to be eating steak. Yeah, you got creatine. You got like a lot of other, like tons and tons and tons of other things that are really, really important for what you're trying to get accomplished. All the other nutrients, all the other micro stuff. So if you're fasting, eating once every 48 hours, waiting once every 24 hours, if you're trying to grow or you're trying to detox or whatever, you need to make sure that you get all that chemistry. Yeah. Which is why I take all the stuff. Okay. So but if again, if you're eating organs and you're eating that type of stuff, then you don't need nearly as much. But again, like I talked about this whole time, I'm like, if you if you need probiotics, you should be eating fermented foods. But if you're like, look, I can eat fermented foods a little bit. I can stomach them like once or twice or three times a week, but I can't do it twice a day. Well, then you still need the probiotics. So you take the probiotics. And that's how I do mine. And so anybody who sat down with me at the I'll be like, do you eat liver like, God, no. I'm like, do you eat ice like no. And I'm like, then you should take the supplements because that's your options. You know, like there's, there's, there's solid, solid nutritional evidence that you should be eating testicles to bring in, you know, all the nutrients your body needs for testosterone. And if you want to do that, more power to you. And you and the carnivore M.D. guy, you, you know, I've just stating his name. You guys can have fun eating that. And I'm sure after a while it tastes fantastic. I'm not gonna eat it. So I take the samples. But that's that's what's going on with, you know, with the things.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:08] We get those questions quite often. But. Yeah, that's that's where I get all of my stuff. There's some stuff that we can't get in the podcast. We only have here some of it here. Also, if we only have here because Purell doesn't play well with AP, otherwise to be on the site. The other thing is, and I talk about this quite often, the very best meal replacement shake that I've ever seen is from form. We have it in the office, but again, they don't API very well for it on my site. So if you guys are looking for a good, like, the very best meal replacement, especially if you're dealing with someone who's sick, right? You've got somebody who you know is dealing with, you know, cancer, they're dealing with, you know, post-surgical issues. So they're dealing with, you know, they're just there's they're pregnant. And so they're they're nauseous all the time. The thorn very clear is the very best stuff I've ever tested. That's just amazing. So if you guys are looking for a meal replacement shake, not a protein shake, but a meal replacement shake, the micronutrients on that thing is spectacular. Like, I personally, where I could get together some guys and create one, but that would be the goal. So I'm like, why even bother? Like the thorn, the Thorn Medical is by far the best meal replacement shake you're going to find. And so I hope you people order that one or get it from here. Whenever we have serious, serious issues like, you know, hey, this person's time, you know, starring for a long time or we have, you know, they can only take in a little bit because they have cancer or whatever. And, like, this is the best one for you. But that's the only one that I don't like that we use a lot that I don't carry in the store because, again, they won't let us. But that's all the stuff that I take out of jewelry, and I don't take the meal replacement shake. I take all those micronutrients in other forms. And I don't I don't do whey protein.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:50] And the reason I do whey protein is because what your body's actually wanting. The reason that we use whey or P and our protein shakes, its biggest whey and pea protein have the highest concentration of leucine. Leucine, the amino acid with the highest muscle protein synthesis factor. And so when you're wanting to grow a muscle tissue, you want a lot of leucine. That's why they use the way in the pea. My thinking on that is take the college and if you get the secondary, you know all the other amino acids for growth and function and just take the branch and just take the leucine. If your goal is to get leucine, don't beat around the bush and hope your body can digest it. Out of a usually heat and heat derived protein. Just take the actual amino acids you want. Take the losing. So that's why like I that's why I want to take the branching amino acids after I work out and before I go to bed, because I want those specific amino acids and I take charge me throughout the day because again, I'm fasting. And when you're fasting, your body is turning. Your body is still making sugar because it has to make sugar for the blood. And so we're using the collagen peptides, to perform the glucose functionality. So it doesn't take my muscle tissue. So that's why we use it. Now remember fasting and everybody has their own definition of fasting. And y'all can have what I don't care whatever it is. My definition of fasting is directly related to the insulin glucagon functionality.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:07] So as long as there's doesn't create any insulin increase then the fasting maintains because I'm trying to maintain glucagon function, not some religious or philosophical function of fasting. So the college and doesn't break my fast. And so but it gives me the nutrients my body needs to make, the sugar it needs for the blood and theoretically the brain. But it doesn't tear apart my muscle tissues. So that's why I take so much collagen. But yeah, all the stuff I take is from the. So the pillars want to store. And, if you guys get stuff from the past one store, that money goes to charity. And that charity is the tree of life talks about health, where we're using it to help treat, PTSD, addiction, depression, and veterans and first responders. So if you guys get stuff there, know that you guys are getting the same supplements. I use my practice, the ones I personally take and get my kids. So, you know, and the cool thing is, is that if I find something that's better, I just use that one like you guys don't know because the bottle might change shape or size or color, but the label will say the same. So you know, but that's the thing is, I find something better. I use that group. And so, you know, because it's going in me like, hey, you're like broccoli. Nice for eating for all of us. You're welcome. But I'm doing it for me because, like, I'm taking the stuff and it's got to be the best stuff I can find. So if you guys are looking for stuff, grab it from the store, help yourself and help some veterans and some first responders. But that's where I get all my stuff because I've had that question a lot. So if you guys have any other questions, questions that Thomas going scam or just drop in the comments. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness


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