Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Pregnancy Clean Up

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Pregnancy Clean Up

Maintaining optimal health during pregnancy starts with clean nutrition and intentional lifestyle choices. This episode explores how chemicals and toxins in everyday food and water can affect pregnancy, emphasizing the importance of a clean diet, proper liver support, and natural fats for fetal brain and lung development. From debunking myths about cholesterol to the vital role of heme iron in blood health, it offers practical insights for moms-to-be looking to enhance their well-being and support their baby's growth.

Listeners will also learn about detoxification strategies before pregnancy, including parasite cleansing and gut health restoration, as well as the significance of DNA methylation testing for proper supplementation. With tips on pelvic floor exercises, natural remedies for common illnesses, and managing environmental toxins, this episode provides valuable guidance for a healthier, more intentional pregnancy journey.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 - Introduction

01:26 - Importance of Clean Nutrition for Pregnancy

02:45 - Dietary Adjustments During Pregnancy

05:15 - Misconceptions about Cholesterol and Fats

06:33 - Managing Blood Health and Hormonal Changes

07:45 - Detoxification and Gut Health Before Pregnancy

10:26 - DNA Methylation Testing and Supplementation

11:48 - Exercise and Pelvic Floor Health During Pregnancy

13:14 - Toxicity Risks for Fetal Development

14:34 - Natural Remedies for Illness During Pregnancy

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] Okay, so questions. But I wanted to talk about pregnancy. So we had a question about that one. First of all, all of the so not all of them. The vast majority of the podcast we've done with the health care professionals are up on my website. Children's wellness.com go to blog and then podcasts. I had to we had to put Dr. Bain's podcast over on Rumble and then tied to the site because we talk about vaccines. We talk about things that we talk, we read research about vaccines, and we go over the research of vaccines which the CDC does not like. And so part of the censorship of Google is if you disagree with the federal government, if you disagree with the CDC, they will ban your stuff. And so they took it down within like 20 minutes. So if you guys want to watch that one, just go to the website. Chalmers one of Starcom, go to the blog and then podcasts. That one was fun. So there's a lot of stuff on there research and we're kind of we are with some of the RFK stuff. So if you guys are wondering about that, I go check that out. The other day I was talking to somebody on a interview, radio interview, and they asked me about all the different dyes and all the different chemicals and all the different stuff that is in our food and our water and stuff like that. And we started talking about, you know, people, what people can do about it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:26] The number one group of people who need to be worried about this are people or women who are trying to get pregnant or who are already pregnant. A lot of those chemicals. We're starting to do more and more research on what happens in pregnancy, and we're seeing significant damage to health. So if you are looking to get pregnant, find something like us. Or get hold of us. We do this to tell them that as well. And we can we can help you guys clean that up. All the dyes, all the all the, you know, artificial sweeteners, all that stuff stays in your tissues. You've got to really feed the liver. You give the body a bunch of different chemicals, nutrients like, you know, milk thistle tumor. There's a parasitic infection. So they use, you know, different things for Anti-parasitic. I like wormwood. I like like long haul. There's a lot of yeast issues. We got to clear out. Cumin seed oil is great for that. The RFA is one of my favorites. It's on our site. Those things are help kill out the yeast and reset the stuff and you have to just overfeed the body with high quality nutrients. If the the best thing of all, Suzanne change your diet, you know, and you can do this, you know, three or 4 or 5 months before you get pregnant and then throughout the pregnancy and while you're breastfeeding.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:45] And it will make substantial changes to your health baby's health, how the pregnancy goes and throughout. So there's and a lot of times it's one of those things where you're like, hey, use this, not that like, I still want you to have your pancakes and your cheesecake and all your chocolate and all that type of stuff, but there's better stuff to eat that is going to be healthier for you and for baby than like a lot of the store bought stuff so you can make it yourself. But there's a lot of store bought stuff and you can get stuff online. Show me all that cleaner for you. These artificial sweeteners and these, you know, highly processed sugars are really, really toxic, especially over time to people. But they're really bad when you're trying to develop a new baby. So there's a lot of that type of stuff. One of the big things that, you know, people just don't know because they've been lied to so long as they're told to stay away from things like saturated fat guy, saturated fats, hypercritical for your body. Most of your brain cells are made of saturated fat. Every single cell in your body, like 50% of the cellular matrix, is saturated fat. So these are really important for baby. But the other thing is, is that surfactant that the coating on the inside of your lungs that makes them not stick together, that's super critical for babies. That's made of saturated fat.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:01] So you got to get that fat out that the the the push that our entire medical industry and food industry has given us for the past year, I don't know since I've been alive since the 80s that, you know, natural fats and, you know, animal meats and you know that type of stuff is Horton eggs. Butter are, you know, the worst thing in the world. They're going to kill everybody is 100% alive. It's been a licensed day one. The research that's based off of was extremely corrupt with the guy did was like exactly like we said I in chemistry what the guy did like everything's based off of as they did an analysis of countries like the countries with a lot of cholesterol, high cholesterol also have a lot of high heart attack rates. And so cholesterol must be causing these heart attacks. That's legitimately the research. But the problem was, is that the guy who admitted all the countries with high cholesterol and low heart attacks and all the country with high heart attacks or high cholesterol, low heart attacks and high heart attacks and low cholesterol. So he literally spliced out the information and only gave what they wanted to show. Now, I don't want to say that that was part of some weird conspiracy by the whatever. I just think that was some guy trying to get his research published because that sounds like, you know, we have we have research bias like that all the time in research.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:15] So I don't know if that was grand conspiracy or if they I was just trying to get some stuff published and then people took it and ran with it way too far. But the the need for this stuff is really, really big. So, you know, the most absorbable form of iron is heme iron, which is from red meat, which is from blood, you know, and this is I realize how, how crazy this sounds, but if you want more blood, you should probably consume blood because it has all the nutrients you need to make blood. Like we take A lot of times we'll have women who come in and they go, I am a crazy lady. I'm a crazy person. A couple of days before my cycle and I'm like, Are you extra tired? Right? Yeah, I'm extra tired. I'm just crowd grouchy. I'm horrible. They're like, You need to make sure that you're eating more red meat around that time. Yeah. And they go, Why? Well, because here's what happens when you're getting ready for your cycle. Progesterone kicks up, moves blood into the uterus. If it moves a lot of blood in the uterus, you have less blood for your brain and so you have less oxygen. So you're exhausted. So if you increase the amount of red blood, red blood cells, you can make the increase the iron around those times. It tends to help. Now, if you are not trying to get pregnant, even if you kind of are not going to argue too much about this, but if you raise your testosterone levels up, your hemoglobin hematocrit levels will also come up and that's what carries oxygen in the blood.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:33] And so now all of a sudden you can go through your menstrual cycle. You know, you don't you don't get the crazy you don't get that, you know, horrible person. You know, it calms it down a lot because you have more blood to share throughout the body. Your brain and your uterus get all they need. So. Little things like that as we go through will help a lot. Like we bring in lots and we bring in women who are trying to get pregnant. What we'll end up doing is, well, like the first thing we do is we clean them out. So we kill the parasites, kill the yeast, restore the probiotic function. Lots of lots of college and that sort of stuff to regrow the gut. If we have other gut issues, I will use peptides. BP 150 7500 or fantastic for repairing got. We use them all the time for ulcer colitis. Then we clean out the liver and the kidneys and the way we clean those out as we overfeed them. Lots of methylated B six, lots of lots of methylated B vitamins all across board, folic acid B6. And we go through and we make sure that anything else that's in there is knocked out. We use a lot of lysine to push out and kill out any virus issues. A lot of people who have had a lot of Covid or who got vaccinated, we'll give them a lot of Nido kinase to increase blood flow. But the you know, we'll teach you how to caster pack and things like that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:45] Grounding is a big piece for a lot of these women signers, you know, and then depending on where their oxygen levels are. We've gotten some of these women oxygen tanks. We've gotten some of these women hyperbaric chambers so they can make sure they get the oxygen levels as high as they can. So, you know, it's one of those things where the chemical part of this is really, really important, that we've got all the research. We know how to do it. It's just no one's really sitting down and working with these women on this stuff. So, you know, and it's funny. The funny thing is that whenever I start diets, I'm sure there's a lot of times we always go through the give me your ten favorite foods, the five foods and everyone eat again. Well, it's always funny because like when you work with pregnant women, especially their first time, you're like, give me your ten favorite foods and they will give me the five foods and we're eating and they will. And then like a month into it, they call me up. They're like, I've got the weirdest cravings for X, Y, and Z. Or they're like, I never really want pancakes. And that's I'm all I can think about. Or like, my chocolate cravings are gone through the roof. Okay. Well, so some of those things are like, go eat the chocolate. But a lot of times it's like, Hey, that usually corresponds to like go back and cesium deficiency or zinc deficiency or, you know, like people are like, I want nuts. Like, okay, you need more salt.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:53] So you need more, you know, electrolytes and things like that. So there's a lot of that thing that kind of goes on. You know, when we have women who are having hyperemesis and this is obviously not work every time, like my wife had the worst pregnancy in the world, but we have healthy kids because she took so many supplements she didn't eat for like the entire pregnancy. She was so sick, but she was able to keep her supplements down. She actually so my ex, my oldest son was like ten, a little over 10 pounds. Placenta was about 10 pounds, flew the whole thing. So she ate about 25 pounds of baby stuff in her. She weighed less, getting wheeled in to give birth than she did before she got pregnant because she just she had such a horrible pregnancy. And it helped a little bit, but not like not like we wanted to. So take that into account. So you're not broken if if you have massive hyperemesis. But for a lot of women increasing ginger, increasing turmeric, increasing their thought to be six doing kidney cancer PACs and liver cancer PACs helps tremendously. Let's test for camera on the outside of the body, not the inside. So that helps tremendously. We've gone through we've done all sorts of different things with with different nutritional stuff, smoothies and things like that. You can hide a ton of nutrition in smoothies, you know, for great oils in there. You throw a little butter in there, you can throw eggs in there, MCT oil, coconut oil in there. We can get you to switch to supplementation in there, obviously the college and can go on there.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:26] So there's a lot of things that you can toss in there and kind of, you know, kick things up a little bit. One of the things that if you guys are looking at getting pregnant, you really need to do is a DNA methylation test. You've got to make sure that you're one methylated folic acid because that's hypercritical for brain and gut health for mom and for baby. But you also want to look at, you know, empty tr C or empty AP There's there's several other ones that you kind of want to make sure that you're you're at least you got a heads up on because a lot of times will end up happening is that you're like, okay, mom has these issues so Mom's not going to have like empty f h r m year. But lot of people know that that will not everybody. So if you don't know what it is, don't worry about it. It just means you can't make folic acid very well. Methylated folic acid very well. And so let's use that word for example. So let's say that mom has M of which are if you don't supplement the entire pregnancy with folic acid, we're going have a problem. The other thing is that you want to know that ahead of time because you're always finding like, you're pregnant. That's fantastic. Make sure you take folic acid. Great. But the most important thing that you need folic acid for you've already missed, which is the neural tube. So like within the first couple of days after inception after conception, the sperm meets the egg, which you end up having as your body starts to pregnant, the baby starts forming the neural tube, which becomes the brain spinal cord. It's massively dependent upon methylated folic acid.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:48] So you really want to make sure that you're getting that type of stuff in ahead of time so that we have the best formation of brain spinal cord, because that's obviously fairly important. So that's a big one. Like I said, you know, keeping the liver in the bile function healthy. And women while you're during pregnancy helps a lot with nausea and and actually breaking down the fats and kind of getting the digestion going. But the other thing we always do, and this is outside of the chemists chemistry stuff, is we teach women how to exercise for pregnancies. So you've got you know, you've got all this pressure on your body, all these things going on, organs all shifted around. It's pregnancy's amazing. And so what you've got to understand is you now have to exercise a little bit differently. Plus, you're about to have a massive amount of trauma to your pelvic floor. So if you haven't built that pelvic floor up, we're going to have a little bit of an issue. And so we want to make sure that we kind of build that up. So we give women exercises, not like two hours in the gym type of stuff, like 15 minutes a day type of thing, you know, where they can kind of build that stuff up. And this is important, you know, because. I see so many where I've seen this before. I've seen some of your 28 to 30 year old women who have incontinence, their pee and on themselves a little bit. Whenever they laugh or jump up and down because they didn't build their pelvic floor up properly ahead of time. And those those exercises are super hard, but they're important to do. Not only is it make is it keep your body intact, but it also helps with the breathing process.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:14] So there's a lot of those sort of things that we want to make sure we're getting out. We're not going out, but we all have to recognize that the biggest issue we've got from all these toxic foods and toxic dyes and toxic things that are in our environment is that they're going to hit the people who are the most vulnerable, whose chemistry is the most, you know. Important to get right, and that should be the developing fetus that's going to be developing, baby. So we got to really make sure that if you if we have loved ones, if if you yourself are looking to your pregnant or your pregnant, that we get the right nutrients. And so, you know, that's one of those things. So make sure you're working with somebody who knows how to do this and is careful with it. The other problem we get into is that there's certain things beforehand you can detox really easily. You can pull heavy metals out, you can pull, you know, a lot of these toxic chemicals out, you know, pretty easy. You know, no big deal. The problem is, is that once someone's pregnant, you got to be real careful with what you give them because you don't want to start liberating toxins in the body that were like, say, for instance, bound in fat or that were kind of stuck out to the side that aren't coming out because you start forcing these things out of tissue like you have to do for a lot of these detoxes, Would you force that tissue? Would you let them out? If they're not bound properly, then we start flowing through the blood. Now, something that wasn't that big of a problem for baby is now a bigger problem for babies.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:34] So you've got to be a little bit careful with, you know, what you're doing is you go through a lot of times one of the other big things is that, you know, women will get sick. I know crazy. You know, they'll get they'll get sick like strep infections, like whatever infections while they're pregnant. The last thing you want to do is take an antibiotic while you're pregnant. So there's a lot of other things like Alison works great, Oregano will kill strep on contact. So if you're pregnant or your want or you're about to get pregnant and you have strep throat, use oregano oil. So what we'll usually do is we'll take like six ounces of water, eight ounces of water, some like that. But about, you know, 8 to 10 drops of Iranian oil on it on top of the water. It's while it sits on top. And then you can take some other oil. We use limonene you can use grapefruit. Doesn't really matter. Just use a citrus oil and, you know, drop it on the bigger drops of bigger globs of regno. It'll kind of emulsify it. And then what you do is you gargle and swallow it and gargle and swallow it and it kills. I guess it'll kill strep throat on contact. So you bring me, like the worst case of strep throat. We can get it knocked out in a day or two. I'm just doing this a couple of times a day now, if you're strep, so it's really bad. Use core septic, spray your mouth and of course, septic. It'll numb it. Then you can gargle it and you'll be fine. One more quick little thing.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:47] If you have whipped cream and a spoon, really great thing to do with the whipped cream in the spoon and put the spoon on your lips because your lips will be burning because oregano is hot so it'll kill all the strap. You know you can do that. Feel free to eat whipped cream. Whipped cream is a phenomenal thing to consume. Very low, very low sugars. Tastes great, has some good stuff in it. So, you know, don't eat the whole can, obviously. But you know a little bit there would be pretty beneficial. So if you are looking to get pregnant if somebody one of your friends is looking to get pregnant, daughter in law, sister in law, you know, whatever you have them get a hold of me. Who knows what they're doing with this stuff because it's really, really important. Like I said, we work with people all the time. Long distance in town does really matter, but, you know, hit a surplus. Well, a second chance one second we'll be able to help you guys out. But it is really, really important that we start getting the proper nutrients. And and the other thing is that a lot of other solvents that are out of the market aren't awesome. The quality of the stuff you're taking definitely matters. So if you guys are looking for that type of stuff, here's some we can tell you like one of the things if you're out and about, you know, most of the stuff on our site is really, really good. That's where I give my kids. So I give my patients. If you can't find anything, Thorn is usually a pretty solid bat as well. But just make sure you guys are getting in the amounts that you need because it's it's a fantastic way to keep it really healthy and functional.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:17:11] So if you guys have any other questions and have questions at Thomas Morningstar.com, check out the podcasts that are on the website. The Chalmers want to start Carb blog podcast. Like I said earlier, Dr. Baines is on there and she's a pediatrician. She's got more letters behind her name and she has in her name. And we talked about we read research and talked about vaccines and YouTube very, very quickly kicked it off because YouTube does not like anything that goes against the government's version of health. So if the CDC is is against something then or for something and if you say something that contracts with the CDC, the CDC says Google will censor you harshly for it. And so they kicked it off. They kicked off YouTube pretty quick. I don't even know if I have a YouTube account anymore. They keep telling me that since I disagree with the CDC, they're going to ban my account. But go check that one out. That one's a pretty good one. They're all good. So check this out. If you're looking for how to find your health care provider. And we will be back next week doing this the whole time. So we'll see you guys then. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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