Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - PMS PCOS Endometriosis

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - PMS PCOS Endometriosis

Effective solutions for managing PMS, PCOS, and endometriosis focus on addressing hormonal imbalances, dietary adjustments, and inflammation. Key recommendations include the use of Myo-Inositol to support ovarian and uterine health, optimizing testosterone levels to improve energy and mood, and eliminating inflammatory triggers like processed foods and excess sugar. The importance of nutrient balance, including magnesium, vitamin D3, and B vitamins, is also highlighted for overall wellness.

Practical strategies such as food sensitivity testing, increasing red meat intake for iron, and reducing exposure to phytoestrogens in soy and personal care products help alleviate symptoms. Emphasis is placed on understanding the biochemical needs of the body and adopting tailored interventions to improve menstrual health and overall quality of life.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 - Introduction to PMS, PCOS, and Endometriosis

01:24 - PCOS and Biochemical Function

03:44 - Reducing Inflammation and Dietary Adjustments

05:10 - Impact of Processed Foods and Nutritional Balance

06:05 - Hormonal Impact of Fat and Estrogens

07:19 - Testosterone Levels and Female Hormone Health

08:33 - Diet and Nutritional Strategies

10:34 - Final Recommendations

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] All right. So we're going to talk about PMS. We're going to try PCOS. Trust us. There's a couple different things that we use to help these. One of the big ones we use for just PMS and we talk to women about this all the time. So we as women age, we hear them saying it worse out for my kids and this and that. And you know, I'm just crazy. I get angry all the time. And I mean right around my cycle I get super mean and tired and stuff like that. Oftentimes that is from a process where your body is sequester, basically a lot of your blood in the uterus and you don't have enough blood to run everything else so you don't have the oxygen to carry over there. We also have some hormonal shifts. Testosterone is a great addition for that. Testosterone increases hemoglobin hematocrit levels, so you get more oxygen to the body all over, which is fantastic for all month. And then we do some dietary changes to kind of buffer that. So if you guys have that PMS issue, you the office call, we can help get you set up on the testosterone piece. See that back where it needs to be. But one of the big things that we see that is oftentimes mess with PCOS and we chose this and for a large degree PMS issues is the biochemical back function in the body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:24] So for instance, we see a lot of lack of myelin access, all that my own. I saw the specific sugar that the body uses to balance function of the ovaries uterus. The body has a lot of it's supposed to have 100 to 1 minus altered nasal. And a lot of times these ratios get messed up in women because of diet and stress and things like that. And so they have basically a 1 to 1 ratio of my own I saw today and I saw so women who have PCOS, women who have endometriosis and women who just have bad initial cycles, PMS, such a thing my own. I saw what is a great thing to start throwing at it. Usually women will take, you know, one of the capsules twice a day. Every once while they'll need 2 or 3 twice a day, like breakfast, dinner type of thing. It's always best to spread it out throughout the day, but I know how hard it is to breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you guys can get breakfast, lunch and dinner, that's best. Like, say, take one breakfast, lunch and dinner. But taking to breakfast dinner usually will help out the atmosphere. Mine I saw on the Pillars of Wellness website.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:36] If you do MYOB 25 or 25% off of that one today, so you guys can try that out. Just got to tell us a wellness type. Com and type in the MY0 25 and you're good. That one's really, really beneficial. It's not a huge thing we haven't seen for men, but for women who are having issues, that's a big one. As far as pregnancy goes, I would still I would still do it. You know, when you're trying to get pregnant, because if you had those issues in the past, you want to balance the biochemical needs, biochemical functions of the body, what you're trying to your pregnant. But this is a big win for basically all women who have any type of mental issues, teenagers, all sorts of things. This has been one of the big, big changes will do with these people. That helps a lot. The other thing that we'll do is we'll do food safety testing. We'll try to figure out what's going on. As far as you know, do you have issues with, you know, gluten, you have issues with you know, which is often oftentimes also a glyphosate issue? Do you have issues with any of the foods that you're eating, Nuts, perfumes, things like that?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:44] And we can go through and kind of clear those and that helps quite a bit as well, because what you're trying to do is reduce all the inflammation in and around the ovaries. That helps quite a bit. Feeding the liver and kidneys also is really important as it is for any time You're trying to clear information out of the body because the liver and the kidneys are not clear, all the inflammation. So if you've got inflammation from the gut, if you've got inflammation around the uterus, if you've got a little bit of PCOS, when that when the PCOS starts kind of acting up and it's kind of angry, then the inflammation just makes it worse. So the one of the best things you can do is to eliminate that inflammation as well. So we'll also usually bring the water up in these cases. That helps out a lot. And then any time you can eliminate excess sugar from the diet, that's handy. A lot of times people go, I have to have my chocolate or my cycle and if you don't have your chocolate, it's fine. But that's usually a magnesium deficiency. So you get your magnesium, your potassium in it, your nutrients and and that helps out quite a bit. We've seen.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:49] We've seen lots and lots of women that were highly sensitive to a lot of the foods they're eating. And that's probably one of the things that, you know, of the things that we do, adding the bio nasal and then decreasing the inflammation because the foods has been a really big one. The funny thing is a lot of the foods who are sensitive to they don't need to be eating a lot of the gluten free stuff, a lot of the processed stuff. They have a lot of reactions to a lot of the bars, a lot of the, you know, cereals. Just one of the worst things you can consume to begin with. So, you know, if you're eating cereal, find something else or just recognize are going to have lots of information to buffer. Increasingly methylated B vitamins is going to be a good thing for the liver that those things are going to help out quite a bit. But there's nothing that helps like changing the diet. If you guys need help with changing your diet because you still want to have the good foods. Give us a call. We can walk you through that. We have seen some benefit with reducing fat. So we've seen some women who, as they started getting back on track fat wise, they started doing a lot, lot better. So, you know, as far as as far as that stuff goes, getting that reduced is highly beneficial.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:05] So if you guys are looking for ways that you can get all of it done, pulling that fat off helps out because a lot of times fat creates hormones that mimic estrogen. And so when we have way too much exercise to begin with. That's a problem. Soy products also lead to that, that there's that phyto estrogen and there's a lot of perfumes, there's a lot of makeup. There's a lot of things that add BPA, that add all sorts of xeno and phytoestrogens to the mix. So if you guys are having bad menstrual cycles. So let's walk this one really quick. If you guys are having bad menstrual cycles and you've already had some kiddos, I would I would tell you that we need to look at your testosterone levels first, then your diet. We have we've had a couple of women that we raise our testosterone levels up to where they're supposed to be and which the vast majority of you are being told your testosterone levels are fine by doctors who have no idea what you're talking about when it comes to female hormones. The female body is one of the most poorly studied bodies, poorly studied groups there is. Yeah, we know every single thing that isn't about the penis. We didn't know the full anatomy of the female genitalia for like until like the 80s.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:19] So you guys are not study very well. I apologize. It's not necessarily my fault, but it is what it is. Getting your testosterone levels up at 80 to 250 level helps a ton the way this particular person. We've done this a couple times what I'm thinking about and then we up to red meat intake and her vitamin C intake about ten days before her cycle and that helps give her enough extra hemoglobin hematocrit iron to carry enough blood that she was like, Yeah, now I'm not tired during my during my cycle and she's she was like, I'm a lot nicer. I'm not nearly as big of a bitch to my, to my husband. And so that was fantastic. But that's a lot of times what we see. It's the, you know, why are we feeling this way? Well, first of all, let's go back to why, You know, why are you being a bitch? Well, I'm exhausted. Perfect. All right. Why are you exhausted? I don't know. I'm not doing anything differently. Cool. Well, let's look at your hemoglobin monitor levels. Even though they're not low, maybe they're lower than, you know, on the average. And they should be some. Most of the time, you're fine. But if you have a bunch of if you have a heavy flow, if you have a bunch of stuff sequestered, maybe that's going to affect you. And so that's one of the things we'll look at.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:33] So look at the testosterone levels for the anger issues of PCOS. Then we have to look at the diet. You know, are you consuming too many high glycemic foods? So you have these big blood sugar spikes if you've got big blood sugar spikes. Obviously with big sugar spikes, you're going to have fatigue issues, you're going to have anger issues. It's that whole Snickers commercial. You know, you're not you and you're hungry, you know, And I think everybody is understood, you know, either it's happened to you or it's happened to something around you where you got hangry or you're angry because you're hungry. So, you know, making sure that we understand what to feed the body in those instances where you're not going to get fat but you're not going to be hangry anymore is also highly beneficial. So which again, that protein, that steak, that's going to be the best thing, that red meat is the very best thing because it's going to give you the protein for creation of sugar and to give you fat seeking around fat if you need to is to give you the the heme iron, which is the most desirable form of iron.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:29] It's one of those things, again, it's kind of self obvious to me if you want your body to make blood, the easiest way for it to make blood is to eat blood, which is red meat. So keep that in mind. You don't have to eat it all the time. Just, you know, around your cycle. If you have bad cycles and then throw into my own ashes all the my own ashes, all those, like I said, is really, really been a key for a lot of our endometriosis, PCOS and some of our PMS as well. So if you, if you've got bad cycles, you've got bad cramps. If you've ever thought you've got sass, if you've ever thought you've had a little bit in the trousers of your doctors ever told you that you have a little inflammation down there, you've got a little bit of growth, You know, maybe you have this grab some on us all. And so like right now, posted on the WSJ.com, the on the store the my own all 25% off you'll use the code MRI. 25 that'll help out So you guys get grab some of that, try that out. Like I said, for most people, one twice a day, I'll get it done. If you're worried about it due to breakfast and to dinner and if that helps, you know, that's fantastic.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:34] But if you guys are still having issues, especially with after you've had some kiddos. Hold the office and check your testosterone levels because your testosterone levels aren't where they need to be. A whole lot of your body's not going to work, right. Your sex drive is going to be off. You're going to get you know, it's be hard to lose fat. Hard to be gay is going to be really hard to gain muscle. Your orgasm function is going to drop. And so, you know, those are issues you guys are going to have to see. And so if you guys, you know, get a hold of those, get those those numbers back up or they need to be a lot of the function, your body returns to normal because testosterone is not a drug. No matter how much people want to tell you it is. It's not a drug. It's a naturally, naturally occurring hormone that is extremely important for physiological function. If you want to function the way your body was designed to function, you need to make sure your testosterone levels are high enough.

[00:11:20] Same thing with D3. Same thing with B vitamins. Same thing with CoQ10. It's all. It's. It's all the same thing. These aren't drugs. These are critical, you know, chemicals that the body requires to function. Right? So, you know, don't let your doctor email scare you that, you know, testosterone is not for women or it's cheating or that it's bad or you're going to get, you know, really big like a man. None of those things are accurate. In fact, the vast majority of my bikini models that look like the perfect specimen of a female, the vast majority of them are on to sjöström because they need the muscle mass. They need the they need to clean their fat off of them and they need to level of out and be calm and get good sleep. So if you guys are looking for any of that help, give us a call. Who is that pillarwellness.com or just drop some comments and we'll talk to you guys later. Have a good day. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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