Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Peptides are IN!

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Peptides are IN!

Peptides are now available for various health benefits, including hair regrowth, muscle development, and growth hormone support. Options include research-grade and pharmaceutical versions, with coaching offered to guide safe use. Growth hormone peptides are particularly effective for injury recovery, fat loss, and anti-aging.

Explore the benefits of peptides for weightlifting, anti-aging, and overall wellness. With options for both research and prescription versions, users are encouraged to undergo blood work and consultation to ensure safe, effective results, especially when combining with other hormones like testosterone.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:05 – Introduction to Peptides Available

01:14 – Government Regulations & Peptides

02:41 – Coaching & Safety Recommendations

03:58 – Growth Hormone Peptides & Benefits

06:29 – Synthetic vs. Natural Growth Hormones

07:28 – Risks of Excessive Growth Hormone

08:40 – Peptides for Women: Considerations

09:33 – Foundational Hormone Levels (Testosterone)

10:20 – Consultation and Coaching for Peptide Use

11:08 – Misconceptions About GLP-1 Peptides

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:05] Peptides are. N We have peptides in the office now. The ones we are in getting here today I just got the delivery notice is we're going to get some C glue tight in some five mix and include that in for 95 bucks we're going to get and the I Portland some marlin blend for a growth hormone which is the one I personally take and then we're going to add some JJ copper peptide in for hair regrowth, blood vessel dilation, that type of thing. So we have peptides at the office now we can ship them out, we can get you guys stuff here, we can teach you how to use them. The whole nine yards we've been you have been asking, asking, asking, asking about your place to get them locally. So we set up some deals and we've got them in the office. Now, if you guys need any other peptides, let us know and we'll start bringing them in for you. We're going to have a research purposes only version. The research purposes only version are the ones I take because they're the same exact thing, but they're cheaper. The thing about the research only and we can argue back and forth on this, but this is just kind of where it is. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:14] The government believes it owns your body and so it can tell you what you can and cannot. And it tried to do it what you have to put in your body. And so unless they get a cut, which is the FDA, they don't allow you to buy things to put in your body like testosterone, for example. So. There's two versions of peptides at the moment. There's the exact same chemical that is cheaper, that is for research purposes. You know, the only research that the government approves of like gain of function research. So, you know, that's the type of stuff. So, you know, if you guys are doing gain of research function on not a person and not an animal, but on other things, then these peptides are hundreds for you. They are cheaper. We also have the pharmaceutical version. Those will be coming out probably in two weeks. You be able to we're looking at right now be able to buy those on the website and shipped to you. Those are going to be more expensive, but they're going to be prescription. So your call, hundred percent anatomy. We'll get you guys whatever you guys need. We've got the full function and guilty ones. If you guys need appetite or just appetite or you just want brand names, you want to send pic, you want, you know, we'll go over here, whatever. We can get those for you as well. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:41] I would highly recommend that you get some coaching on it first and let us walk you through what you need to do, what you don't need to do, how to stay safe doing these things. But that's that is not my call. That's yours. Because you could pay for the class, Take the class, you know all the information and choose not to do it anyway. So it's kind of up to you guys how you want to play it. It's your body, not mine. So like I said, I would highly recommend that you guys go through the process of how do the jobs work. I made a video about it. You guys just watch the video. It's not super difficult. It's pretty high level, though. So like, when I tell you to make sure that your method B six is up, most people don't know what that actually means. So if you guys want a little bit more help walking through GPUs, make sure that they're safe and that you'll be healthy and all that fun. Jazz Awesome. We can do that if you guys are getting stuff to make your kids grow. Fantastic. Great idea. That's how we use some of this stuff. However, again, I would highly recommend that you do some blood work ahead of time during in the middle of it so that you guys, you make sure that everything's going the way it's supposed to. If you're going to use these for weight lifting, which is spectacular, I. The amount of injury reduction and removal and prevention that you can do with the growth hormone peptides is spectacular. Like that's it. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:58] It has no androgen function to or has very little androgen function. It has its own. It has its own risk profile. Let's not let's not act like it's a panacea of perfect ness, but it's a great thing to add to the test. So if you guys are worried about losing your hair, if women are worried about losing their hair, growing more for more facial hair, it's a spectacular thing to add on top of testosterone because it actually makes you lose your hair is the androgen synthesis. Ostrom Because this is what happens when we start seeing people stack like and of our Winstrol and, you know, at, you know, whatever else, whether tests are steroid or androgen, they're stacked on top of their testosterone. Why they lose their hair so fast because you're adding more and more and more and more DHT. Well, here's the thing. More androgens, DHEA, that type of thing. By the way, if you're taking testosterone is women do not take DHEA. It will make all your problems worse. Anyhow, I make all the facial hair in the hair. Pulling out all that supports DHEA is a precursor and it has energy and function. Sorry, I digress. If you'll add on the growth hormone we're talking about, not a giant amount, but you know a little bit. What ends up happening is that you can get more fat loss, more muscle development. You can get, you know, better sleep, joint repair, ligament, tendon, you know, all that stuff growth. You can get benefits for everything in the body, eyes, hair, all of it from the growth hormone stuff has a lot of anti-aging pieces to it. So you get all those benefits and muscle regrowth at the same time. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:23] So if you're trying to build a better but that are thighs, you're trying to lose a little bit of fat, you're trying to get your biceps a little there, what are you trying to do from a body modification standpoint? I wouldn't add in more androgens or more steroids or more testosterone. And that's one thing. Once you get your base where it's supposed to be. I would then add on the growth hormone to get where you really want to go. It's been something that we've been doing for a while to work really, really well to get where we want to go now. There are two different levels of the growth hormone stuff that you guys need to be aware of. So there's synthetic and then there's the stuff that your body produces when you take peptides. They're both that can both it too much. Don't we're not saying that, you know, you can throw caution to the wind. However, the synthetic stuff is real powerful and takes a long time. The natural stuff has a better reaction to what's called somatostatin, which is your body's way of kind of check and balance is kind of keep those things in check. So that's why I like the peptides the more causing it to produce more natural growth hormone than the synthetic growth hormone stuff. So I got to watch a little bit, but you'll be much better. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:29] The problem with we get with growth hormone is its growth hormone makes things grow. So you get something called growth. Yeah, if you take too much of it. So Google growth guy, you'll see these bodybuilders with the six packs that look like they're pregnant cause their intestines of growth. That is what happens when you take way too much for way too long. You keep a moderately low dose. It works really, really well. There's a lot of people who are taking a low dose of the peptides for growth hormone every single day and have been for a long time. And it helps with skin regeneration to that healthy glow to the fine lines and wrinkles out, like I said, much better. Sleep joints feel tons better. This is something that everybody should be looking at to a degree. Maybe you take it every day at a very low dose. Maybe you cycle it, you know, couple weeks on, couple weeks off. Whatever works for your body, wherever you are in your goals. But that's really where we should start looking. We should start looking at using more of the levers we have access to and not just keep pounding on the androgen or the testosterone or the antibody or the when. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:28] So, you know, a lot of women who are out there who are using at a bar, which I love at a bar, I'm not trying to dog Novartis. And if you guys need an hour, if we have that for you as well, like it's part of the program, we can get that as well. But I'm not I guess I'm not trying to dog and it's awesome. But it also has a high energy function. And so this might be an option for a lot of you women who notice, hey, even on five milligrams of Anvar, you're starting to see a little thinning of the hair, more darkening of the hair on the face or, you know, even you might even feel like you're dark, deepening your voice a little bit. I would recommend if you are one of those women that you either not take in a bar at all or you decrease your test. That's that's the thing. If you're only take an hour and you're seeing those things, you have a very high conversion to androgens. You guys need to recognize that and you go a different route. There are other things like Scipione that probably won't advertise as much as we like and or Winstrol, which has got a really strong antigen function, especially in women. So kind of check those things out and the growth might be, you know, a better option for secondary function. Now here's the thing. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:40] The growth that the peptide stuff is going to give you, the hot flashes, nice sweats, natural dryness, correction. It's also not going to give you the orgasm function. It's going to give you the sex drive. It's not going to help with muscle tissue nearly as much. So you definitely need to start with a base of testosterone, whether that's five milligrams, seven milligrams, nine, ten, whatever your number is. You know, usually that's a twice a week number. Whatever that number is. Start with that base. Always start with that base. Because remember, we can play with these things. But the body was designed in a very specific manner. And so if you don't give it the base, which is testosterone, it has to have testosterone from the most important hormones. You don't give it that base. These things you're trying to stack on top are not going to get you where you want to go because your body's not functioning the way it was designed. If we're going to tweak things, we want to take it up to standard function, then push it up. You don't wanna be like, I'm just going to push this lever up or just this lever up. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:33] Now you got to move it to move it back to baseline and then tweak things. That's how you do it safely. So if you guys are looking for peptides or you're looking for somebody to walk you through how to use your peptides, give you some some advice on how they function with going into the body and secondary function and other things you've got to worry about. You know, Hey, when you're taking this, make sure you're taking that or when you're taking this, make sure you don't do these things. Then set up at the office and I'll get you going. That's what we're that's really what we're trying to do is I'm trying to teach you about how to get the goals they're looking for, whether it's, you know, here's how your diet works, here's how your hormones work, your peptides, workers, their supplementation works. The goal is that if I can teach you those things, then you'll know and you can use those things to help other people. And we can get some of the correct information out. We can get you guys where you want to go safer. So if you guys have questions or you guys need peptides. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:20] Call the office. Swing up here. We've got them. So hopefully they last today. All right. You guys have other questions here, Some questions at Chalmers Walmart.com or just, you know, pillars of almost like I'm dropping in the comments, that type of thing. So you guys feel like you want to share this with your friends. They know where to go and get some information on the peptides. That would be great, especially Semaglutide, especially the JLP ones. Like there's a lot of misinformation out there. There's a lot of people who don't understand how they work, which is which is fair because a lot of the research that's out is actually wrong because they don't follow the physiological function, what glucagon actually does, specifically the intestine. So it shuts off the ability for glucose functionality to move across because it blocks insulin or inhibits it doesn't block inhibits insulin function at the intestinal level. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:08] So that's where a lot of the problems are coming. And people don't understand that. They don't understand what can, you know, Genesis and understand the protein needs of gluconeogenesis, which is why people are losing so much body, body, muscle mass, which is your metabolism. And then they don't understand the method of B six functionality. So they're getting gallstones and horrible gastric gastric issues, nausea. So the symptoms that are associated with problems from JLP ones, semaglutide, those impact will go the other side of things you shouldn't really be seeing as much as people are if you understand how the physiology works, but you guys need help with that. Call the office. We get you on anything else, we'll talk to you later. Thanks for your time. 

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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