Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Peptide Questions

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Peptide Questions

This video addresses common questions about peptides, GLP-1s, and growth hormones, highlighting their powerful effects on the body’s metabolism. Peptides function similarly to hormones by acting as metabolic command codes, and understanding their biochemical impacts is crucial. Misuse or misunderstanding of these substances can lead to adverse effects, particularly with GLP-1 peptides like Ozempic and Semaglutide, which influence sugar absorption and protein requirements, potentially causing muscle loss.

Key topics include gluconeogenesis, the balance of good versus bad chemicals in the body, and the need for proper nutrient support, especially for liver function and ATP production. Peptides can aid in muscle growth, healing, and anti-aging when used correctly, but improper dosing may lead to unwanted growth in areas like the jaw or intestines. Seeking professional guidance is recommended to align peptide use with individual health goals.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 - Introduction & Upcoming Event Announcement

01:34 - Peptides as Command Codes for Metabolism

03:08 - Gluconeogenesis and Protein Requirements

04:28 - Calories vs. Biochemistry

05:34 - Balancing Good vs. Bad Chemicals

07:00 - Nutrient Support for Liver Function and ATP Production

08:21 - Water Intake and Diet Considerations

09:21 - Peptides for Growth and Anti-Aging

12:04 - Healing and Regeneration with Growth Hormone

13:15 - Consult an Expert for Personalized Peptide Use 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] But I've been getting lots and lots of questions about peptides and GLP ones and the growth hormones and. All other things. So I'm going to be doing for those of you who live close enough, I think we're putting out on Zoom as well. We might not, but Wednesday next week, so the 30th of November, I'm going to be doing a. Excuse me. Classic vibe for you. Ozempic GLP one and some peptide stuff. So if you guys want to comment, ask questions and go through a little bit longer discussion about it. Feel free to come. It's a free thing at Vibe five. In first go. It's a stomach in the way. So we'll email some stuff out, but just go to Vibe 5.com and you can register for theirs by I believe or just show up. It doesn't only matter and register to show up at by five on Wednesday when I say it's at six. Anyway a lot of the questions we're getting around safe use and what some of the things are, how they work. Upsides and downsides to a lot of them, the difference between research and pharmaceutical. And so I'll cover all that then and I'll go over some or now. The peptides are basically think of them like hormones. They're not necessarily hormones, but think of them very much in the similar vein. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:34] Hormones and peptides are the command codes you give the computer to get a result you want out of. The problem we get into of these control codes is that they're metabolic control codes. And so what ends up happening is if you don't understand the metabolic ramifications of what you're doing, that can be problematic. These are very powerful. And any time you have something that's powerful, you can use it to do really cool things or really terrible things. If you know, and a lot of the terrible things happen not because people want terrible things happen. They happen because people don't fully understand the ramifications of what they're doing, which is 100% the issue with jumpy ones. So that's your ozempic your will go V or whatever it's called that the risk appetite to sabotage Semaglutide. And all those those peptides activate in a variety of ways metabolic pathways. So are 100% metabolic functionality. So if you don't understand what happens in the gut with glucagon activation and the pituitary I'm sorry, the hypothalamus and you know, the liver, you're you're going to have issues in one of those space phases. When you when you take these things, they they block, they don't block they they inhibit absorption of sugar from outside. So exogenous sugar sirup mass of the body. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:08] And then that requires your body to create its own sugar through gluconeogenesis. And if you don't understand that pathway. I mean, I don't know how to help you on that one because that's a pretty, pretty straightforward pathway. It's not it's complex, but it's pretty straightforward. And so you're going to have protein needs. And if they're not met from diet, they will be met from your body because they will want to hunt for something that there is no, you know, well, I don't want it to happen. So it's not going to happen. It's going to happen. Your body is going to require protein to tear apart to create the sugar. That's just what's going to happen. That's where your muscle loss is coming from. And so. You can either understand gluconeogenesis and how to. Help that process along safely. Or you can know how to regenerate and build muscle tissue and you can help that process along. Or you can do both. I prefer to do both. Or you're going to have muscle loss. It's what it is like. You can hope against it. You can be like, I hope we don't see that side effect. It's not a side effect. It's an effect. It's just the fact you don't want that's that's what a side effect is. So if you don't understand that, you're not pushing back against it, you're not, you know, supporting the body in a manner to buffer that you're going to have problems, you're going to have too much muscle loss. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:28] And again, I hate to bring it back to this, but if you're basing the the functionality or the idea that the body runs on calories, you are 100% going to miss the mark 100%. If you tell me that the body runs on calories and the calorie deficit and you don't understand the chemistry, and if you don't understand the chemistry, there's not a chance in hell that you're going to use a GP without hurting somebody. No chance because you don't understand the system it works on. So sorry. But that's where it is as far as liver functionality. You know, this is one of those things that we talk about with the software and we talk about with, you know, seed oils. We talk about with, you know, process chemicals, Russia, refined sugars, all of these things, all of these things, variety of uses, toxins, alcohol. If we're going to put these this boils down to my the most basic function I can give you on health, which is good chemicals and versus bad chemicals out. Okay. And so you want to maximize the vacuum because out you want to maximize the good chemicals in and with the understanding that you're always going to have an insufficiency of good chemicals and an overabundance of bad chemicals. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:34] Just get get that that whole concept in your head. And our but our job is to do the very best we can to write that equation. So as you're taking a job, one as you're taking testosterone and of our Winstrol, any androgen drinking alcohol, any of those sort of things. You have to understand what the biochemistry function is to balance that equation. What do I need to give the body to? Allow the body to use its normal function and not run out of nutrients. And so the big one for this is going to be the things that produce that aid in what's called lipid lipid genic ATP production or the burning of fat for energy. If you want to boil it down to that, the reason I specify out in the other way is because I want to make sure that we understand it's not a calorie thing, it's an ATP thing. And so we need to look at life analytic function from ATP creation. And so that's really where where that functionality is. And so, you know, one of the big things that comes to mind instantly is Method 86. You've got a bunch of genetic disorders funct functionality for that. If stress function, you have lack of probiotic function, you have lack of prebiotic function, you have lack of the primary chemicals to create methylated B six. So there's lots of multifactorial reasons why you have low B six. But the other thing you have to recognize is that you just radically increase the need. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:00] So the need for good chemicals went way up and the functionality or the amount of bad chemicals really kind of went up as well. Because if you're taking these things and the GOP, that antibody, that Winstrol androgens, you're adding more negative chemicals in. And so the need to balance that has gone through the roof so adding in in chain methylated B vitamins allows your body to have the functionality that it requires without having to go through a bunch of other steps to get there. So things like that. So adding a lot of methylated B six is really, really important. Making sure your body is burning fat, that it has some clean fats to function with. So your mega three is going to be important because you have to creating new cells, right? You know, especially if you're trying to grow muscle tissue while you're burning the fat, which is going to be the thing that you're going to have to do during JLP ones. And so you're going to create new cells. You're going to need those fossil next the oils to make new cells. And so the omega three is going to have to be a high function. And so, you know, again, with bio functionality, you know, you're going to look at things that are going to help with liver inflammation. So curcumin and tumor can be big players in a C is going to be a big player, you know, things like that, try to get these processes going. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:21] The other thing that people overlook in this one as well is water. And so getting in high quantities of water to flush out any of the problems, especially if if you're going to be on the right diet, which is going to require, you know, water for flushing out. And if you're on a carnivore diet, which is fine, this kind of diet works just fine. But again, you've got to factor that in because a lot of people who are in Carnivore have liquid stools. Well, if you have a liquid stool, you're losing more water than the average person to begin with. And so, again, from a chemical function basis, you've got to up your water again. And so when you take all these things into account as as you're trying to walk through this path, that's really where working on the GOP ones is so important for any of this stuff. So, you know, if you're taking testosterone, if you're taking in or Winstrol, especially if you're a woman, you radically need to increase your your nutrient density function to the liver. And because these things are highly anabolic, you also have to make sure that you're increasing the nutrient densities. Your body can have an abundance of nutrients to then grow tissue out of. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:21] So those are some of the things you've got to have to factor in. Now, I will tell you one of the very best peptides for muscle growth, for longevity, for healing, for deep sleep, REM sleep, they're phenomenal for all those things. But again, are powerful and there's downsides to them. Are the sicker cogs that allow your body to produce more high human growth hormone? Those are going to be your small ones or too them all in your eye formalin your, you know, dose. And so we bring those end your body starts producing more growth hormone. You know it's fantastic but again it's telling your body to grow and so you want to make sure that it has all the nutrients to grow all the time, to grow, sleep to grow and all those things. And in the nutrients, the ATP functionality for that growth. And you need to make sure that you're regulating that growth functionality in the right direction. Because here's the problem. So this isn't exactly how it works. But think of it this way If your body has six units of growth instruction and you haven't torn the muscle tissues apart, you know, so it doesn't have repair those. You don't have, you know, stress to your ligaments and tendons and joints and things like that. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:35] And your body is only going to regenerate, repair your liver and your skin and stuff to a certain degree. It's then going to find something else for that stuff to do. And that's where we are seeing the growth in the intestines, the growth in the jawline, the the growth and the changes that you may not really want. So dose is definitely a problem, but dose is a problem depending on what functionality the body has to use it for. So this is where this thing is. Little bit complicated and it's easy to have somebody walk you through it or at least guide your judgment on it. But those are some of the things that you kind of have to take into account when you're using them. I don't want to say anything is safe because of its powerful. It is. It is. It can be wildly destructive or hyper intense as far as growth goes. So it's not in that a thing. Can be bad. It's. How do you how are you using it? I see a lot of people who are overdosing on the on the on the growth function without giving the body something to repair or grow. So, yeah, it's great for anti-aging because your body is constantly in a state of damage. And so taking a little tiny bit all the time is wildly beneficial. But if you're supposed to take .05 and you take point five, you know, ten times more than you're supposed to, you're going to start to see, you know, things you probably don't necessarily want. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:04] So. If you're going to use peptides, which you should, because they're wildly functionally beneficial, they're amazing stuff like, my God. The repair and regeneration. You want to talk about. People talk about one that is BP. 157 Now it helps their joints. Okay, fantastic. And it does not argue in that piece. And for a lot of people, it's amazing. So for some people, they don't feel it. The thing that I will tell you that most people I've worked with have felt is the regenerative healing function for damage to the tissue, know shoulder pain, knee pain, hip pain, whatever it is, especially if it's musculature, ligaments with the growth hormones like that is by far like these chronic issues like, I hurt my shoulder a while ago. And you know, there's days where it's good and there's days where it's bad. It's just but it's always there. The growth hormone has been a wildly beneficial in aiding the recovery process. So if you guys have issues with these if you guys have questions, get with somebody who knows what they're talking about and walk through them, you know, say, hey, here's my goals, here's what I'm trying to get to write your goals and here's why I want to use these things. And here's I think I want to use these things. You know, is this right? Is this wrong? Like, give me your opinion on X, Y, and Z or hear my goals. 

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:15] I've heard about these peptides, champ. How can the peptides help me get to my goals and if so, how? Like these are the questions that people should be asking and this is what we're going to go over it by now. Hopefully will, you know, because we'll open it up for at the end. I'm going to say that you guys are done. That's questions, but that's kind of how that one goes. So if you guys have questions about peptides, if you want to just hear about them, even if you're like, I don't have any personal questions, but I am interested in the topic because it's new and it's, you know, the cutting edge of wellness and medicine come from listen, you know, so that's video. It's a vibe. It's on Wednesday will be sitting on an email, I'll be posting about it on Facebook and stuff like that. So check that out. But comment will be a good time If you guys have any other questions, have questions that Chalmers want to start com or drop in the comments. Have a nice day thanks for your time. 

 As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness 

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