Concerns about Ozempic and cancer, particularly thyroid cancer, have surfaced, but reports are mostly anecdotal and lack solid research. Many users already have high risk factors like obesity, diabetes, poor diet, and processed food consumption, making it misleading to blame the medication alone.
While Ozempic and similar peptides can aid weight loss and metabolic health, misuse can lead to muscle loss, liver issues, and emotional blunting. However, when combined with proper diet and exercise, it may actually reduce cancer risk by improving overall health.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:04 – Ozempic and Cancer Claims
01:45 – Health Risks and Misconceptions
03:25 – How GLP-1 Medications Work
06:18 – Side Effects and Proper Use
08:06 – Thyroid Cancer and Misinterpretation of Data
11:23 – Misleading Media Narratives
12:56 – Importance of Insulin Regulation
14:37 – Insulin Resistance and Dementia
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So we want to talk about a ozempic and cancer. There's been a report out that thyroid cancer increases with those images. We're seeing links like this. So the thing is, I think we're going to be seeing a good title. The the reports of a couple issues with the one are anecdotal what happened to be happening is they're coming out they're saying that they've seen that people who have used a sink for over a year or between 1 and 3 years, the instances of thyroid cancer are higher. The problem with this is that we don't have any actual research or actual evidence that shows that some include side is increasing cancer in any form. So this this report, it's out of Europe. That's the problem with this report is that when it comes out and it says that it was a big surprise in cancer. Just leaving a lot of things out. So, for instance, think of the. Think of the group that we're targeting, right? So people are using or as a book are oftentimes diabetic. They're vastly overweight, which means their diet has been bad for a long time. Their exercise routine has been bad for a long time, typically. And so we have a history of chronic malnutrition. We have a history of diabetes. We have a history of mass. Most of these people are getting massively processed. But so the problem we're looking at is that you're taking a section of people who are primed for cancer to begin with and then saying, hey, we've seen in this group of people they've got more thyroid cancer than the average person. We knew that already. Like, this is why we're trying to lose weight. This is why we're trying to get healthy.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:45] So yeah, we're seeing a lot of cancer stuff with it. We're seeing a lot of heart attacks. So we're seeing a lot of bad things. This issue, people who have once been diabetic and massively overweight eating horrible processed foods and see the oils, all the inflammatory chemicals. This is the exact reason we're telling people to get off of the seed oils and the how inflammatory foods in the process stop and all the high sugars and fix your diabetes. So yeah, this is the thing. Now what we're also not seeing the research went nowhere on this one was during the time that these people were on the seafood side. It was in fact, there we go. What was their diet like? What was their exercise like? What were. What were the existing factors around that that were going on? What other medications were they are, you know, so there's a lot of stuff too easily. Just this is one of the things that doctors want to do is to find the thing that's, you know, controversial or whatever and blame everything on that. You know, you see this a lot with testosterone. People be on to sjöström and, you know, who are like, the reason that a heart attack excuses the testosterone, not the, you know, 40 years of that food that even it's not. So we're trying to decide. So we have two different things. We've got GOP ones. We have gimmicky ones, GOP ones that we've got them like peptides. What they do is they activating natural process in the body, the same thing that you get when you eat a lot of protein that actually it's a hormone called glucagon and it creates a pathway of earlier genesis that resets the body and it shuts off intake of exotic sugars or sugar from the outside world.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:25] And it's sort of, you know, creating some sugar at times. So these newer ones, I believe, are treated as one is a chip. And so you can actually go back and forth. They can help the body produce more insulin and it produces more glucagon. And so that was really interesting on that one. Give me a little bit more as we start walking into that one, we might have a little bit of success with type one diabetes. We're going to see because we have to understand that type one diabetes is that while we're not making enough insulin, is it a pancreas issue? Where is a signal from the brain to the pancreas that's being disturbed so that that. So these new GI. PS, Are we really, really interested in the type one front? But a lot of the type two stuff, you know, type two diabetes is pretty easy to fix. We talk about this all the time for you science people. The direct in chain is you replace an exaggeration with endogenous sugar. So basically what you do is you quit eating sugar, you write a person's own sugar. What that does over time is it resets the insulin in some resistance problems and then, you know, other type of data. So like I said, chemically, it's a pretty simple path. We've know how to do this. This is the shocking thing. We've known how to fix Type two diabetes since like the 70s. However, diabetes management and treatment is extremely profitable for medical industry, so they're not going to talk about it. And I have my personal conspiracy theory. Is that why that's why they medical keeps issue of calories is calories are made of nonsense. It's that the body is running calories.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:59] Calories have no actual function and dietary function. They're made up. They're literally that. And the idea that sugar, fiber and protein, which are all labeled as for calories, work exactly the same way, The body is completely laughable. But if you think it's calories, you don't understand the metabolic functions, you don't know how to fix diabetes. So there you go. But anyway, so what we're seeing with you is the things we're not seeing in treating cancer. We're not seeing it do a lot of the bad things that people are saying. So, you know, one of the things that you do have to work out, we have to kind of look forward some of the Olympics and some of the GOP ones is that while they can block the things we're eating, we're having, you know, addictions that can help with addictions, food addictions, alcohol addiction, issues like that. It can also blunt the joy in life because it helps it start suppressing the government system. So if you're on similarly tired of your all of these things, you start recognizing that your day isn't as fun as normal life. You're not. Getting the same thrill out of doing the things you might want to talk to somebody who knows what they're doing with these things because it's it's traumatic. I've worked with lots of people who have heard me say that they come over. We've worked with them. We've helped kind of reset what's going on and help them get fixed. There's a whole lot of people who don't understand what these these peptides can do or how they work.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:18] So again, whenever we talk about this, I always mention the liver gallbladder issues and the muscle wasting issues are not side effects. They are direct effects of glucagon. And if you don't understand that, you don't understand how to prevent against those. You should not be using these medications with these peptides when we call them with patients because you're going to end up hurting them because you don't understand how they work. It's a phenomenal tool. I love it. It's a fantastic way to break metabolic syndrome. It's a great way to reset Type two diabetes quickly. It's a great way to help reset some of the damaged and processed foods. But you got to use them, right? So if you guys are trying to use these thing right, use means get Ahold of somebody who knows metabolic biochemistry because it's not a whole lot of medical doctors. Not that they're bad or they just haven't been taught that. Because if you're actually taught how to fix problems, you're not going to prescribe drugs. And that's the way the FDA is set up. But so they're not causing cancers. In fact, I will argue all day long that if you're obese and type two diabetic and you use significant power over your it was and you pair it with a good guy exercise program, you lose much weight. You're no longer diabetic, your chances of cancer go way down. So to start trying to tie, you know, staying obese, staying type two diabetic is safer for you cancer wise than than going through the proper process. And they're using ozempic or something. It is just asinine to me. It is it is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. The in the even in the research for showed it wasn't even statistically significant as far as the the amounts of people who are using versus the kind of people who who ended up with our kids.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:06] Thyroid cancer, by the way, is also one of the highest reported cancers we know of and hits on that on us because we damage our thyroid so much with all the chemicals were consuming our processed foods and our fluoride in our water and stuff like that. So that's actually why we're not actually we, we, we search for so much. Now, you know, if you searched for it, if it wasn't there, you wouldn't find it. So the fact that, you know, the argument always we just look a lot more now. It's to be there if you look for it or not. The fact that we're looking for it or finding it just means it's there. So, you know, the thing is, is that the the problem we're going into is that you're we're creating this issue that is causing all kinds of cancers. Processed foods are consuming the lack of hydration, the giant amount of sugars are consuming. And most of your students here are processed sugars like I don't have an issue and very few people have an actual issue with real sugar. So you look at dates. Dates have a lot of sugar. They're great for, you know, the highest sugar stuff that we know of, you know, naturally, which you pineapples, you want one ounce of like that. No one's gonna get fat using that stuff. Like no one's going to have type two diabetes because they eat too much water. That's not where it's coming from. It's these highly processed, you know, high fructose corn sirup. It's these, you know, it's all about all that sugary trash dies like a lot of like a lot of the sugar we have is so hyper refined, they don't understand how how refined and how processed white sugar is. You know, it's like, well, it comes from sugar and it's bleached and it's dried and it's, you know, separated out and chemically pulled out like it is terrible for you.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:47] So a lot of the reasons we're seeing these cancers and they're being blamed on anything they can find besides the real culprit, which is our diet, is just hilarious to me. I know like, it's the same routine. It's not the same guys. It's the fact that these people are diabetic and they're obese. So pull the fat off of them, fix the diabetes, get them on to a actual diet that has less processing. And the thing about this is that you always ask me this. You can still have the cakes and the cookies and like there's all sorts of things you can have that if you make them at home. There's also processing like a lot of this is much, much, much cleaner. And as long as you swap the sugars out, you can swap them out for, you know, monk fruit or infertile, all you lose. I listen to everything's all of my two favorites just from a metabolic and chemistry function. But those two are the best Allulose actually decreases functional lysine effects for the entire meal. So I was phenomenal. Well used erythritol dilates small blood vessels. So your fingers and your toes and your hands, your eyes and things like that, you more oxygen and it helps soften hardened arteries. So river tunnels, a fantastic thing to be using just as an overall health piece. So it will swap these things out not only just to type two diabetes away, but we have all the foods we really want. And you know, it kind of goes back to the whole thing of, you know, macro function is really how we build muscle and lose body fat. So you can still have your brownies, your cookies and your pizzas and your, you know, nachos, all that stuff and be healthy. So and lose weight.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:23] So as we start walking through this, make sure you guys are watching when people start throwing up all these clickbait. This you know, things are always easy to lose weight. It's kill you, right? It's it's not it's it's the reason we have to use the stuff that's killing you. It's the diets, the lack of exercise, not that stuff. So, you know, calm down if you guys are worried about it, if you have friends or yourself or anybody who's on single time or something or things like that, just consumption of the peptide research is showing isn't know giving you any increased really risk of cancers. And like I said, there's a very good chance if you actually use it properly, it will decrease your chances of catching. So, you know, it's always it's always some of this fun things. We throw things out in the media, but it'll help decrease your chances of cancer. It'll help kind of get everything back running. But here's the thing is every understand if we if we have the diet and the lack of exercise, the lifestyle we're living right now and we're fat and we're unhappy and we take anything. So if we're tired, any of the time strides, we take these things and we lose weight, we lose fat, and then we don't alter the lifestyle. When you get off, you're going to go back to fat. Shaping unhealthy. So if you guys want to use this stuff, it's like I said, I love it. It's fantastic. Couple it with with dietary change and lifestyle change and, you know, getting where you're supposed to go, it's it's really going to help you long term to lose the fat, reset the metabolic biochemistry and get back into it.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:56] So you know whenever I call labs for general health, I always full fasting insulin and fasting insulin is one of the best ways to look at insulin resistance. You know, typically what we see and there's some time of day things that matter. But what we see is, you know, 0 to 10, let's change that. Let's say like 3 to 10 is good for insulin, fasting, insulin, anything between 10 and 15, we're starting to worry about insulin resistance, anything over 15. We're worried about insulin resistance and type two diabetes. The reason that that's the way it is is because insulin resistance means your body is no longer as is affected by the in. You can see that your body produces sort of having ask for it is a little bit more for the set of facts and all that more all the more. And so you're fasting insulin, which is your insulin after you haven't eaten for 10 or 12 hours if it's really high. With that means that your body has now become so numb to it that you require a gigantic amount for the hands in the work. Now you can have these issues and then not have blood sugar issues. So this is why I was getting in. The fact with diabetes is not a blood sugar problem. It's a blood sugar control problem. And so you can have 95, 97 glucose levels. That's the glucose levels. If you're insulin enforcing insulin at 1617, it's just a matter of time before you start seeing problems with the actual glucose. So, you know, get your fasting simple. Then once you eat your fasting, this one goal, you can start regulating your dietary function, your carbohydrate glycemic index. Not a thing to affect that number. And so as you start doing that, that's you start getting healthier, lessen your agency.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:37] So it's coming down that you start losing the fat, actually start feeling better overall. Like there's a whole lot of big positive changes that happen. So and then this while we're on the topic that higher insulin fasting. And so the issue is also it causes dementia. So it ends up happening is that this is when when people I know but you have a receptor in your body called the glut one. That one actually transports sugar from your blood into your single spinal fluid, which is around your breath. So they have it from blood to break, right? Well, what happens is that your blood sits at 80 to 100 blood sugar. That's when you're healthy. Your brain is supposedly sitting between 55 and 60. So if you had a higher and higher and higher resting amount of insulin, what ends up happening is that the sugar that's in the blood that's supposed to be 90, it's sucked over into the brain where it's supposed to be 55. We start seeing the sugar in the brain start coming up too much. That's why we start talking about dementia in these brain, these neurologic disorders or type three diabetes, because after a long time we get some resistance. Not your body is producing a higher amount of fasting, resting insulin. You're shifting more sugar from the blood into the brain that's supposed to be there. And so that's why when I talk about treating dementia, the first thing to do is fix affected areas because again, you've got to change that sugar cycle.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:54] So the first thing we always do is we we start fixing diabetes, just eating for an effective you reset the diet, integrating function with the brain. Again, like I said, semaglutide is a great option for this because it helps inhibit or reduce the amount of sugar that's brought in from the gut into the body, thus forcing your body to produce its own sugar. And in doing so, you actually start fixing the insulin resistance problems. So there's a lot more to it, but that's basically what you do. So if you guys are on these things, don't worry about cancer. If you're not consuming a protein, if you're not onto sore strong, if you're not taking methylated B6, if you're not taking excessive outside bile filer type, let's be very, very worried about what's going to happen to your muscle. Be very worried about to happen to your liver in letter. And I hope that you guys get a little bit more of a better guidance on what you're doing with the stuff because it is is a fantastic peptide. It does a lot of good for you. But if you use it wrong, it'll hurt you. I mean, it's powerful. It's it's it's not it's not unsafe. It's just powerful. And if you use it wrong or you are told how to use it wrong, it's going to cause problems. So that's kind of where this is that you guys have any questions drop in the comments or hit us of . We'll get you through it. Thanks for your time.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness