Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - MDM and the free market

Highlights the value of attending mastermind events and how free market capitalism shapes what we buy. He points out the benefits of connecting with top-notch individuals in VIP groups to enhance personal and professional growth. He also stresses the importance of demanding healthier, chemical-free food options and how our choices can influence the market.

The speaker discusses the negative effects of chemicals like atrazine and glyphosate on our food and suggests buying from smaller, local farms for better nutrition and fewer harmful substances. He explains how consumer demand can drive food industry changes, leading to more organic and nutrient-rich products. By talking about these issues and making informed choices, we can help create positive changes in the food market.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 - Introduction and Overview of MDM
01:06 - Importance of Masterminds and VIP Groups
02:11 - Impact of Chemicals and GMOs on Food
03:08 - Free Market Capitalism and Consumer Demand
05:14 - Nutrient Density in Food
07:34 - Role of Data and Market Demand
09:57 - Encouraging Positive Change

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] So over the weekend it was, MDM for those of you that know, that's, really our mastermind buddy of mine, Ryan SIM and, puts on an event all the time. He's a business and life coach. Great guy. If you guys are not familiar with, Ryan seven, he's still mostly listed as a hardcore closer, kind of guy over there. Check him out. Ryan Symon. But, he's had as many transitions since I've known him. He's moved from more of the crazy hardcore sales guy into. Really? Working in all aspects of your life. Really, really great guy. Not. I'm not putting up for sainthood any time soon, but, he's, he's on a phenomenal path, and you guys should check it out because it's, it's the place to be. It's great to finally be around all those guys. Being in that circle is kind of nice, too. There are a whole bunch of guys who are all trying to move in the same direction. So if you guys are going to those mastermind things, it's great. Go learn the stuff.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:06] But if you guys really want to start kind of figuring out who the star, who you guys should be with, jump into some of the VIP stuff, some of that stuff, the guys who are there, if you if you're ready for those levels, those guys are those guys are really, really great. Those are the guys have really sharpened the knife and gotten down where they need to be. So not all of them, but there's a lot the density of of high quality guys, especially the stuff like MGM, is a lot higher. So check those things out. Those guys are great. If you don't know Ryan, check out Ryan. He's an interesting cat. But. So, versus those things are great. One of the things that I, I wanted to kind of throw out, I did it. I did a throw away real on apples. And it has driven people, and it's hilarious. People are so angry about the Apple comments. But one of the things you are saying is that, you know, cause I made a comment of apples are fine to eat. Just there's some chemicals that are fantastic on their soul, sprayed on them. And, you know, some of the stuff is GMO and they appeal stuff. I'm not super excited about. So I would worry about that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:11] I want to get tell me, you know, it's terrible. I just I'll just eat McDonald's and stuff like that. The reason that we need to talk about these chemicals is the same reason we need to talk about DDT. You know, like when we quit using DDT, right? Because we all got mad. And so we don't want to eat the apples. So we eat the discovered DDT. You know, it's doing all these horrible things. And so they quit using it. If we don't talk about this stuff, they're not going to use it. But here's the thing. It's like, oh, well, you know, they're going to do whatever they want to do. No they're not. How much keto stuff was in the sauce ten years ago? Five years ago. Is there a lot more now than then? Yeah. You know why? Because the free market capitalism does work. Greatest things about capitalism, which is by far the best system we've ever had. As soon as there's a market approved appearing, people go, oh, there's a bunch of people who want to buy stuff, but they want to buy something very specific. I can make that thing and I can sell it to them. I can take my time, my energy, my intellectual power, and I can put some things together.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:08] I can offer your product that you're telling me you want to buy. So the more we tell people we don't want atrazine in our food supply, we don't want glyphosate. Look at all the gluten free stuff. The gluten free stuff. It's not really about gluten. I know we all lost track on this one, but it's all about the glyphosate. We we we saw a problem and we were like, we don't like this because it's causing celiac disease. Causing IBS is causing all sorts of dysfunctions, causing all sorts of disease. We don't want the gluten. We were told it was gluten because no one do. We want to talk about the fact that it's actually the glyphosate, but what's happening is that we're using less and less life. And so because now there's places that are gluten free or no glyphosate, and you've actually started to talk about the life side. So if we can start talking about glyphosate, we can start talking about accuracy. We can start talking about the chemicals we don't want on our food, the appeal stuff. You know, I think that's gate's big new push. If we can start talking about this and be like, we don't want this, I'm just gonna buy organic.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:03] All right. Cool. And, yeah, I get it. Organic is not perfect. But again, the more that we as a as a market demand cleaner foods, you know, fresher stuff, better agricultural function, we're going to get it because someone will come along and say okay I will offer you this thing if you'll just pay for it. And so as long as we, you know, sometimes pay a little bit more for it looking organic, it'll start to become more and more and more and more readily available until the market actually works. And so that's the point. If we just all decide, oh, well, it's hard. I'm going to throw my hands over there, not do it. That's entirely the wrong mindset. But if we all get on and we start talking about the accuracy, sort of talking about this on podcast and social media and we're like, we don't want this stuff anymore. Where can I find something that doesn't have it? Is there a local farm near me that you guys know about that I don't know, like, I don't know if you guys ever gone and picked apples or picked blueberries or picked the stuff and brought them home. It's, you know, it's the these especially the kids. It's a great thing to do. It's like going to the pumpkin patch, but it's still on the block. So, you know, farmer's markets are pretty awesome. You guys can go out there and you can be like, hey, where's your where can I get x, Y, and Z? You know, some of that stuff is really, really, really good.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:14] There's a lot of that stuff. It's better for you than finding the stores, because at the end of the day, when we start talking about the damage to our food, the nutrient density loss, which is not a big, big issue. The amount of nutrients and nutrition that's in our food is substantially less. You know, research you want to look at, it's 25% to 50% less nutrients in the food for eating. And there's all sorts of reasons for this. It's a it's usually it's based. A nutrient density in the soil. Issue. But. If we if we farm the same place the same way really heavily for 20 years, you're going to suck out some of the nutrients. If you don't put them back in the earth, they're not going to be there. And yeah, we fertilize with mostly nitrogen and phosphorus and stuff like that. It's not the little micronutrients we all need. So if you go to a smaller farm, like a farmer's market or some like that, where the guy has, you know, we've been farming the same way for ten years. Yeah, but it's a very small farm, so they're not industrially moving things through. You're going to have more nutrient density, but you're also going to have more flavor. You're going to have, less chemicals and things like that. Unless we go to the actual farm, you can talk to the farmer and be like, what do you use it? Like when I go get shoes, I get I get my meat from, the cowboy bag, you guys.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:27] And so I just order, like, I get together with some guys and we're, you know, a cow or a half a cow or whatever, but I. You can go out and you can take a look at the land. You can go, okay, what's being sprayed on, you know, where are the animals and who are the people there? If you really want to go out and investigate, can't that's the thing that was that's the whole point, that we need to change our mindset from. This is hard and I can't do this to we need to talk about this more. We need to ask the market. We need to demand, hey, where can I buy these things? Because that's the question. When we start all asking, this is where I want. Where can I buy this thing? As you start asking those questions, all the search engine stuff that's on the internet is going to pick that stuff up. It's going to take it back to the guys who are making the decisions at the food companies and where they want to go. And if there's like, hey man, there's a giant market for this accuracy and free stuff, how hard would it be to get accuracy free? Like it'd be pretty hard, right? The market grows a little bit more or who grows a little bit more, and all of a sudden they go, it's not profitable to do this because it's because there's a there's always a giant entry fee cost for the companies to re-engineer weed gear, retool, to do something, to offer something new.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:34] So there has to be a it's gonna cost us $1 million a year. All right. Are we going to be able to make $2 million a year? Now we can make 800 grand. Well, that's a lot from. I can do it. Yeah, as soon as it's big enough, we're enough. People are asking for it and they go, oh, she costs $1 million a year, but we're gonna make $5 million a year. Then they will do it. That's how the market avail. Another great thing about what is now the free market is look at face time when you search for something on Google, because they're all connected. Now, if you guys know this, I'm sure you guys do. I know, but if you search for something on Google and the ads start showing up in your Facebook, it's because they're all connected and the amount of people who are searching for the specific product, that information gets back, that that data is more valuable than oil. Like that data gets back to all of the aggregate guys and they go, oh, let's look at the analytics of the of the last, you know, of America, 330 million people. Let's see what they're all asking for on Facebook and Instagram. So like this. What are they searching for? Where do they want it that that if you don't think that happens you're 100% wrong. I, I do it in my business all the time. So everybody's doing this. All the businesses are doing this is how they're growing is they're looking at what are people asking for. Because the easiest thing to sell you is the thing you're wanting.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:44] I know that sounds shocking, but if I look at an idea, a million people are asking for this thing that nobody else is providing, we could easily gear up and provide this to this million people that we already knew who they are. We already know how to get the stuff to them. We can ship it to them tomorrow. Like that's how these things change, especially now. So the last like, I know people are fatigued about stuff, but the more we kind of go, hey, I will spend money for X, Y and Z, then the more x, y, and z things become available. So that's why we need to talk about it. Like really? Well, what are your suggestions? Let's find something else. I guarantee you I'm not a mass agriculture guy. I don't like there's a I know, I know enough fields, a gigantic amount of information there, and I don't have the information on all that stuff. But I do know this. The guys who do understand that whole logistical function, if they come back and they go, hey, there's a giant market out here for X, y, Z, we're going to end up starting to see products that are in that, in that vertical, just like the keto, just like the gluten free, just like the organic, the things that weren't here that are now a normal thing ten years ago. The reason they got here is because the guys who make the decisions looked at when there's a market we can sell to, so that's why we need to talk about it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:57] So if you guys are, you know, seeing the things on, on online, you know, someone makes a comment about, you know, you know, an apple or a pear or what doesn't matter. And you're talking about it's glyphosate free or it's, you know, it's, you know, organic. Does that as comes. Where did you get like, I would you know, I would really like to decrease the chemicals that are in my family's food. Those comments get scanned by AI. And it's one more one more tech, one more reason we should do this as a family for formal reasons. We should do this. And so that's the thing. So the more we talk about in a nice, polite manner, the things that we need, the things that we want from a chemical free, nutrient dense, you know, position, people are finding it, they're gonna start figuring out what. You're getting it done. So that's just the greatness of the system. So that's why we keep talking about it. So if you guys are starting to see that type of stuff, make positive comments about me. Like, I would love to find some of this stuff as soon as we can. That kind of stuff is going to be really beneficial to your kids and to you in the next couple of years. We got to really fast at this, so that's why we're talking about that's why it's important. So if you guys have any other questions, have some questions at Chartwell Scan or drop them in the comments and we'll talk about later. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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