Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Inflammation Reduction

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Inflammation Reduction

Inflammation isn’t just about discomfort it can be a sign that the body is missing key nutrients. Diet, toxin exposure, and an imbalance of fats all play a role in how the body responds. Instead of just treating symptoms, supporting gut health and making better food choices can help the body heal naturally.

A lot of people don’t realize that parasites, bad bacteria, and hormone imbalances can also contribute to inflammation. When the gut isn’t in good shape, it can steal nutrients and introduce toxins, making it harder to feel better. Medications can help in the short term, but real healing comes from removing what’s harmful and giving the body what it needs to thrive.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:03 - Understanding Inflammation

01:30 - Nutrient Deficiency & Processed Foods

04:40 - Omega-3 vs. Omega-6 Balance

07:42 - The Need for Supplementation

10:59 - Parasites & Gut Health

12:36 - Medication & Short-Term Inflammation Control

13:53 - Testosterone & Healing

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] But we get inflammation when chemistry goes awry, and that's how we're having tissue damage. And now the cells can't perform the normal tasks they do. They release inflammation. The inflammation kind of goes out and kind of alerts the body that we need to fix things. And so that's fairly easy way to think about it. When people talk about tumor reducing inflammation, they talk about B vitamins, reducing inflammation or rigor threes, reducing inflammation. What you really need to think of is the way they're reducing inflammation is are giving the body the chemicals it requires to actually function. So a lot of inflammation you need to look at as nutrient efficiency. It'll be easier for you to understand. And it's like, well, I take, you know, to work every day for anti inflammation. That's right. You require those chemicals to, you know, the nutrients of the it's in the to market for tumor and that sort of thing to fulfill the biochemical tasks your body requires. And without it, you the chemistry goes awry and we create inflammation. So it's not that we have inflammation. We're putting things on it to like put the fire out. What we're doing is we're feeding the body. It's the body quits producing the inflammation because it like, you know, inflammation is created when we don't have enough nutrients and body else. All right, cool. I need six B vitamins. There's not enough floating around the bloodstream.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:30] Somebody's got to take all this stuff over here and break it apart and get you killed. All I need to do this thing right here, this leftover chemistry that's just not floating around. Think of it like that. That. That's the inflammation. Yeah. Okay, so we reduce inflammation by never having the body nutrient efficient enough that it has to break hearts other chemistry to get the stuff it needs. Right. So when we look at that, how does that relate to health? Easy. The more nutrients we have, the better our body can do. All the human streets, lots to do. And so the healthier it is. And that's basically just the whole thrust of where that is. So we talk about, you know. You know, the struggles that you've always had like that. I had Carnivore. I felt so good or I didn't really take heed of and felt great or, you know, I did. Whole30 felt amazing. One of the things you have to remember is that when you're doing this, one of the major things that each one of those diets is that there's not a lot of or any processed foods. And so what ends up happening is that, yeah, the diets giving you the nutrients you need with the bigger pieces, it's not giving you any poison. It's taking the poison out of the diet. Because what you have to understand is that when you consume a poison, so anything that's so and when I say poison, anything that is not a chemical, the body processes easily or anything the body looks at as a this thing that's harmful to it. So it ends up happening is that you get these chemicals that anybody goes, crap, these chemicals are these process chemicals, these, you know, whatever they are manmade heroes. These I don't recognize how to work with.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:10] So I'm going to break this thing down and get it out of the body. Well, in the process of breaking things down, you have to use nutrients. You've got to use the chemicals at hand for the body to do chemistry with. So what it would do is take those nutrients and start breaking all the stuff down and then it goes with it. Now it's all broken down. It's like industry as much I now have to get it out of the body. And so you have things that bind to it to help your body, you know, So exactly the same way that things like curation, you know, we bound these things so they're not going to hurt us or caring about the body. So that all requires nutrients. And the problem is that with a lot of the food we're eating, it is nutrient deprived to begin with. And then it has a lot of processed chemicals and so there's a lot of toxins in it. And so when you eat, you're going to end up with a nutrient deficit, even though your thing you're eating is fortified with violence because the other toxic stuff is going to steal some of these nutrients, you guys have to deal and process the waste out first. So that's where a lot of this stuff comes in. So when you look at like seed oils, one of the reasons that seed oils are so bad for years is they're very high to make since your body does need omega six seconds, a little tiny bit of it. The problem is, is that it has to have oils to build things. And so if you if you need ten units of omega three and one year omega six, which you give the body ten units and then they get six and one year omega three, it's going to try to make that omega six create the tissues and cells it's trying to make.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:40] The problem is, is that it doesn't work very well. And so what ends up happening is that the chemistry starts breaking down. And so we have inflammation because the chemistry is not breaking down. It's trying to make make do with what it has, which is why you're like, well, if you give the body a lot of omega three, it reduces inflammation, correct? Because you're giving the body the nutrients it actually needs to do the job it's trying to do chemically. It doesn't have to make do with what it's got. So there's, cool, we're not going to create this inflammation by trying to, you know, Rob Peter to pay Paul, to steal whatever we can from all the different stuff around us. And we're not going to try to make something out of a lesser chemical. So it's not going to use the next six because it has to make it three years. It is five. So it doesn't mean it's not. So one of the reasons why we when we start working on, you know, we're trying to get healthy, we're trying to get the body records, since they were the first things I was trying to do is eliminate as much of the processing as we can. The thing is, is that. There's always a quality of life balance that's like, well, you know, do you want tortillas? These are the best ones that we have. Do you know you want X, Y, Z? This is the best, you know, that we have.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:52] So it's one of those things where the you know, if we can figure out where do we draw the line? But we get as much of the processing out as possible, as much of the dies out as possible, as much of that stuff out as possible. What ends up happening is that you're reducing the bad chemicals that are causing inflammation. You're reducing the bad chemicals you by maybe use as a last resort, which are also increasing like animals. Right. Actually needs to function this year. Vitamins and minerals and things of that. So the more of those you get, then the more functional it is. Now decided to do that methylation pathway thing where we talk about, well, I'm taking B violence. They are legally you can legally market a thing as a B vitamin if it's a precursor to the B, And this is one of those things that. Maybe Kennedy's effects, maybe he's not. I don't know. But what your body actually needs is a fully methylated body. So when you take in nutrients, your body actually makes enough for you to be balanced. And so at the end of the day, you go through all this chemistry and bag and skin chain ready to use the vitamin, and it's a fully methylated version. The issue you get into is that that's complex chemistry. And a lot of times our bodies can't do it at the level they need to do it. So, you know, if nature and one of the problems is empathy for each other, people don't recognize that it's not a one off. It's either you make zero or you make all of it. So there's gradients in there. And then you also have psychological processes that, you know, if you have high stress methylation pops up problems or are more apparent. And so decreasing the functional stress helps write an athlete within the day. It's easier to just give the body all the fully methylated B vitamins it needs, Whatever it doesn't, you just excretes. So that's why we talked about, you know, supplementation for methylation.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:42] So we will ask ourselves, why do we have to take so many supplements? Because our food is super straight up. If we get really, really healthy food, like really, really good, clean, great food like we have in some of the other country isms or we have and like a lot of farmers markets and stuff like that, we get really, really solid, clean food that doesn't have toxins on it. It's full nutrient. That's the we will have to say a lot less supplementation. You know, it's one of the reasons that, you know, depending on what your diet is, you might have to take a bunch more supplements because you're having to offset the food. You know, people always had this idea that they can train about diets like, well, I'll eat the cake, I'll just run an extra 30 minutes. Well, first of all, it's not really how it works. I understand that you are working on this weird calorie thing. That's not how it works. But the thing is, is that, yeah, you know, you might, you know. Use up the ATP or burn off the calories or how you're taking that however you want to say it. You know, the problem is, is that all of the dyes, all of the all the bad sugars, all the chemicals that are in that case are also having bias in the process through and deal with and cut up and move out as well. So while it can, you know, a lot of some of these let's use worst examples like, you know, hostess cakes or like the white flour crap that you get from the from the bakeries in the grocery store. So not only do that not give you any positive nutrients or very, very few positive nutrients that brought in a lot of dyes and seed oils and other toxic stuff. So you really have to deal with that. And a lot of this stuff has hyper refined sugars in it, and sugar have a massive glycemic effects, massive insulin release and so rise have to deal with that as well.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:29] So. When are consuming these foods on a daily basis. And we're giving our bodies problems to deal with, but we're not giving it enough nutrients to deal with those problems. Natural resources rely on this information. So at the end of the day, that's where we have too many bad chemicals on our good chemicals. And whether it's not because we can't absorb them or whether it's because we can't regulate them, so our body can't really, you know, bring them in properly, we can't make them properly. You know, you can have that issue, but it's always compounded by the amount of toxic chemicals. We hand it and stress. We we live it. And so those that's why we focus so much on that. So when we talk about inflammation or if you realize, my my face is puffy because of inflammation or when I eat X, y, Z, I get my stomach gets and flat or puffy or whatever it is, right? My joints hurt. Those are things recognize that's what's going on. It's when you have inflammation, you have chemistry breakdown. And it is at the end of the day for a lot of it, not all of it, especially with trauma. A lot of it is nutrient deficiencies because my body doesn't have the chemicals it needs to properly go through the metabolic process or the chemical process to do everything functional. And so I end up with inflation and a lot of times we'll have viruses that create these issues or have new bacteria and parasites, yeast and everything that create these localized centers of chemical chaos, if you will. And that's where the information comes from.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:59] So like, I did a parasitic cleanse. I kill the parasites. My inflammation went way down. Yeah, because you don't have something that is actively producing toxic. Chuckles. It's like a lot of parasites will use the enzymes they use to literally build houses or ourselves out of your tissue. And how we eat the food you eat that you're sitting by it, and that the excrement, the poop they have is all inflammatory because it's all chemistry that our body doesn't necessarily need, want, or is benefit. And so that's where a lot of these problems come out. So that's one thing about this class. The garden means the things that are living in the gut aren't really supposed to be there. That's really information. So if you think of inflammation, you think of parasites and things like that. It's, you know, it's taking the chemistry. My body needs to function properly. And because it has it doesn't have the chemicals it needs to function properly. And it's doing its best with what it's got is it's creating a lot of garbage. And that garbage that's around it is like the inflammation. So if you can kind of rethink, like recapture the idea of what inflammation is and that in there, it's only makes a little bit easier. Why? When we change the foods, the inflammation goes down. When we, you know, you saw once the information goes down. And so that's kind of how we look at like, well, how does how did medications decrease these things? They may make and they hit hormone receptor sites like cortisol. So like a lot of steroids, like the you know, you got non-steroidal anti-inflammatory to start steroidal for pregnancy and things like that. Your body produces a hormone cortisol that basically just makes all this of stuff.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:36] And so that's that's one of the ways it helps to get rid of brackets in uncontrolled inflammation. A lot of times we get that from it's cascade. So everything just runs with melting. And to help stop that for a short time. And so that's one of those things that is beneficial as it's short for short term purposes. But, you know, you've got to get that stuff moved out. What's why, you know, as you write, heal some exotics, carry the inflammation away because a lot of times inflammation will get inflammation. So as it tears apart such ripping apart other things around it and so stopping it, forcing that breakdown change occurs should stop so dry can process out, move all that stuff out. Exactly that's why that's why they help short term. So but the problem is, again, if you have some it's causing constant inflammation. We need to figure out what the process is for that and how can it reset, which is also why testosterone lots of times helps reduce joint pain and things like that because it helps like heal and also put things back together. So it's no longer creating inflammatory issues that are there, you know, again, to source from as a hyper critical natural part of the body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:53] And so, you know, when people talk about using testosterone, it's unnatural or think that is that is the 100% wrong word use because you put into something your body is substantially natural, is more natural than taking vitamin C is right. It makes the solution just doesn't make sense. It just doesn't have enough of that same same idea. Second D three or B, Right. So keep that peace of mind because you can change when you think about some of the stuff. It will help you understand how kind of realize, you know where we're trying to go. So that was kind of the idea of the inflammation piece is how it ties in nutrition. That's the thing. So why are so there's multiple different reasons we get inflammation. One of them once recently the chronic stuff is because we're nutrient efficient and we're toxin poisoning. So keep that mind, you know, keep the processed stuff out of your food and get your nutrient dense. The higher and a lot of this information on this principle this dysfunctional search all about and even go so right thanks for your time He's a great guy and we will see you tomorrow.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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