There are some widespread misconceptions about hormone therapy, specifically with regard to bioidentical hormones. The advantages of testosterone shots for females, the dangers of progesterone and estrogen medication, and the significance of accurate assessments of hormone and metabolic health are all covered in the conversation. The film also highlights a holistic approach to healing and criticizes modern medical procedures.
This educational video to learn about the intricacies of hormone problems and dispel fallacies about bioidentical hormones. Highlights include the benefits of testosterone therapy for females, the possible carcinogenic hazards associated with progesterone and estrogen, and the critical function of thorough hormone testing. Important information about attaining balanced health via accurate diagnosis and all-encompassing treatment approaches is given.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:03 - Introduction to Hormone Issues
00:30 - Patient Case Study
01:20 - Bioidentical Hormones and Misconceptions
02:24 - Testosterone and Estrogen Conversion
03:32 - Cancer and Hormone Therapy
04:54 - Benefits of Testosterone Therapy
06:22 - Challenges with Current Medical Practices
08:50 - Insulin Resistance and Diabetes
10:40 - Hormone Education and Pharmaceutical Influence
13:18 - Holistic Health Approach
15:50 - Conclusion and Contact Information
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] Okay. We're going to go through some hormone stuff today. I had a patient hearing yesterday, and she was all confused what was going on, and she told me that, for doctor had told her that she needed to have. The most the most natural bioidentical hormones she can get. And she told her that injections were were not in any way natural. They're very, very, very synthetic. So she needed the diet pellets. So she gives her the biopsy pellets, and then she tells her that, because the biotin pellets don't convert into estrogen, she has to give her an estrogen cream. And because and that now that estrogen cream is it's also super all natural and and very, very special compounded. But then she told her that she also needs progesterone. And so she gives her a progesterone pill that's compounded also very, very natural. And so that's what's going on. And the pellet got infected and it popped out. And you know her, she just she has these hardened, hardened pockets in her, in her back from her last pellets. And and she still didn't understand. She came in, and we're going through everything.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:20] I want to run through what? What she was told. Because I hear this over and over and over again. If Biot pellets do not convert from the testosterone into estrogen, they are not natural in any way possible. They're not close to it. They're not there. They're fully synthetic and you should never, ever take them flat out if that's the actual function. I don't know if they don't convert. I don't like them for other reasons. I don't like them because it's impossible to manage levels. They damage the tissue really badly. You have two of them surgically implanted, and that gives you risk of infection like she has. And like lots of other patients have had, they come out. There there's the there's the it shifts in and out of the functional axis as well. So I'm just not a fan. However, testosterone typically where we give that is injected into people converts into estrogen. Testosterone naturally converts. And estrogen. Most of the estrogen men have isn't because we made us. It's because we made testosterone and converted it to the five alpha reductase into estrogen.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:24] Which is why when you get on testosterone, specifically injections, you have to understand that some of that testosterone is by definition going to be converted to estrogen, which in women is a phenomenal thing, which is why you can give women just injectable testosterone and not estrogen and progesterone, which if you Google that, like just Google that and Google Ncbi or NIH, look at the National of Health Research articles on cancer based on estrogen and progesterone, therapy. It's massive in in that if you switched for the average, like how much cancer does testosterone produce? We don't have any definitive studies that go these. This group of people didn't have cancer. We gave them testosterone. Now they have cancer. Well, we actually see as these people didn't have testosterone, give him testosterone. And they did great. Like when I do recent. So I did a bunch of research on withdrawal and Evar and some of the orals that everybody has and other so dangerous. And I was like, well, maybe we can figure out why they're dangerous and then we can do things to buffer them. What I found out was they were giving these to all people for a decade. Amazing results. They're like, they started moving, they lost fat.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:32] They got mental clarity. Came back on this. They came back. Energy came back, like they were they felt 20 years younger. And I was like, I thought these medications were supposed to be a wildly deadly because they're super bad for the liver because they're orals. Not what we find in research. So, you know, when you actually look into the testosterone, there's there's very, very little research that shows that that definitively shows that they're, that they're dangerous, especially the injectables. So I don't know where they're getting this body. Right. The estrogen progesterone therapy is starting to show lots and lots of research on the cancer. So giving those is, in my opinion, not the best option. If you give testosterone that will convert over into estrogen just fine. So typically you give a woman and have testosterone to get her that 100 to 250 range, on draft day. And that will convert over enough of hot flushes nights, which does go away. So with one shot twice a week takes 3 to 4 minutes to do you knock out fat issues, energy issues, bone density issues, mental clarity issues, sex drive issues, orgasm function issues, you know, sleep stuff, hot flushes, night sweats, like so many issues with just using testosterone. So but you know, that's less things to buy and less things to, you know, manage.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:54] And so docs either don't know or choose to go with the more expensive, more difficult route. So If you're a woman and being told that you have to have 3 or 4 different things to get everything off balance. I'm going to have to disagree with that because we see it wildly different all the time. Whenever we, like I said, just give women injectable testosterone and they have these long list of issues. And then, you know, six weeks later, I'm like, how are you feeling? Like, all my things are so much better. Great. About 5% of the time we'll have to give them something, a little progesterone based because the social reverse estrogen and progesterone converse estrogen, they all move back and forth with each other. That's how the body works. It was like, hey, we don't have enough of this thing. We'll take this and make it into that. Like, for instance, when you eat, you eat a piece of steak, right? You digest the steak and you get you get amino acids. Tryptophan. If your body's healthy. You got good. Tryptophan turns into serotonin. Serotonin turns into melatonin. So eating that steak helps you go to sleep. That's how the body is designed. And so when you eat junk food, trash food where you put in trash medications that can't do that, you go, oh, we give you this thing. That's where it sticks. This is why vitamin issues are such a big deal, like the methylation function of B vitamins. Because if you're not healthy or if you have individual issues, you take a B vitamins that's supposed to go here, to here, to here. And then we use this piece the third step down the line.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:22] This doesn't convert because you took the wrong stuff like a lot of medical stuffs like that. It's why synthetic vitamin E is toxic. That normal that I'm using. So lots of things like that. But when we start specifically talking about hormones, there's a lot of misconception about that because I just don't think people know if they're doing, I got a I got a patient the other day that, she comes in and we when we first came in, she's massive acne, very heavy, very sick, like feeling just miserable. And so I gave her a list of things she should do. And the only thing that they did was they moved her to keto diet. I saw I was it five, six weeks later? I mean, I'm talking she had massive acne and horrible oily skin. It was kind of gross, completely clear skin, like she's lost 10 pounds. She's like, it's. I lost ten times. Like it's been five weeks. You've never been able to weight. And in one month you lose 10 pounds. So I think it's, you know, eating into your diet, you you admit you really enjoy it. So. I mean. Polar Labs who said you're insulin resistant? You don't have, you know, but you don't have any diabetes issues. But she didn't pull insulin. How are you guys making insulin resistance or diabetes remarks without pulling insulin. Look like look at your guys labs. If your doctor hasn't pulled your insulin, they haven't looked at your hormonal or metabolic health at all because insulin is the base function for diabetes, for insulin resistance, for fat accumulation, for its it is the one of the primary hormones.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:05] If your doctor is on point, they cannot. And they can like literally like if you which is supposed to look for insulin resistance is fasting insulin. Where is it? If it's 5 to 10 you're pretty good. If it's 10 to 14, you're in trouble. If it's higher than 14, you're either diabetic or you're you're on the road today back to being diabetic because that's insulin resistance. If they don't want your insulin they can't make that call. So look at your labs. If you had diabetes, you'd like to replace your insulin unit. Find every doctor immediately because they don't have a clue what they're doing. Because diabetes is insulin resistance. It's what it is. So if you give someone insulin and they go, oh, now I'm better. Well, okay. Because your body's resistant to the insulin, the have the amount of insulin required to generate function is higher than normal because you're resistant to insulin. If your doctor is not pulling your insulin, how can they manage this when they're giving you? I've never. One time, never one time have I seen a diabetic come in here. Where? There. Doctor. There. Endocrinologist. Remedy. Anybody has told? There is not one type. And then we pull it. I explain how it works. And two weeks later they met at acting one, which. Maybe that's why. Because, according to Baraka, the diabetic diabetes is worth $110 billion a year. So not. You want to upset that apple cart.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:27] You just want to make sure that people stay sick, stay on the drugs, stay coming in for the employment, stay coming in for the labs. You know, it's pretty easy if you don't tell them what the problem is. So, we see lots and lots of issues with hormones. The problem we're getting into is that there is no education on hormones. You kind of have to do it yourself. And. The reason. I think the reason for not teaching more about this is because that's how you get people healthy. And I you can disagree with me, but I 100% believe that the pharmaceutical industry and that's going to be all the pharmaceutical companies, the NIH, the CDC, the W.H.O.. Because if you look at who runs those things, just just look at the NIH and the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies, like the guys who are in leader leadership position, they swapped from Merck and Pfizer to everything else. You know, RFK came out and proved that, the NIH owns 50% of the Covid vaccine, 50%. So they also the NIH also funded the creation of Covid. So this is this is very similar to that Mission Impossible two. Where were you. Hey, let's make the disease and then sell the cure. That sounds like a really great way to make money. Well, because you made the disease the NIH.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:40] Guess who owns the patents and owns a lot of the the funds that come from from that patent for the vaccine, you know. I'm not saying they did it that way. I'm just saying it's kind of interesting that the guys who own the vaccine that was made in ridiculously amazing time, like, I just think about if you made a billion vaccines one second, that it would take you 33 years. There's 33 years in 1,000,000,000 seconds. But we made a billion vaccines. We we figured out something we've never knew is there. We made a vaccine for it. And then we had plenty of vaccine for the planet in six months. That seems interesting. I mean, when you find out that the guy who designed the vaccine also designed the disease, it makes a little bit more sense why they to do it. Now, the motives behind why they did all these things is, you know, speculation and conspiracy. But those are facts. The NIH owns half the half the the equity in the vaccine. And the NIH paid for the creation of the the virus that the vaccine was for. So that's all that why they did it? That's conspiracy. So figure it out for yourself. But if you guys are, if you guys are having hormone issues, give us a call. Let's get those things straight away.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:58] Citizens fixed rate is supposed to be, let's put you guys back together. But the other thing that's big on that one. And people keep messing with hormones, you know? But at the end of the day, if your hormones are balanced, you're like, look, I might be 20% better. I'm not where I need to be. It's because it's something else. It's a bit of an issue. It's an issue. It's a gut issue. It's, a parasitic infection issue. It's a lack of nutrition issues. Is lack of sleep issue. It's a psychological issue. There's so many other things that factor in. Yes, your hormones have to completely balance where they're supposed to be, but there's other things. So don't just be like, here are the meds. All of the I gave you synthroid and it didn't work. I you know, I guess I'll just give you more. There's other things guys. Hormones are critical but there's other things that once the hormones says, hey, go do this thing. You got to do it. If you don't have the chemicals to do the thing the body tells you to do, you can't do it. So know there's like I said, there's a lot of things that you gain because hormones that. Right. By the way, thyroid TSH either has thyroid in the name is a brain hormone. It's not a thyroid hormone. So if you're doctor TSH and T4 thyroid meds off of it, you need to be a doctor. TSH is a brain hormone. The brain tells the thyroid to to start producing hormone. So that's just like telling your teenager, hey, go clean your room. All right. You told the teenager to clean your room.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:18] Did they? You should probably check the room. So you should pull T3 and T4, but not just T3 and T4. You should free T3 and free T4, which is the amount of unbound stuff that's actually functional in your body. I mean, reverse T3, reverse T3 is like anti T3. So if you have really high energy T3 or really high reverse T3 and a moderate amount of T3, the effective part of that T3 is really lower. So if you're you're within the range where you have a doctor who uses ranges, if you're within the range but lower in range and you have high T3, high reverse T3, that's why your functional T3 is low. That's why you're if you feel like the T3 as well, you know it's within the range. So if you're not pulling those, you don't have a doctor who knows what they're doing with those. So there's antibodies two two, three. And so there's antibodies that are phenomenal pull as well. But the minimal form of that is going to be free T3, free T4, reverse T3 and TSH.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:19] The reason you want to pull cash is because your TSH is low and your thyroid is low. You have a brain problem, not a thyroid problem. You have high TSH and low thyroid. You have a thyroid problem. That's basically all you can figure out from TSH. 234 the TSH is good to figure out. Is it a brain issue or is the thyroid issue? That's it. Outside of that connection, it has nothing to do with the thyroid. So you do need it, but you need the other ones more importantly. So look at your labs. If your doctors are pulling the right labs and getting the right information, they're just giving you scripts. You know they're not doctor. They're just scripting. Which, if that's what you want, great. But it's not going to help you if you're having problems. Find something actually pulls the right laughs. So if you guys have any of those questions hit us up. Questions at Chalmers one sitcom. Poehler's a well-known sitcom. Or just call the office. If you guys have any other questions, please drop in the comments. We'll chat. If your time.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.