Finding the right health care team lead is crucial for achieving your health goals. This episode dives into the differences between natural and holistic approaches, emphasizing the importance of choosing a provider who aligns with your values and supports proactive care. Whether it's managing nutrition, supplements, or lifestyle changes, the right health care partner should walk the journey with you, helping tailor sustainable solutions that fit your life.
The discussion highlights practical steps to improve your health, from reducing sugar and adding simple exercises to exploring advanced options like DNA and hormone testing. With a focus on balancing effort and results, this episode offers insights on building a long-term plan for wellness, guided by specialists who understand the importance of prevention and whole-person care.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:04 - Introduction
01:35 - Aligning Goals with Your Health Care Provider
02:54 - Proactive Health Requires Effort
04:10 - The Cost of Long-Term Health
05:29 - Defining Your Health Goals
06:51 - Practical Steps to Improve Health
08:17 - Choosing the Right Provider
10:46 - Benefits of DNA and Hormone Testing
12:07 - Tailoring Health Plans to Your Lifestyle
13:25 - Role of Medical Doctors vs. Other Specialists
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] Alright. Okay. So it's Merry Christmas week. So we'll be I'll still be doing this every every day about this time, because that's what I do. But anyway, so we want to talk about kind of how to find your health care team lead. Couple really important definitions I want to throw out first. Natural means no pharmaceuticals. Holistic means you take care of the entire person. Holistic does not mean you don't use pharmaceuticals. There's a whole lot of ways to be holistic and use pharmaceuticals using ivermectin, using, you know, there's from Menzel using, you know, that fluke in that there's there's a whole lot of things that you can use that are pharmaceutical that still count as being holistic. So keep that kind of in mind. The, the big thing that you're going to have to find. When you're looking for your health care provider is or your health care provider team lead specialty is that you guys are in alignment with what you're wanting from a from a. Total goal standpoint. A lot of people go, Well, my pediatrician told us we had to get vaccinated. So we went ahead and did that or else we get kicked out of practice, get kicked out and forced to leave. When a doctor forces you to leave, forces you to abandon medical care. That's that's a problem. If they're telling you that you have to take their drugs or else they won't treat you, go somewhere else. It's the same thing with everybody who's forcing the Covid vaccine. There's not enough research done on them.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:35] You know, if you have a problem with doing it that way, go somewhere else. If you want full vaccines and your pediatrician won't do that. Go somewhere else. You guys need to figure out what it is you want and then make sure that the health care providers that you're working with are on the same page with you. If you come here and you're like, Hey, man, I really, really want as much antibiotics as I can get and me your problem, I'm probably not going be the guy that you're to want to work with. You know, so. But at the same time, you know, there's there's also the two different brands of the I have a problem fix it and I don't want to have problems keep me from having problems. So you've got one which is more medical, which is the hey, you know, I've got a cold, you know, give me something for my cold or I have strep throat. Give me something when I start throat and I don't want to get sick, you know, I don't have time to get sick. I don't want to get sick. I want to have a long, you know, high quality of life. Keep me from getting sick. What's that plan? And so you're going to have to figure out which one of those you are. And then find somebody who's going to be in line with that. The I will tell you that. You're going to have to the the more you want to not get sick, the more work you're going to have to do, the more testing you're going have to do.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:54] So, you know, like when we have people like that, we'll run DNA testing on them to see what their methylation pathways look like. Yeah, we'll set up, you know, a diet for them that is functional long term. And that's why I was I mentioned it all the time. That's why we asked for your ten favorite foods and five foods you never wanna eat again because any diet that excludes your favorite foods is 100% not sustainable. You know, if you're like, I'm going to give up, you know, steak and cookies and, you know, cake and and ice cream, you know, forever to be healthy, you're going to hate your life, wants to be miserable, and you're going to you're going to fail because you're going to slip back. And so, you know, finding the ways that you can get the things you want when healthy is very possible is going to be more beneficial. You're going to have to start working out. You're going have to supplement. You know, keeping yourself healthy is a physical act. It is something that you have to do on a regular basis. That is that's just where it is. If you're like, well, I want to spend 18 hours behind a TV screen and microwave my my food, and that's not my goal in life. You're you're probably not going to be able to sustain a program that is designed to keep you healthy. You're going to have to work out. You're going to have to sleep. You're going to have to drink water. You're going to have to like you're going to have to, you know, keep your mindset in a good place. You're going to supplement.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:10] If you live in the United State, you're going to have to supplement. And it's a little bit more expensive because all those things cost money. You know, the supplements, the organic food, the clean food, You know, if you're going to join a gym, great. You're going to build a gym in your house, great. But these are the things that are going to take time, energy and money. What you want to do in that case, if you decide that you're going to walk down that path, is find somebody who can walk that path with you. So he's already done it. You want to walk with, you know, work with the dog who you know is in shape and, you know, kind of has either the life that you want as far as, you know, how much they work out like that, or has someone who has a life that you want to achieve one day or is doing more than you are, You know, you don't want to go to the six and ask for the ten plan. You know, if you go to the guy who's doing the ten, you can always ask for the six. We do that a lot. We'll get guys in who are like, you know, I don't want to look like you. I don't want to be as big as you or that's not. But I do want to be healthy and this and that. And so it's I always ask them, what does that mean to you? And people go, I don't really know, figure this out, you know, before you start looking for anybody, before you go talk to anybody, what is it you want? Do you want to, you know, do you want to work real hard and get a six pack that you've never had before and maintain that level of intensity If you're like, Yeah, I want to do that, great, then fantastic. I'll do that.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:29] You know, there's lots of guys who can help you get there, You know, if you're like, I just want to be lean, I want to be healthy. I want to have, you know, spend 40 minutes in the gym. No more than that. I don't want to do a lot of cardio, you know, I don't want to give up my favorite foods. Fantastic. You know, check that one out. Just make sure that you know where it is you want to go and then kind of find the guys who can get you there. My recommendation to you is always going to be do the simple stuff first. You know, cut the sugars down or out, which is a lot easier than people think it is. Yeah. When I started doing this ten years ago, 15 years ago, it was impossible. It was so hard. Now you can go like every every Walmart, every grocery store has keto stuff on the on the shelves. They've got low sugar, no sugar stuff, you know. And if you're like, Well, I don't want sucralose and aspartame, fantastic. Neither do I, you know, Allulose Erythritol. There's lots of other options out there. And so, you know, that's one of those things we can do all the time. Like we always somebody comes and I will always recommend a low sugar unless they're wild or morphs. So there's the exceptions, but so the vast majority of the time we'll end up recommending, you know, people use keto desserts when they're going to eat dessert anyway because a lot of them are just as good. I think some of them are better. It's my call. But you don't to deal with the insulin rush, you don't have to deal with the damaged insulin causes. You have to deal with the damage that sugar causes.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:51] There's a lot of artificial junk in these things you have to deal with. So from a healthier standpoint, there you go. Just swapping out some of your desserts is a great step forward. You know, just walking around the neighborhood is a fantastic way to start to kind of build up. So kind of figure out what it is you're wanting to do and where you're wanting to go before you start looking for, you know, the person to take you where you want to go. You know, there's a lot if you're if you're wanting to get healthy long term, this is one of those things that you're not going to be able to go to your medical doctor for. That is not what they're educated on. They're educate. They're tremendously educated, but they're educated on pharmaceuticals. If you want pharmaceuticals and the way to manage a problem, then your M.D. is your best bet. If you get hurt, if there's an emergency 100%, don't call me. Go to the E.R., talk to your dog, you know? Emergency events are what Western medicine shines in. So, you know, if you're going to wait until things happen, if you can't wait until you have a heart attack, wait, wait to get the cancer. If you're going to wait until you know you have GERD or whatever it is, then you Western medicine can be really great at that. So go seek those guys out. But if you're if you're looking for something more long term, if you're like, hey, I just I want to I want to put in X amount of effort and so they can be healthier long term. Great. You know, there's a lot of guys out there who will, you know, chastise you for not doing everything. Don't work with those guys.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:17] If you're one of those people who needs a fire lit under you and be forced to push really, really hard. Great. But kind of figure out where it is you want to be. We have lots and lots of patients. These are my favorite people who are like, look, I got I want to be healthy or healthy ish. You know, I'm going to work out for, you know, 30 minutes a day, 40 minutes a day. I'm going to eat pretty good. I'm still going to drink a beer, my whiskey. So I'm going to do these things. But I want to just, you know, pick up the small the small pieces I can along the way. That's fantastic. That boat is really, really big, if that's who you are. If you're, like, still at my whiskey, still at my this or that, you know, great. Like, there's lots of things that you can do to kind of round that out, you know, when you're not drinking the whiskey. Drink more water. You know, drink. Hence drink. There's there's, you know, 5 or 6 other Taguchi goes there's 8 or 9 other ways of getting better things in then, you know, soft drinks and coke and Dr. Pepper is like that. You know, if you can give those up for water and still have your whiskey at night, you're much better off than you were. This isn't an all in type of thing unless you want it to be. You know, we've got I got I got lots and lots of patients who are still drinking whiskey and, you know, still eating ice cream and stuff like that and, you know, not doing cardio, but they're lifting and they're eating a higher protein based diet. And, you know, they're getting a little bit more sleep and they're getting some more water and they're doing some supplementation.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:38] You know, and you're like, that's a whole lot of stuff. It's really not that big of a deal. You know, if you're like, okay, I'm going to take some supplements before I leave the house, before I go to bed. All right, great. It's like just about five minutes aside, you're good and you're going get a lot more typical nutrition anywhere where you want to go. I'm going to do some lifting. You know, I'm going to do, you know, not crazy. I'm not going to, you know, try to be world's strongest man. I'm going to do something fantastic that's going to keep your bones, your ligaments, your tendons healthier, to keep your muscle mass there. It's going to be easier to fight off infections and keep your lymph moving, keep your blood moving. It's really, really a great thing to do. There's there's massive research and, you know, weight lifting, stuff like that. You don't have to go to the gym for 90 minutes and kill yourself every time. It's not like that. You know, if you don't want to do that, you want to go to a boutique fitness place. Fantastic. We're going to figure out kind of like where it is you want to be. And if you need somebody to kind of help you walk, you walk you through that. That's what we do with our with our goals calls. And I'm sure lots of other guys do goals, calls where we sit down, go, who are you and where you want to go, You know, what do you what are you worried about? What's what's in your life that you know, we might need to worry about and kind of go from there?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:46] If you don't know a DNA methylation test is a phenomenal thing to do. I think ours are like 200 bucks, just like 90 different methylation pathways. There's a lot of health that can be found in that. There's a lot of health thing we found in figuring out where your hormones are. If all you did was do the methylation tests and supplements for your methylation problems and do your DNA due to your hormones, asking your hormones where they're supposed to be, you're going to be substantially healthier than 95% of the population because those are those are the biochemicals that your body has to have to function. It's got to have testosterone. The testosterone for women will turn into estrogen. So you don't have to worry about something with that estrogen. So you have the mass vast majority of your your functional sex hormones dealt with raising your testosterone that will help your body make cortisol because it now has nutrients to make cortisol with. So you have protection against a little bit more protection against, you know, stress. So you're good there. You know, if you're going to if you fix all your methylation pathways, you know, each arm. TTR Now all of a sudden you can make the chemicals your body needs. You can make the folic acid, you can make the B6, you can make the B12, you can make all those things. Your body can deal with them. You know, you can properly break down T4 and make it into T3 so your thyroid works better. You know, there's, you know, your brain can start kind of regenerating a little bit. You can start healing the gut back.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:07] There's lots and lots and lots of things you can do with those simple tasks and a little bit of supplementation. You know, people I think a lot of times people look at, especially in the years around the years, they look at it, they're like, Man, there's so many things everybody's doing. You know, it's like, everybody wants to have a six pack and they're going to join these giant plans. And that's fantastic. You know, if you're that guy and you're like or that woman and you're like, I'm going to go from 0 to 100 because that's how I do things. Fantastic. Knock it out. That's awesome. But the vast majority of people that I'm seeing are like, Hey, look, I do want to start walking down the road. I want to start getting healthier. But we got to fit it in my life. That's great. Just make sure that you figure out kind of where you want to go and who you're working with. You know, if you, you know, if you're if you're team lead, if you're if you're M.D., if you have an M.D., which there's nothing wrong with making an M.D. choice, especially if their function has their function as in your way down the road, the better spot, because those guys actually have education in supplementation, nutrition and physiology. But, you know, if you're trying to figure out where you want to go, you want to go with somebody who who's educated in the spaces that you're wanting to go down. So, you know, very few medical doctors know anything about nutrition, know anything about supplementation, know anything about exercise, know anything about sleep. Know anything about hormones.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:25] So, you know, that's the thing. You know, they're great with stitches and they're great with burns and they're great with you know, I fell off a building. I got shot. I got run over by a car. Phenomenal for that. If you're looking for something that's not acute, not immediate, something like, hey, how do I get healthier over time? That's not what they're educated on. And I'm going to try and say they're stupid or anything like that. It's just, you know, you can only learn so much and there's a giant amount that they learn about drugs. And so, you know, that's their forte. That's their thing. If you don't want drugs, you're probably going to the wrong guy or woman if you're going to your M.D. but kind of figure out where you wanted to go with all these things and then kind of pick your person, depending on, you know, who leans into that space more. And I think that should be a lot happier. And the funny thing is, is that when you go to see the people who are, you know, who can take you to the ten and you're like, I want the four or 5 or 6, there's always you always go back. In fact, I talk about this all the time because my favorite thing that ever happens is we get these guys in who go from like a two to a four and they start feeling better. They got more energy, they're losing some fat and they're liking the way they feel, that type of thing.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:29] And then, you know, they come and they go, Hey, look, remember I said I didn't want a six pack? And I'm yeah, like, what is the plan look like? If I did want the six pack and it's always my favorite because what that shows is that they put a little bit of investment into themselves a little bit and they saw some ROI and they thought, I can actually do this. I can actually make a difference. You know, if I just if I just make a little changes, I can see results. And that's my favorite thing ever because as soon as people start to realize that they do have control of their own health, that they do have control over their own body and they do have control over their own mind. Now the fun starts. Now it's like, how far do you want to go? And if people realize they have that and they don't want to go any further, great. It's your journey. Like we're here to just facilitate how far you want to go and be happy with you on the milestones you hit. Not everybody wants to get on stage and everybody should get on stage. You know, everybody needs to lose 100 pounds and I ready to six pack, but everybody needs to be a little healthier, have a little bit more energy and be more connected to their family. So, you know, it is one of those things that figure out kind of where it is you want to go, how far you want, how fast you want to get there and what time you have available. Then go find somebody who can help you kind of walk down that road.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:37] So, you know, that would be the thing I would tell you to do. As far as fitting, right? Your team lead until you know where you want to go. It's really, really hard to figure out, you know, who you should pick to take you there. So kind of figure that out and then, you know, kind of get started on it. And we do I guess we do goals, calls. Everybody who comes in says, I want to I want to start getting healthier, know what do I do first? Like, let's do a goals call. And we spend 4 or 5 minutes or an hour and we just go over there. What is it you want? Where do you want to go? You know, I have a list. Send me a picture of what you want to look like and I'll tell you it'll take to get you there. And a lot of times people bring me pictures in like, okay, if you work really hard hour, hour and a half in the gym every day, six days a week, we get your hormone scale, you know, put together, get your diet on point. We get yourself mentation on point. We just sleep on point. You can be there in a year and people look at it and go. Okay. Okay, Well, let's let's look at something else. And that's great. You know, a lot of times you want to do things in baby steps. So a lot of times you want to ease into these things. But, you know, that's kind of where a lot of this is.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:16:40] So if you guys are looking for that, you can get a hold of us. There's a lot of trainers out there. If you want to be healthier and this is now, again, not trying to dog on them days. They're they have phenomenal physicians in their health care system and they're the vast majority that I've ever met, have been phenomenal human beings. If you want to get healthier, getting a good personal trainers can be better than go to your M.D. because your good personal trainer is going to talk to you about exercise or can talk to you about diet. They're going to talk to you about, you know you know. Drinking more water, getting better sleep. You know, a lot of these guys are going to talk about mental state. So, you know, that's the other side of it. So if you guys are looking for team leads, you know, you know, personal trainer isn't always a terrible option, especially if they're connected in their environment. They know who they're talking to. So if he has any other questions, his have questions that Chalmers wants, I can check out Thomas one second, pillars of one second or drop some questions to the comments. Thanks for your time.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness