Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Detox Supplements

The world of detox supplementation, debunking common misconceptions and highlighting its crucial role in maintaining optimal health. Detox supplements are explained as essential providers of nutrients necessary for the body's detoxification processes, rather than direct detoxifiers. Using relatable analogies like baking a cake, the discussion emphasizes the importance of addressing nutritional deficiencies to support natural detox pathways. The video also explores the impact of reduced nutrient values in food and increased exposure to environmental toxins, which elevate the need for proper supplementation.

The dangers of neglecting detox supplementation, especially when using potent substances like semaglutide and other anabolic agents, are highlighted. Balancing supplement intake to support organ function during detoxification and boost levels of vital compounds like glutathione and NADH is underscored. Rooted in chiropractic and natural health principles, the video advocates for a holistic approach to health, where providing the body with necessary chemicals allows it to perform its natural detoxification processes effectively. This comprehensive guide underscores the significance of detox supplements in supporting overall well-being.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:05 - Introduction to Detox Supplementation
00:30 - Misconceptions About Detox Supplements
01:10 - Role of Nutrients in Detoxification
01:37 - Analogy for Understanding Nutrient Deficiency
02:30 - Decreasing Nutrient Values in Food
03:19 - Increased Toxic Load and Stress
04:10 - Function of Detox Supplements
04:43 - Impact of Supplements on Pathogens
05:00 - Balancing Supplement Intake
06:10 - Danger of Ignoring Detox Supplements
08:11 - Role of Glutathione in Detoxification
09:00 - NADH and Its Functions
09:36 - Philosophy of Detoxification
10:30 - Counterargument to Detox Supplement Skepticism
11:15 - Conclusion and Call for Questions

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:05] I want to talk today about detox supplementation. You see, a lot of times online and lots of different articles, usually from, medical docs. And I love our medical docs, but their training and education is not in nutrition physiology. So, it is what it is. It's everybody's talking about. Oh, detox supplements don't work. You can't take detox. Almost. They don't do anything. They don't work. You shouldn't take them. For that to be true, you'd have to. For that to be true, you then have to think the statement that does not exist, mter does not exist for you. What issues do not exist? Nutrition, nutritional deficiencies do not exist. That's what you're saying when you say detox. Supplements don't work. You have to. You have to believe in that statement, that you believe that there's no such thing as nutritional deficiencies. If you're gonna say detox is not work, because I'll grant you that that supplement, that tumeric does not detoxify the body. What it does is it gives the body the chemicals it needs in order to do the detoxing. So when you give the body methylated B6, it allows the bile cells to reabsorb back into suspension. And so they can start being that Wd40 consistency. And so the actual grease consistency allowing the body to then use that chemical, the biochemical to break down and emulsify fats and then absorb them properly. When you give the adrenals salt, the salt does not increase anything in the bowel. However, the adrenals do make hormones and do control through levels in the bowels. So now the salt that is feeding the adrenal on the tumor can allow the adrenals to then perform the jobs that they're supposed to do.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:37] I use this analogy a lot, for people who don't understand physiological chemistry, if you're baking a cake and you have a lot of flour and you have a lot of sugar, but you have no eggs, you can't make cake. That's how it works. So if someone goes, here's more flour, here's more sugar. You know, like, I have plenty of flour, I have plenty of sugar. I don't have eggs. So you have to give the body of the eggs so it can make the cake. That's what living arrangements are. And so a lot of times we'll have a nutrient come in, B vitamins. You know what? Whatever it is. And your body uses that chemical all over, right? And so you're trying to fix the adrenals, or you're trying to fix the liver, or you're trying to detox with the kidneys. However, the chemicals you're needed are being used up all over the body. So you have to give your body a lot more of that chemical, so that it can actually perform the jobs it's supposed to do. That's what detox supplementation is for. Now, here's the thing. The reason why. And here we go. Well, they've been working for lots of years. They have your kidneys, your liver have been doing a great job for hundreds and hundreds of years. However, the nutrients in our food have been decreased. You guys, I'm not going to be able to research on that. Just Google it. It's really easy to Google stuff. Google that you're going to see you from 15 or 20% to 50% reduction in nutrient values or food, depending on how the study was done, where it was done, all that sort of stuff. So take all that research and just kind of understand that we have a little bit less of the specific chemicals we need, to run our bodies. On top of that, we have chemicals that are in our water like atrazine, glyphosate. We've got, you know, hydrocarbons from the gas from that, from gas engines and stuff like that exhaust.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:19] We've got all the chemicals we're spraying on our, our graph or, you know, in the air, you know, to kill mosquitoes and all this stuff. And then any of your processed foods are going gonna have chemicals in the body, has to process and deal with stress, is going to create other issues. So as you start putting all those factors together, the, you know, giant stress, giant chemical toxicity, increasing this giant need for detoxification, and then you actually factor in, you know, the fact that the stress is shutting down our body's ability to do that. And then you look at the amount of nutrient deprivation we have in our food, especially because we're eating a low, nutrient dense, diet. And you understand that the toxicity that our body has to deal with is a lot higher, and the stress is a lot higher, which is going to inhibit the detoxification. And then the nutrients, the chemicals, the eggs, the limiting reagents are lower. And so when you look at that and you go, oh, well, maybe we should give the body the chemicals it needs to do the detoxification stuff. All right. That's what we're in, the detoxification supplements. So when we talk about take this problem script for detox, the supplement usually is not doing the detox. It's usually feeding the body. So the body can do the detoxification it needs to do. So that's really what's going on. Now some of the stuff, like the RFA we use, has a bunch of oil in it. So those oils will actually kill viruses, bacteria, yeast, things like that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:43] So as it kills that stuff, what ends up happening then is your body has to detox the dead yeast, dead bacteria, dead viruses, stuff like that. So that will put an extra load sometimes on the body that we then need to detox out as well. So that's why we give detox supplementation to feed the organs that do the detoxing while we're killing. Sites and stuff like that. So balancing those things is very, very important. But yes, if you take the right supplementation for detox, it will feed the organs that do the detoxing and your body will detox at a much higher level. I have no idea where the people who are saying that detox problems don't work are getting the idea that the body has no nutritional deficiencies, or it doesn't have genetic issues that need to be addressed. I don't know. I think it's extremely, dangerous to tell people that detox problems don't work, because you have to detox from. The primary things to do to get healthy is to feed the organs that pull the waste out of your body. Fibromyalgia is entire and mostly chronic fatigue. Fibromyalgia is almost entirely a liver issue. When you detoxify the liver and you allow the liver to clean the blood in the left, the blood in the lymph can then go clean all the tissues in the body. Got heart, brain, left pinky, toe, pecs, lats, whatever it is, any muscle group, everything. It's all cleaned by the lymph and by the blood. What cleans the blood in the left, the kidneys and the liver. And so if we can detoxify these things, we give these organs the nutrients they need to further detoxify. We can pull this way out of the body much, much faster. This is a hypercritical thing. If you're going to be doing really intense work with any anabolic. So what do you guys with her on task? Anything other than task, Halo task and of our win trend.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:31] You know, I'm missing a whole bunch of, if you're using your peptides for growth, if you're using it for, if you're definitely using semaglutide, which is awesome and is wildly, wildly dangerous, every time that you have some that is more powerful, you can use it to do greater things, but it also is wildly more dangerous. So, like I was talking about, anything that's strong enough to do good is strong enough to do harm. So you have to make sure you really know what you're doing with it. Typically times really, really at the very top of this, you have to get to use it. You have to use the detox amplification. You also have to do some secondary things to maintain body mass. It's it's super cool, but a lot of people are screw people up and just go, here, take it. They don't address detoxification, nutritional deficiencies, things like that. So we've had I've I know people who've almost died from taking, chemically side bowel lacerations, multiple surgeries, you know, almost bled out like that. That stuff. Lots and lots of gallbladder issues. Because I don't think people understand exactly how to type works. It's you've got to really have a great understanding of physiological function between glucose manufacturing people looking at agenesis, glucagon function, insulin function, and how the body utilizes those things and the the little idiosyncrasies of the person's individual hormone, sensitivity. So but anyway, any time you guys are gonna be using these things, if you want to be safe, you have to recognize we have to look at it from a holistic standpoint. What is this new thing I'm putting in my body going to do? Is it going to increase? You know, is it an increase in cellular turnover. So like for antibiotics, for testosterone, things like that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:11] We're going to be building a lot more muscle tissue, which is phenomenal for you. However waste is always generated. If you guys have ever watched anything get built, a house, a road, anything, you know, there's we gotta clean stuff up. We gotta put stuff down. You know, there's excess stuff laying around. And the same thing happens with the body. When your body creates things, it's not necessarily the cleanest process. And so getting the inflammation out, getting the, getting the, the waste products out, the free radicals moved out. Highly, highly important. And that's why we go through and we use stuff. So for instance, on that, you know, another phenomenal detox supplement is Nak intestinal system. Now again, because you know, so succinctly the detoxing. No. What does it do? It radically helps the body increase interstitial glutathione. So in between the tissues not just in the liver. Now this is all over the body your body is producing. Huda fam gluteus ayam is one of the most powerful detoxification agents our body makes. And so giving the body the nutrients it needs to do that is really, really important. In men, we just got a great knee in a man and finally found one I like, it's phenomenal and obviously increase in ADHD. And a lot of times people have a break where they cannot produce enough in aviation. And aviation is critical for creation of energy through, the Krebs cycle. But it also it's a big part of it is that that's what everybody uses to break down fat, to turn it to energy.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:36] So it's a really, really, really important nutrient. But a lot of people are lacking now. It's not going to detox, it's not going to do anything, but it will help your body do the things it normally needs to do. The reason I think this is such a big deal is because the natural community, especially the chiropractic community, is big into, you know, here you know how they made the body heals body. You know how health and wellness come from above, down, inside out, the inside out piece of that. As we feed the body the chemicals it needs, the innate intelligence we were designed with and takes those chemicals, utilizes them in the system it's been designed with. And that's how it detoxifies or grows or whatever. So when we're talking about detoxification, what we're really talking about is are we feeding the body all the chemicals it needs to do the jobs it was designed to do? That's what detoxification supplementation is. And so if anybody argues with you that detox detoxification supplements don't work. What they're literally telling you is that they don't believe that genetic, issues occur. They don't believe that there's nutritional deficiencies. They don't believe that with stress and the chemicals that are food and water have gone up. They don't believe that. That's the only way they can say that problem, that the detox applications don't help you.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:49] So I don't know why they would say that because it's kind of obvious. Like a lot of you guys don't have the medical knowledge that a lot of other people do. You can sit there and go, I don't know. I think that, I think I'm pretty stressed. I think there's lots of chemicals, and I don't think I have a perfect diet. And I do believe that DNA matters. I do believe that there's some things in DNA where not everybody has the exact same DNA sequence. And some people have, you know, their bodies work a little bit easier, a little bit more efficiently in some areas and others. So if you believe that, then it's a pretty obvious thing that you need to be taught supplementation. So that's just kind of what the where the argument actually sits. You guys have any questions, drop in in the comments or hit us up. Questions at Chalmers Law Starcom. But yeah detox supplementation supplementation is really, really important. And it will help a lot. So, there's all sorts of research out. Do you guys have detox stuff? I'm not going to, you know, unless it's. You like the idea? Like, guys, we're actually designing the detox box. I'm not gonna, you know, stand behind your product, but I will tell you that you can send this out to people who don't understand detoxification pathways, because this is an important thing people need to know. So you guys have any questions asked? It's not. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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