Dementia, often referred to as Type 3 Diabetes, is deeply connected to insulin resistance and brain function. Long before glucose levels spike, high fasting insulin can impair cognitive health. This discussion dives into how diet, cholesterol, oxidative stress, and gut health play a role in preventing and even reversing cognitive decline. Removing processed foods, balancing cholesterol, and incorporating key antioxidants can support brain repair and overall wellness.
Beyond diet, movement and neurological rehabilitation are essential in restoring brain function. Techniques like hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and proprioceptive training can aid in healing. Understanding the impact of inflammation, parasites, and oxygenation can provide a clearer path to cognitive longevity. Tune in to learn how to take proactive steps toward brain health and long-term wellness.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:03 - Understanding Dementia & Its Link to Diabetes
01:40 - The Role of Diet in Reversing Dementia
03:21 - Cholesterol’s Impact on Brain Health
05:12 - Lipid Oxidation & Nutrients for Brain Repair
06:52 - Inflammation, Parasites & Gut Health
08:22 - Oxygenation & Chiropractic Care
10:05 - Exercises & Neurological Rehabilitation
11:27 - Treatment Approach & Contact Info
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:03] All right. So we're talking about dementia. Share this with everybody who's you know with all your feeds and listen to. There's stuff people are going to know somebody with dementia. And this is this is the best way that we treat it. I don't know who else to stimulus to. There's a lot of moving parts in this. So metabolic specialist who also has neurologic trainings can be the only person who can really deal with us. All right. So the way that you walk dementia back, first thing you have to understand about dementia that dementia is type three diabetes. So what ends up happening is you get type two diabetes. What type two diabetes is, is your body no longer can process the sugar that is in the blood. So we start to lose control of that. That is an insulin problem. And so what you actually start to see before you see the glucose levels come up in the blood is the fasting internal start to rise. So you fasting insulin you'll see it at 15, 17, 18 whatever it is instead of like seven. And what happens in that case is that before glucose goes anywhere on the on the CBC, which is most doctors don't even pull insulin. So this is what's going on. What we end up seeing is that the sugar that's supposed to be in the blood is between 80 and 100 on the on the blood labs. The amount of sugar the supposed to be in the cerebral spinal fluid, which is around the brain is 55 to 60. Now, here's the catch. The thing that moves sugar from the blood into the cerebral spinal fluid is called a Glut one receptor that is highly instance insulin sensitive. So insulin is what moves it from the from the blood to the brain area. If you're having high fasting insulin, you're gonna start moving sugar from the blood to the brain before your glucose levels get too high.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:40] So you're going to start poisoning the brain environment long beforehand. So that's why it's type three diabetes. So you have to fix the type three diabetes function first. You have to fix the diabetes first. That is almost entirely diet. GLP ones really help with that. But you're going to have to do some dietary work. So that's where a lot of this problem comes in because, like, you've got to figure out a diet that somebody can do where they don't avoid their favorite foods. Now you got to pull the processing out. You got to pull the high glycemic stuff out. There's a lot of, you know, MSG and a lot of neurotoxins you got to pull out. So that's part of it. But you have to be able to do and this is what I do with all my patients regardless is when I do diet, is they give me your ten favorite foods. Because if I can get 7 or 8 of your favorite foods in your diet, we can definitely make enough difference that you can actually change this whole function. So figuring out how to make, you know, pasta and pizza and ice cream and all those things in a way that doesn't raise insulin function is critical to being able to do this. And so that's one of the things that's really, really difficult because medical doctors get absolutely no training in nutrition. And that's why a lot of these guys can't do it. So that's that's your primary thing as far as the diabetes function goes. There's a lot more to it. But I'm trying to get everything in. And so that's one function. So get rid of the diabetes. Fix the diabetes. The other thing is that your brain is made out of cholesterol. It works because of cholesterol. There's a little. There's like a little landing spot between the axons. What ends up happening is that as the neurons try to talk to each other, the myelin, the things that wrap those neurons, make them work is made of cholesterol. The thing that it's like sits in between what we call the landing point is cholesterol. So if you don't have enough healthy cholesterol, you're going to have a problem with brain function. Now here's the thing.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:21] A lot of these people are on statine drugs, which radically decreases their body's ability to produce and utilize cholesterol. So that is definitely a problem. However, when you see arterial plaque, arterial parking has nothing to do with the amount of LDL cholesterol in your blood. That is, that is a misnomer to sell statin drugs. What actually happens is called lipid oxidation. There's a metabolic biochemical problem that damages the cholesterol. Now here's the thing. Think about it this way. If you're going to have lipid oxidation which damages cholesterol, makes it sticky, makes it plaque. Aren't you also going to have damage to the largest organ that is made of cholesterol? The brain? Yeah. So one of the other major things that is not being talked about. I think because they're trying to save the drug conversation and they want to be able to hear about it. Is the fact that you have to fix lipid oxidation as well. So there's a couple different factors. You you do that for for lipid oxidation. DNA testing really helps with that. So if you're familiar with like MTF air which is where your body can't produce methylated folic acid, which is also hypercritical to the brain, it's the same idea. So like mTOR or something like that. So you're not producing methylated B6. You know, you're not creating enough methylation pathways. The body can help create healthy cholesterol. Bringing in way too many seed oils is also a problem. But that's a dietary thing we fix there. But lipid oxidation you've got to increase depending on the person vitamin E, vitamin A, you got to look at D3. You got to look at antioxidants like CoQ10 NAC, nad. So a lot of those things they don't need the every person doesn't need all of them. Some of them need some of them. But you gotta kind of go through and put those together. So the lipid oxidation is no longer there, so that the cholesterol that's being made for the brain can actually heal the brain. So that's the other piece that lipid oxidation I know I talk about reactive oxidative stress and other oxidation a lot. So that's one of those things okay.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:12] Now then remember if we're not getting cholesterol function proper what are we also not going to get hormones. All of your hormones estrogen progesterone, cholesterol cortisol, testosterone all of them D3, all of them are made from cholesterol. So again, if your cholesterol is messed up you're not going to have those. Adding testosterone back in is hyper critical to this function because testosterone is your healing hormone. If you want the brain or anything else to heal, you've got to bring the testosterone in. So that's one of those things. Now, I also like to add in some oral in a poor blend for growth hormone function, because again, nothing makes the body heal better than the proper source throat. And then you add in the growth hormones and things just get together properly. That's fantastic. Now if you'll use peptides I like TB 500 and BP. 157. To help put the lattice work or the framework around the tissue to start helping it heal. So I love using those for brain and for gut. I know I've talked about how I'm not a huge fan of those for joint function, but for brain and gut there are some of my favorite peptides to use. Then the other thing we already mentioned got you've got to reduce the entire inflammatory function of the body. So we're talking systemic function. So I talked about how dementia can only be treated by a metabolic specialist who understands holistic function. So that's why a lot of people have trouble with this because just a neurologist isn't going to get this done. So we have to reduce full systemic inflammation. The primary thing you got to do is pull the parasites out of the body. I would say every dementia patient I've ever heard of, or read about or talked to has their parasitic function because of what's happened to the gut, and there's a whole bunch of other issues, but that's a parasitic function. We got to pull those parasites out. But because you've got a parasitic issue, you've also always got a gut inflammatory issue for yeast.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:52] We're going to pull the yeast out and then restore the probiotic function in the gut so the guy can produce the serotonin for the brain again from, you know, from tryptophan and that whole thing. Five HTP. So once you get the gut functioning again and the inflammation pulled out from the liver and from the kidneys, the whole inflammatory process, all the inflammatory chemicals in the brain and the blood, everything start kind of washing out. So again, we get more healing. Now we talk about lipid oxidation. The primary thing we always want to talk about with lipid approximation is oxygen. All right. Have you had your sleep studies. Are you breathing properly at night. Do you have access to a hyperbaric chamber to increase oxygenation to the tissue, including the brain, by 1,000%? Because hyperbaric oxygen can force oxygen into the plasma of the blood. And so now the oxygen is getting to the brain in multiple different options. So that's the second. That's the other thing we got to do with oxygen. I know I'm going fast. I got ten minutes to do a giant amount of stuff. So oxygen is another primary function we go through. Make sure that that's good okay. Now here's the weird one that people always kind of turn to that don't understand neurology. I was going to go what Chiropractic is going to be a very, very big piece of this. Okay. So when we talk about what happens with the brain and you guys can look this up, the brain neuroplasticity or the reason the brain can do the things it does is entirely because of what's called a different information to the brain. We're basically information that comes from the outside world into the brain, whether you're seeing it, hearing it. But the vast majority of it is proprioceptive, which means where's our body in space?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:22] And so exercise is hypercritical to regrowing the brain. In fact, look this up. This is super crazy. People who do a lot of repetitive motions, like violinists, actually will change the shape of their brain. There's a thing called the Omega sign. Einstein had this because he was a violin player. Google Einstein Omega sign brain and I'll show you. This is like this is like a U-shape in the back of the back of the brain, where we see this from people who are doing repetitive motions specifically with violinists. So there's also something called the homunculus, which is information from the body, your hands, your lips, your body that flows up. It actually creates function in the brain, changes the way the brain is structured like you can see it. So that information is hyper critical to growing and maintaining the brain. So what is the number one thing chiropractic does that removes interference from joint mechanoreceptors to the brain? It helps restore apparent information to the brain. So if we're trying to restore any further information the brain chiropractic can be a big piece of this. Now once you get the joint moving properly, you get all the information flowing to the brain and the brain. Healing exercises are super duper important. We talk about neuroplasticity and movement, so designing exercises to bring these people's brains back is also hypercritical. Now, depending on where they are, you might have to walk them all the way back for a week, for two weeks or whatever to general functional movement. So you're talking about cross crawl motions. You're talking about, you know, just joint McCann reception marches, standing up, sitting down, crawling on the floor, things like this. Then you can develop those into more, more substantial proprioceptive functions. So what you're looking at for that is any motion that basically involves the core function.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:05] So, you know, you can do this with alternating bicep curls. You can do this with you know, the weights obviously. Yeah you can use no weight. Just move the body. But you get the point. Single leg squats is probably the very best, but it's very advanced. So you got to cool off on that one for a while. Isometric stuff works, so planking stuff works. Vibratory function works really well. So force plates and things like that. But again those are more advanced. Get a hold of on those little things like that. And then doing things with the fingers and the hands and stuff like that are really, really, really big. So you know, putting things and like having them put, you know, jewelry together like little bracelets and things that's there to be dexterous. So these type of things help regenerate and heal the brain as well. So a lot of this can be done long distance. We work with people all over the country for this, and we can get a lot of this stuff done distance wise, and this is becoming a more and more bigger part of the practice we're trying to reach out for. So again, if you guys know somebody who has dementia, if you're worried about getting dementia, if you have type two diabetes and you don't want to have type two diabetes anymore because you're worried it's going to turn into type three diabetes, which is the dimension the Alzheimer's, get Ahold the office. Get Ahold of us. Let's start working this stuff back on you. We can get all these things to start kind of calming down. Share this with as many people as you can. Because the more people who see this, the more chances we're gonna be able to help some people with dementia.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:27] So that's kind of more or less the path that we walk. I don't think I forgot anything, but I explained, John, amount of information about 12 minutes. He typically what we will do is we will work with people. We have two meetings a month and then they have through our app access, they can contact us, you know, whenever they have a question or any, any other issue. Because in the first month or six weeks, people have lots of questions and you're going to find the shocking. But if I'm working with something with dementia, Sometimes they forget stuff and so they can go back to the app and it's all written down for them. So it works out a bit easier. But that's how we do this. And a lot of this stuff is, you know, oh stem cell sorry. There's some other things that we do with nasal stem cells to help regenerate and give the body a little bit more kick to boost kind of regrow stuff, which is really, really cool. The stem cell techniques and the stem cell stuff the research on is coming out. That's pretty good. So that's the only other thing that we do that I forgot, but this is kind of how we walk through it. A lot of this is supplementation. All this is DNA is DNA testing for methylation function and things like that. We do a lot of muscle testing for this, a problem I guess my primary favorite way of detecting a lot of this stuff is through muscle testing. Obviously, we do a lot of blood work on this one as well.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:40] So if you guys have people who are worried about this, if you have people who are going into this again, the earlier we find a problem, the easier it is for us to fix it. So if you know somebody who's who just got diagnosed or has been diagnosed for a year or two. Those are the people we need to get Ahold of right now. If you've got somebody who's like pre-diabetic or somebody who has type two diabetes and has any, you know, psychological. Yeah. So dementia, Alzheimer's sort of stuff in their family history, we need to get with those people immediately. So that's the type of stuff that we're looking for. That sort of stuff we're trying to treat. We can treat this long distance. We do. We do long distance therapy stuff with people all the time. This requires a little bit more touch. So we're we're we have a lot more touch points and a lot more contact. But if you guys have anybody who's got dementias worried about it having it hold the office pillars of Chalmers Either one of those can get Ahold of us and we'll start walking you guys through it. If you have any other questions hit us up in the comments or, you know send it to Let's start getting everybody healthy again. Thanks for your time.
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness