Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Chiropractic Care

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care offers a natural approach to relieving pain, enhancing mobility, and improving overall well-being. By addressing misalignments in the body, chiropractic adjustments help alleviate issues such as headaches, back pain, and joint discomfort while promoting better posture and neurological function. This form of care is particularly beneficial for individuals with sedentary lifestyles, athletes, and even pregnant women, ensuring proper alignment and reducing stress on the body.

Beyond pain relief, chiropractic care plays a vital role in preventative health and functional wellness. Regular adjustments support improved blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and athletic performance while preventing long-term complications. Choosing an experienced chiropractor who treats a diverse range of patients can help maintain optimal health and mobility for years to come.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:42 - Importance of Chiropractic Care

03:15 - How Chiropractic Works

08:24 - Realigning the Body

12:37 - Preventative and Functional Health

16:09 - Choosing the Right Chiropractor

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:05] A right. So when we're looking at getting healthy in the new year, when we're looking at being healthy, staying healthy, one of the most important things and I don't talk about this nearly enough. One of the things that's really important is getting adjusted, getting chiropractic care. It's hilarious to me how it's one of the things I love about my job. People come in and they're broken and they hurt and they're like limping. And we adjust them and they walk out. Normal people come in with headaches, will adjust them. It'll get better. Babies with colic, lots of times you need to go completely away. Plantar fasciitis. This is also one of my favorites. You'll work on plantar such? Harrison They get up, they walk around. They're just astonished at how much better it feels right, than shoulder problems like, you know, frozen shoulder. Same thing with the big thing with chiropractic is and this is why one of the things that's kind of hard for people to understand if they don't understand neurology is it's entirely a neurologic function. So the popping actually does nothing. It's not it. It sounds cool.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:06] One of the things I like about the job, but it does really not that much. It relieves some pressure that feels good. But what we're actually trying to do is excite the neurology within the body. So inside the muscle there's a little receptor called a muscle spindle fiber. And that muscle spindle fiber tells it if it's contracted, if it's twisted, if it's elongated, like everything is going on within that muscle. And then in the tendon, there's something called a Golgi tendon organ. Same type of idea. Tells it what's going on. You know, it'll actually shut off muscles. So like if you like, if you, if you step funny in your leg kind of gives out if you actually there's Golgi tendon organs, it'll shut off the muscle. And the reason it shuts the muscle off because it doesn't want to tear, does want to destroy the tendon. So it's kind of a cool little receptacle. The, the way that chiropractic works is we activate those little receptors and it changes what's called neurologic tone. So neurologic tone is how hard a muscle is pulling a constantly. We also call it posture. You can reset that tone, relax the area and calm everything down. A lot of times the reason that we're we hurt is because the muscle has gone into spasm. So it's locked up. It's balled up. It's it's it's squeezing too hard and squeezing the nerves, and that hurts. So we can reset it and it's squeezing on the nerve and doesn't hurt as bad.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:27] The other problem we get into is as those muscles tighten, it ends up shifting the way that the joint functions a lot. You'll see this a lot of times people come in with low back pain or or severe pain and, you know, all before I adjust and I'm like, bend over and touch your toes. And they're like, all right, I'll make this one hamstring tighter than the other one. And a lot of times they'll be like, Yeah, want the right ones a lot tighter and a lot more. What happens when you do that is that the pelvis on the cyber hamstrings are tighter rocks back and down. And so you can understand why you're going to have paying her right there is because it rocks back and down and locks right there because that hamstrings tighter on one side than the other. So the analogy I use for this a lot is imagine you're in a car, the back right wheel spinning at 50 miles an hour in the back, left wheel spinning at 100 miles an hour, you're going to turn in circles, which is the same type of thing that happens to the pelvis is it shifts like this and then everything around it gets messed up.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:26] Now what happens is that the femurs are tied in to the hips like this. And if one rocks back, the femur actually comes up. Which is why in chiropractic, when we lay people down, we look at leg length discrepancies because it tells us what's going on with the pelvis. And this can make knee problems. You can make hip, low back problems. You can do all sorts of things, groin problems. So you have for injury, things like that. So resetting the pelvis is really important, especially for pregnant women. And pregnant women are some of my favorite people to adjust because. First of all, and I don't know and maybe I'm overblowing this, but pregnancy has to be horrible. You know, you gain a bunch of weight real fast. Your body gets all kind of bent out of shape. Everything hurts. You know, it's awkward to move around. It's hard to breathe. This is 100% the thing that only could go to women. Because if you if you guys got pregnant, we would we would very quickly die as a species. But they come in and they waddle in and they're in pain. You adjust something like, I can finally breathe, I can finally move. And it's it's really fun to adjust pregnant women. But we see this a lot with a lot of different issues.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:38] So we'll see people come in with sinus infections. We'll adjust the ears and the ear infections go away or the ear inflammations go away. We can drain the sinuses and get sinus headaches and tension headaches to kind of calm down, go away and helps with a number of different, you know, sinus infections and that sort of thing. The. You know, the the amount of pressure that's on your lymphatic system is pretty large. So it's your sewer system. And when the muscles contract, they can pinch on that lymphatic system and cause backups. And that this is where we start talking about regular chiropractic care, keeps you healthier, keeps you from getting sick. Because if your sewer system backs up in your body, that's bad. The other thing that happens is that we can take pressure off nerves and pressure off of blood vessels. And so it kind of helps the whole body to function and move better. So not only is it fantastic for pain, which is what most people associate it with, you know, neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain, that's one thing. But it also really does help increase blood flow, oxygen function. Sewer system or lymphatic your process. And it helps everything kind of just move and function better.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:48] The signals to and from sickness, you know, like if you've got a virus for a bacterial infection, the communication within the body is much better with with chiropractic care. Not only is it help with the nerve function, nerve communication function, but also, like I said, it helps with blood flow and lymphatics. So if you have if you have an illness and your body's trying to clear out that illness, is trying to get white blood cells to the area, kill everything, and then move the waste from the the the war, the fight of the bacteria, the fight of the virus and the white blood cells. You want to get that trash out? You need the lymphatics working and you need the blood. Blood working as well as best as best as you can. And so chiropractic does help with both of those. A lot of times these are for pain. That's part what we use it for the most. But it is and it's spectacular that one of the things that when we set up goals, one of the things you should always set up with your chiropractor for your goals is reestablishing full range of motion. People get in all the time. Yeah, I know. All right, turn your head. And they go like this and they go like that. And they kind of come over like this and like that. And they're like, okay. And I'm like, Yeah, you should be able to come all the way over both sides as you go to look behind your shoulders on both sides. That range of motion is really important for the head, for the neck. Yeah.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:12] All those things. Because as you start losing range motion, the joint starts compressing, the muscles are to start tightening. And so we just have more and more and more problems as we go. If you're an athlete, chiropractic is hyper critical to what you're doing because again, range of motion, joint mechanics is all you do in any sport. I don't care if you're running, swimming, jumping, catching balls, throwing ball. It doesn't matter if the if the joints not moving properly, you're not going to get the function out of it you need. So getting adjusted is really, really important for that as well. So all you guys who are making New Year's resolutions to get healthy. You guys all need to find the Cairo to get adjusted with. And if these carriers can also help kind of figure out, you know, nutrition stuff, that's also going to be great. This is why Cairo's are better, typically much better health care providers than a lot of medical doctors. Now, medical doctors have obviously their place, but they're going to be your drug people. You go to the medical doctor if you want drugs, because that's what they're trained in. That's what they deal with.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:11] That's what they they market in. That's that's their whole thing is drugs. But if you were looking for, you know, some to give you nutrition advice, supplementation, advice, you know, things like that you're Cairo's are usually a little bit better educated than that. So if you're you know if you go in and you get adjusted and you want to talk about three levels, if you want to talk about math, three B vitamins, you know, a lot of my Cairo guys, when I had these conversations in Cairo about is they all are up on it and they know what's going on. A lot of my medical guys just aren't because you know, the amount of information that we're each groups trying to maintain is vast and keeping up with all the problems and side effects and, you know, you know, we got to pull this drug off the market. It was killing people. And if you take this drug, if you take these two drugs or else your liver dies, you know, things like that, that's the medical guys are trying to keep track of. And the the credit guys have a lot of you know, they they have the ability to go out and learn all about the nutrition and mentation and things like that.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:07] So, you know, that's why I like to you always make sure that people have a Cairo in their in their group as well because a lot of the function of the machine this big meat machine we run around with. Requires a substantial amount of actual maintenance. Then the problem we get into is that when you sit at a desk and you look like this all day long, you're actually toning your muscles. You're teaching your muscles to be in this curled up ball. And it's really a really terrible position for you guys. And look up text neck. You can look for posture. You know, you can look at loss of cervical or doses. There's a giant amount of research into how unbelievably terrible this where we're pushing our bodies is going. So, you know, we see just with the head and neck, let's just stick with head and neck real quick. So when we lose that cervical curve, we end up with sleep apnea. That's worse. We end up with tension in the neck and in the John the head. So we have more grinding of teeth. We have more sinus infections. We have more sinus pressure. We have more tension headaches. We have loss of runs in motion in the neck and the upper back and shoulders. We have more shoulder issues.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:15] So just here, just not getting the neck reset. We got tons and tons of issues. So getting anything that adjusted is really, really important. It's funny to me, the very people who come in and the symptoms get so normalized. Like people come in like, yeah, I get, you know, I get headaches, you know, not very often, but you know, enough. And I'm like, Well, that's not very often like once or twice a week. They're like, Guys, I never get headaches. Like, if you're getting a headache once a month regularly, it's a problem. We need to figure out why you're having these headaches and get rid of them. The. But they'll come in with that in the back. Yeah. You know, I get these headaches, you know, am I, you know, my neck stiff and tight and sore and these two fingers getting normal all the time. Okay. When your hand starts getting numb and tingly, it's often from the neck. And usually that's a that's a compression of a nerve thing. Lot of times it's a disk issue. Lots of times, you know. So you've got, I'd say, you know, 30% of the time it's a disc issue that needs to be addressed. And I'd say about 40, 50% of the time it's actually from the musculature in the neck, compressing the nerves and causing all sorts of problems.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:27] So that's one of the things we've got to start working on. And the problem with it is, is that you guys come in and get adjusted, you know, and you're there for, you know, 20, 30 minutes, maybe ten, depending on the camera. And then you go back to your eight hour day and then, you know, you're looking like this all day long. And then you go and you sleep on your back because people told you that was the best place to sleep. You put a pillow on your head, put your chin, close your chest. So 20 something hours of the day, you're you're damaging the structure of your neck and upper back and head and you go and get adjusted. You know, every once in a while. This is this is a hard fight for us to fight because, you know, while we can push back and make you feel better, general life is pushing against us. So, you know, getting in and getting adjusted on a regular basis can be really, really important for just overall health and overall function of the body.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:18] This is one of those big, big things where if you're in your 30s or 40s and you're worried about how your body is going to function when you're 50, 60 and 70, you desperately need to get in, get adjusted on a regular basis. Regular basis can be once a week, three times a month, twice a month. You just need to get in and get reset on a regular basis. Do not basis on pain today basis, have a function. Do you have full range of motion? Can you turn around, you know, look behind you on both sides. If you put your ear to your shoulder, you know, these type of things and you look all the way up like, can you do these things without any pain or stiffness or anything like that? Super important. Can you bend over and touch your toes? Like we were like, I can't do that. Bending over and touching your toes should not be some strange thing that only, you know, 5% of population can do. You should be able to do this. If your hamstrings are so tight you can't bend over and touch your toes. It is ravaging the function of your pelvis and your lower back. You're going to have low back issue sooner or later.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:12] And the problem is that if they're later when you're like 55 or 60 and you've given yourself 20 years of degradation, it's really hard to get those things to come back the way they're supposed to. So now this is one of those things that, you know, as far as maintenance goes, we've really, really, really got to kind of, you know, get going again. So, you know, I'll start making more and more videos about, you know, chiropractic function, things like that. Now that I'm doing this, I realize I've been not doing enough of this for you, but that's, to me, a big, big piece. So getting in and getting adjusted, super important. Now when you're when you're picking your chiro, there's a couple of things to keep in mind. You know, how long is this person been around? How long have they been treating patients? You know, what what type of patients do they treat? So, you know what's funny is that I've taken 207 hours in neurology specialty. I've taken, you know, about the same amount and sports function. And I learn how to deal with pelvis the most from my pediatric. Education, direction, pregnancy, education.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:14:10] So the type of people who have been around longer, you want people who've been around a lot longer. You want people who can who had just babies, who were just old people who had just everything in between. You know, those are going to be some of those really good people to go see who've kind of done a whole bunch of people, especially because if you can adjust, it's funny because people see how big I am and they get worried and I'm like, I had just 90 year old osteoporotic women all the time and never broken ribs or damaged anything like that. So, you know, it's one of those things where it does get a little bit easier with size. But Bethany, my my associates, fantastic. And she's really busy. So, you know, it's one of those things where it's not the size, it's not the force being larger. Does, I think, help because I can just lean on people and get things to reset properly. So it's a little bit gentler, which is kind of funny because you see how big I am. They're like weight. You're more gentle than other people. And so it's one of those type of things.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:15:09] But if you guys are looking to get healthy in the new year, one of the things you guys are going to have to add to your to your group is a good Kyra, if you guys are not getting adjusted, you're leaving giant amounts of need on the table. So we're going to go through and we're going to start adding, you know, because I've been doing this for years and I haven't done very many chiropractic stuff, we'll start adding a bunch more chiropractic settings. You guys can understand kind of the the need for the maintenance on the body, but that's one of the biggest things because we're looking for ways to get healthy, especially for the cheapest way to get in. Find a chiro in your area, you know, but you want to find one that's like no more than, say, ten miles from you. You're going to go in there quite a bit. So, you know, like I did a podcast with with that doctor, Camille Reagan, who's in Dallas, and she's amazing.

[00:15:59] So you guys are in Dallas and you guys are in sports. Yeah, Check out the podcast because see Dr. Camille Reagan, she's phenomenal. But you want to find somebody who is within 5 or 10 miles of you because if you start going properly, you know, once a week, you know, whatever, or if you're a wake up, you're like, my next messed up, I got to get in. You don't have to drive 30 minutes for 45 minutes to get there. So, you know, try to find somebody within 5 or 10 miles of you that's open. Quite often. We're open 7 576, because if you need to get in, you need to get out. So that's some of the things we tarpon for that one. But if you guys need any other thing, anything else career wise or you have any other questions, drop in the comments or hit us up. Questions at Chalmers dot com where get you guys going? You guys have any other questions? I'd love to hear. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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