Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Building Muscle

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Building Muscle

Building muscle requires more than just lifting weights it’s about optimizing nutrition and supplementation. Essential amino acids, especially leucine and isoleucine, play a crucial role in muscle repair and growth, making protein-rich diets and branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) a cornerstone for recovery. Creatine is another powerhouse supplement, enhancing muscle performance, hydration, and even neuroprotection when used correctly. Pre-workout strategies, such as incorporating arginine for better blood flow and collagen to prevent muscle breakdown, can also boost results.

Practical nutrition tips like protein-packed snacks, including muffins and pancakes, make it easier to fuel your body throughout the day. Key nutrients like selenium, boron, and quercetin support testosterone levels and muscle growth, while balancing hormones lays the foundation for optimal performance. With the right approach, building muscle becomes a sustainable and effective process.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 - Introduction

01:32 - Key Supplements

06:11 - Pre-Workout Tips

11:01 - Practical Nutrition

12:29 - Essential Nutrients

13:29 - Conclusion

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] Okay. So we're going to talk a little bit about building muscle supplementation, nutrition for building muscle. All right. So the first thing you have to understand is everybody talks about protein and proteins. Fantastic. Eat all the protein. That's right. What you have to understand is that your body doesn't really want protein. It wants what's inside the protein. It wants the amino acids. So this is a very important thing to remember for both anybody who's on a keto diet, who's. Halvorssen, your body has to you know, your body uses amino acids to rebuild everything in your body that uses the protein spine to get through working against a straight shooter for your cells. But the big thing is that once those amino acids, it needs all of them to build everything. Like I said, amino acids are fantastic for everything. Just offense. How we make serotonin. Leucine I so leucine a whole year. You're big players for muscle creation. Leucine has one of the highest muscle protein synthesis factors of any acids ISO leucine, actual insulin. It's moving nutrients into the cell. Bread cereal assets are probably one of the biggest hits supplement wise, so we always have people take those right after they get done working out and they're freaking about because guess what? You do all your healing and regeneration, right? So brand change are great for both of those high, high concentrations of leucine. ISO leucine are going to be big players there.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:32] So make sure you guys are getting those whey protein. It's fantastic. It does a lot of has a lot of massive benefits as far as reliability and functionality. I like it better than I like a lower soy pea protein. It's not bad if you have to be taken from that route or if you have issues with work, most of you don't. Most of you who are lactose intolerant don't have a way because no lactose. That's that's a sugar. That's it. And those are usually pulled out. So a lot of a lot of weight protein, people who are lactose intolerant. In fact, we have we have one that I've brought in specifically to date with. It's a unflavored way that mixes really well. We're we're we've got a bunch of recipes we use for our athletes to actually include extra protein in the things they make. So we've got protein pancakes, you protein cookies to be a protein, muffins. We made one last night. It's really good. It's egg and Italian sausage and whey protein. And I think it's like 10 or 12g of protein per muffin and it's got eight grams of fat and five grams creates. And so it's a fantastic rescue. Other the other things when you're when you're baking creates and by the way, there's there's upsides and downsides to it. If you get a really fine powder, that's usually easier. You've got to start increasing the way or you do with grains and you've got to increase the liquid function of your baking. Otherwise it's all dry anyway.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:06] So it's good to create some secrets and is fantastic. It is one of those things. We know that for a long time most of you are talking about loading doses of 20g a day. That's fine. You can do that. Don't do it all at once. One of the big things we do with all of our nutrient intake is that you don't want to do it all at once. So if you're trying to eat your 20g and do some like every other hour, new side in the morning, lunch and dinner spread out, what you're trying to get throughout the day, that usually helps with absorption function and actually getting that 20g a day is not a bad loading dose. And you can do that for five, five days, ten days like that. To get the levels up, you can stay at that. There's not a there hasn't been a ton of research that shows that high levels of ingested creates is bad for you. I know a lot of people out there are going to be like, well, you know, we look at kidney function, you know, if it has a lot of creates in the fat. Yeah it can damage that's problem if you have kidney damage this whole conversation like call me, I'll work with you on it. But you can take a giant lots of credits. And for those of you who are like, I don't know about that, look at the guys around Carnivore who are eating, you know, pounds and pounds of meat that's loaded fruits and every day and they're totally healthy. What you actually see, the reason that you see high courage levels in the blood is from exercise. It's always funny because like I get blood reports and I'll be looking at them and I got one too long ago, right?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:36] And the guys test as high as L.T.. AC was high. His commitments are real high. His body weight was high. His. His cholesterol was high, LDL was high, and his doc was like, Man, you're going to die. It was funny because, like, I get it. And I was like, Did you take this off? He works out this morning. He's like, Yeah, you know, like because, like, I mean, it's like you're dehydrated here. You just work does your create entire altius. He's high because you just worked out like it's you know again this is one of those things where no athlete should see a non athlete doctor but you know it is with this Creighton's grapefruit. You know, it has massive, massive functionality for growing muscle tissue, for keeping muscle tissue healthy, for help flowing water into the muscle tissue. So it now looks big and firm and great, but it also performs better because we have more water on the tissue. We are stronger. So you can workout harder, you can turn muscles, you have more, then you can get more muscle regret. So create some fantastic steak. The other thing about it is it's highly neuroprotective. We see people who have concussions in their own creates and they've got too much tricks in their system. They get better faster. So keeping the creation in you is a really, really good idea. There's some there's been some argument about how it holds water. It's puffy. It's like that. Not that that's not a thing for everybody and it creates it's making puffy. You need to get tested against that. Why is it that you puffy it's at the wrong time. Do you have issues with that specific thing or do you have other electrolyte imbalances?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:11] And like when you look at but usually creation is not going to make you puffy and so like that. So create and sweat tastic. We've got we've been using for a long time. If there was a negative function of creation, we would know by now because, you know, 44 and it was a thing when I was a kid, like so we've had 40 years of use, high uses of stuff, and we're we're just finding more and more benefits to it. So it's no, if you're a young kid and you're looking for the next thing to add in, definitely having great ration on your ass. It's great to see. How about time arginine is so I've got a project called Cardio flow and you know which arginine arginine helps your body create what's a little nitrous oxide which dilates the blood vessels out gets more blood flow to you, more oxygen to you. It's phenomenal. Full effects for my pre-workout, I take it, every time offering workout elsewhere and oxygen tissue in house move waste away. Now, here's the cool thing. If you have more oxygen, you can lift harder and you live longer. The burning doesn't happen very much. If you've got you got more stuff pulling the waste away. You don't say sorry as long so you can actually I, I use this a lot for people working on timepieces, a workout where we're going to shorten down the breaks between men and women to elongate the lift so you get more time under tension. Where to go shorter breaks. The steps were phenomenal for so yeah for the nitric oxide stuff, the high arginine stuff it's artisan's amino acid. This is great.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:07:48] So you know that's another piece are always slow and so you know creating branching is a branch of amino acids afterwards creates in the arginine 20 minutes 30 minutes before you're going to work out that were straight caffeine is actually a pretty solid hit as well so caffeine caffeine time weird. It doesn't give you energy. It makes you feel less tired, if that makes any sense. So like gas and break doesn't give you more gas, it just pulls off a break so you're not tired. That helps out with workouts a lot because the more intense your workouts are lower V So that's a big one that you're you're hitting that one. So those are some of the big ones that we always try to see where this is not a lot of your pre-workout, you're going to return your high B6, high B12, so I'll have no harm in them, which is an energy piece. I'll have that the caffeine. So those are great. Like those are those are some of the great ones. I do. I do a pre-workout all the time. I put college in my pre-workout. So there's really big things. Your body, your blood can only run. I'm sure everything in your body can run on fast or sugars, ketones, the whole deal except your blood. Your blood has to run. I'm sure it's actually kind of cool because a glucose molecule comes in as it goes to the cytoplasm. The red blood cell splits into lactate, it releases to achieve it. That's why your blood sugar, I don't know, in person, but so that's just the way registering sugar. Your body will make the sugar for your blood out of protein.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:28] So here's this is the key thing. This is why you want to add collagen to your pre-workout. If you get to the point where your body is out of fuel, it's out of gas and has to start making some, it will start making sense so your body can switch over to 2 to 2 to fat in your workout. Right? So this is why a lot of times when we structure workout when you weights first. Burn off the glycogen and then do cardio. And the cardio is burning in fat. Right. Fantastic plan. We do it all the time. Great. Great. Here's the issue. Your blood can't burn fat, so your blood vessels are sugar, so it'll end up happening. Is that in your workout? During a workout these two workout, your body will start to break apart your muscle tissue to get protein to make sugar for your blood. Muscle tissue is really, really kind of hard to come by, so you work really hard to get it. So I would argue that you should do whatever you can to keep it from going away. So taking collagen, you know, with your pre workout gives your body a little extra protein boost that it can then use to, you know, create sugar. And here's a great fat as a fruit and sugar. You have a ton of amino acids floating around in your blood to do what start repairing the tissue that you're breaking down. So it's a fantastic option. So I put into my pre-workout pretty much every time. So my pre-workout is collagen. The former fast steer energy, steer cardio flow. And then I put I put some of the aloe weapons in my Hoosier element element of the money. So it's just a gut thing.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:01] So that's basically how I put mine together. My pre-workout has creates and then it's got some caffeine that's a subset of and I usually get roughly ten, 10 to 12, 15g of racing into that. So we're likely going to trial these muffins. So we're designing all these muffins for the event and putting on so we can give them to kids and teach the kids, the parents how I make these things. And it's so I get home, my wife's like, Hey, I made about four chocolate muffins or a bunch of individual egg muffins. Pancakes that you're trying out much. That's rough because they're all so good. We made some weird protein pancakes with the chocolate protein, the chocolate whey protein as it so big we got. So there's a lot of the stuff you can use for baking. And if you're trying to gain mass, that's the that's the point with a lot of these high school kids is there aren't your sports and you know they're in school all day long and they don't have time to eat like some of these guys have lunch right before they go workout. No one wants to eat and throw up so they don't do it. And so what we've done is we've designed cookies and pancakes and muffins and stuff like that that they can eat in between classes. It was pouring out, you know, in the five mins between classes. And so we drop out and it creates and we drop in hydrate, hydrate, protein, amino acids I to get the fast going everything cycle through, you know, throughout the day. It should be a little bit here, a little bit stair orbits there.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:29] So there are two things real quick that people kind of drop out. Selenium, selenium, super important. You really worry about selenium and because you know testosterone, how is it your muscle tissue has a flames, a really important mineral. So get that it and then depend on your sexual and body globulin. Boron is a great thing. A branch of crushed sexual body letting on down, increasing natural free testosterone. And then Quercetin is one of the there's a bunch of them. This is, of course, is not the strongest. That's the easiest one to pull off. The other ones are higher peptides that are difficult to get. But Quercetin helps block myostatin. Myostatin tells your body to quit producing muscle history. So if you can, block suddenly can grow faster. So these are all just some things that you guys can do to build muscle tissue. And a lot of you guys are starting to get Jensen work out and these are some great nutritional things to do. Now you're listening to all the time, you know, are these the best options?

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:29] Get your testosterone where it's supposed to be first. Like he'll ask you about peptides. You asked me about all sorts of funky things and different this and that. Get your testosterone works will speak your body's designed with the faster testosterone for purpose reason it was given to you. The reason was designed for your body was that that's your healing regeneration hormone. That's the one that when it notices damage your. You can build more muscles here. Hey, commit more bone here. Hey, repairs has got tissue. Like that's what it does its job. So make sure your testosterone is where they're supposed to be first, then hear about all this stuff on top. So if you guys need help with all the stuff, all the nutrition stuff, if you guys to cover the hormones, give us a call. So our Chalmers Wellness dot com, if you have any questions drop in the comments or visit questions@chalmerswellness.com. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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