Delta 8 Cannabinoids Offer Safe and Effective Alternative to Opioids

Delta 8 Cannabinoids Offer Safe and Effective Alternative to Opioids

I've developed a method that permits Delta 8 cannabinoids to be delivered to the body in under 20 minutes. I wanted to introduce the technology to Texas because I despise the fact that our only alternative for pain relief is narcotics. As I previously indicated, my relative died of an accidental drug overdose, and I nearly died as well. In 2019, there were around 50,000 opioid-related deaths in the United States. Opioid overdose, addiction, and abuse are one of the country's most serious problems in terms of preventable death.

Cannabis, specifically Delta 8, has been demonstrated to be as effective as THC for pain control, and THC has been shown to be able to substitute opioids in 64% of cases. In my clinic, I have utilized Delta 8 for pain instead of opioids for herniated discs, automobile wrecks, muscular spasms, sprains and strains, sciatica, migraine and tension headaches, and fractured bones. I've had great success with it, and it gives people and children an alternative to medications, which have high addiction and fatality risks. One of the more typical responses is that people loved the relaxing impact it had on them, as well as how tranquil they felt and slept.

The amount or dose you take for pain is not the same as the amount you would take for recreation. But let's not forget about that. A parent wondered if I would want my children to use this for recreation, and I think it's a legitimate question. The answer is determined by what we compare it to. If it is working out, I would rather that they do it for fun rather than for any other reason.

However, when compared to alcohol, there is no contest. I would rather have kids on Delta 8 or cannabis than booze. The reason for this is that cannabis will not kill you, whereas alcohol would. Because there are no cannabis receptor sites in the pons, you will never cease breathing from any amount of cannabis. However, there are alcohol and opioid receptors in the pons. Both medicines kill you in this manner.

You collapse and cease breathing. You obviously die if you stop breathing. So I'd always go with the choice that won't kill you. I know our government has disseminated a lot of propaganda about how bad cannabis is and how bad individuals who use it are, but I would encourage you to read the research and make your own decision.

Showing that Delta 8 is just as effective with less side effects as medications already on the market.


Showing that cannabis greatly reduced pain and the only real issue was cost and stigma. Reduced opioid use by 64% with a 17% reduction in opioid fatalities.

Many of the studies showing negative effects of cannabis on pain were set up to fail. Cannabis has been shown to be better than codeine

Pretty solid overview of how the receptors CBR1 work and where they are. The evidence that CBR1 is almost entirely inhibitory to neuronal tissue is pretty apparent. This widespread systemic placement of ligand based and cytoplastic receptor function that again is inhibitory shows a cannabinoid specific and dose dependent functionality of cannabis all over the body save the upper brainstem where the breathing center is. Activation of CBR1 greatly reduces excitotoxicity and reduces glutamate which by itself could stop seizure activity.

This also demonstrates significant protection against oxygen deprivation and reperfusion so the benefit to concussion and all oxygen deprivation function like epilepsy, and Parkinson's where oxygen deprivation is a significant issue especially from sleep apnea issues.

Opioid issues:

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness.

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