Ultra-processed foods are filled with chemicals, preservatives, and seed oils that contribute to chronic illnesses and inflammation. Many everyday foods, like store-bought bread and fast food, can last for extended periods without decaying due to the chemicals added to prevent spoilage. These additives, while preserving food, may have serious consequences for human health, particularly on the gut and overall well-being.
Shifting towards more natural, whole foods is crucial, with a focus on reading ingredient lists carefully and opting for simpler, fresher options like eggs and fresh meats. Parents on a budget can still make healthier food choices by avoiding processed cereals and considering more affordable, natural alternatives.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:00 - Introduction
01:09 - Toxicity of Processed Foods
02:36 - Example of Processed Foods
03:21 - Identifying Ultra-Processed Foods
05:29 - Processed Foods to Avoid
06:20 - Promotion
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:00:00] Watch the health debate. America, I think, is going to take a turn for the better because we've been a system of illness and sickness, not preventative and health, a system of big pharmaceutical prescription meds, but not really getting better. What about all the data that looks at ultra processed foods that can fuel cancer? And all of a sudden we're talking about it. Something I think Bobby Kennedy talked about, anything. I think even Bernie Sanders agrees with Kennedy. So maybe not so crazy after all. But our friends at Fox joining us, Matt Chalmers, joining us with Fox News talking about this. Good morning, Matt.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:33] Morning. How are you?.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:00:34] I'm okay. Where are you joining us from?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:36] I'm in first in Texas.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:00:38] Wow. Well, chilly down there, I hear, even with the the I know about where you are, but we're having this cold snap.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:46] Yeah, it's nice. It's nice and chilly. It's about 25, 30 degrees. And it's not we're not happy about it.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:00:52] Well, it's better than what's happening out in L.A. County with those wildfires and the wind. All right, Matt, let's talk a little bit with Fox News. Matt. Ultra processed foods, something we probably should have been more aware of a long time ago. People are waking up now, but the point is the damage may have already been done.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:09] Yeah, a lot of this stuff has been really, really toxic for a long time. You know, the seed oils, we're looking at all the all the chemicals that are used to keep foods from degrading. It's always funny. I tell people, if you take food and put it on your counter and it doesn't go bad in a week, ten days of nature can't break it down. Neither can you, because your nature. And so it's taking a lot of problems and got a lot of inflammation excuse is basically creating a lot of chronic illness and disease.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:01:35] You know, I'm not saying, you know, course there's a lot of awareness on things like gluten or being, you know, celiac or wheat and free WiFi. But you know what? When you. By the way. Dr. Chalmers But I don't want to point that out and you could tell you a little bit about him. But. Dr.. You know, the thing is and it's basically he's got a great he talks about a holistic health, vitality and longevity, but he's an author. I want to talk about this for a moment. Why you can look it up while we're talking. Pillars of wellness achieve and uphold holistic health, vitality and longevity. But to your point, doctor, if you are you know, if you buy bread in the store for sandwiches, for example, like wheat, whole wheat, bread versus go to maybe a healthy place and you buy some really locally made bread, that bread in a cabinet when it's made right and naturally will start to show some mold in the bag, you know, within days if you don't, you know, put it in the fridge or, you know, eat it quickly. But some of these breads that a month later you look in the cabinet and it still looks the same. I don't know if I'd eat that bread.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:36] You know, you really shouldn't. Those chemicals that are keeping it from breaking down are going to do all sorts of terrible things to your gut. So we look at fast food like it. There's a lot of health guys who are buying McDonald's and get a hamburger to fry and put it in a box. And a year later, it looks exactly the same because those chemicals are keeping it from decaying And.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:02:54] Scary, isn't it?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:55] It's it's disgusting. It's horrible because, like, you know, I was I was that guy when I was 15 and 20. I stuff all the time looking at them like, what did I do to myself?
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:03:04] Yeah, but what, what? Okay, so other than waking up and being smart about buying some more natural food, what do we need to do in terms of the identification? And what do people know? This is ultra processed foods and maybe some more awareness. And I think it's starting with people like you.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:21] Yeah, we're doing a lot of stuff like I do. I do a podcast every morning. I'm Dr. Chalmers, one on the socials. We talk about stuff like this, but one of the things is that the more we can learn, if it's in a box, if you, if you roll it around, you look at the ingredient list and there are big words you can't, you know, pronounce or there's a whole lot of ingredients. That's usually a good sign. That's not something you want to try to eat.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:03:43] It's so funny because the holidays here, there was a craft fair in granite community. I'm sorry, this great Bay Community College in the Seacoast. And there's two women and they out of Elliot, Maine. I'll never forget this and I love to cook so I'm looking at their they have a garlic farm so they have this dry garlic 100%. And I'm looking at it and I said, Can I ask you what the ingredients are? And she said, They're right there. There's no agree 100% garlic, there's no additives. But when you look at some even spices, I can't pronounce half the names that are on the ingredient list.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:22] Yeah, it's getting really, really bad with either stuff. You know, the more natural we can get. It is one of the stunning things that I talked to people who go who do like carnivore diets and they get so much healthier and they're like, man, this this meat must be really good for me. And I'm like, well, it is good for you. But the other thing is that you quit eating all the toxic stuff that was in all the food you were eating beforehand. So not only did you increase the good stuff that you radically decrease the poison. That's one of the reasons you feel so much better. And so if we can just get off this process, we'll be better.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:04:52] Dr. Chalmers, can you please take a moment and maybe tell us some common especially I think of like a parent, maybe a single parent, a parent that's got people in the house and they grocery shop because we have inflation. Things are still high. Grocery prices are still high. So they they might be on a budget. Can you give us without I don't want to bash certain brands, but can you give us a couple you mentioned like some of the fast food. A couple more examples. It might be meats, it might be dairy, it might be something where it might want to really look at the ingredients or avoid this. Can you give us a couple commonsensical things that people typically don't think are that bad for them?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:29] So the number one thing that's poison the most about people is breakfast cereals. They have all sorts of dyes. So all the colors are bad for you. Those days are bad for you. They're highly processed. There's lots of sugar and I'm high fructose corn sirup, things like that. Lots of seed oils and breakfast cereal. So if we can get away from those cereals and get, you know, closer to something that's a little bit more natural, you know, eggs are fantastic for you. I know that people go back and forth on that, but eggs are great for you. You know, a lot of this stuff that, again, the more natural we get, the lower the ingredient list, the better. But if we can get off our cereal, that's one of the biggest changes we can make as far as meats and stuff go. Costco and some of these places like have great prices on really good meats. And if you can buy like a half a cow with 4 or 5 of your buddies, it's a really great way to do it, too.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:06:15] That's good stuff. Okay, so how can people get your podcast, your book one more time?
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:20] So any of the socials. Dr. Chalmers The number one, the book is on Amazon Pillars of Wellness. And you can get to Chalmers Wellness.com to get all of this.
FOX NEWS Radio Host [00:06:29] Great stuff out to get you back again, but ultra processed foods. Thank you so much.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:33] Absolutely. Thank you, sir.
As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness