Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Natural Anti-Aging for Women

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Natural Anti-Aging for Women

Discover the natural keys to staying youthful and vibrant with practical tips for women. Learn how weight-bearing exercises can enhance muscle tone, boost energy, and improve bone density while dispelling common myths about getting "too bulky." Explore the benefits of proper hormonal balance, including how testosterone supports energy, sexual health, and overall well-being.

This guide also highlights the importance of a balanced diet with whole, unprocessed foods and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels tailored to your body type. From prioritizing quality sleep to incorporating skin-nourishing oils and antioxidants, these actionable steps will help you feel and look your best at any age.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:04 - Importance of Exercise

03:09 - Hormonal Health

05:23 - Nutrition and Processed Foods

08:02 - Sleep and Skin Health

10:37 - Start Early

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So now this. So this is what we're for, guys. This is specifically for women. These are some of the areas that are really, really, really important. And the fun thing is, as I go through them, you going be like, I know that the number one thing is exercise. Weight bearing, exercise. Those soft that like arms flap in the wind and stuff like that. No loose skin, all that stuff. If you guys build the musculature up underneath it, it looks a lot better. It sounds a lot better. That's the thing. Like, you can you can Google all day long, you know, seven year old women who are athletes who lift weights and they still look really good. You know, you can look at 50 year old woman or 45 year old men who don't exercise with bigger exercises or lifting weights and they look soft and flabby and old, wrinkly and that type of thing. So the number one thing is you got to get in the gym, you got to lift weights, but not daily.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:00] But the more often you do it, the better you do it, the better your, you know, look, they're going to feel the more energy you're going to have, you know? And it's one of those things where if you fall down and this is as you get older, if you fall down, the chances you're going to break something go down tremendously if you've been doing weight bearing exercise, because when you've got the muscle covering that bone and joint, so when you fall, it doesn't break. But the other thing is that you have denser bones. Your bone density are still ferocious, cells are much, much lower than people who have weight bearing exercise. So you need to get out, need to lift you lift weights that unless you're never going to get bulky, you're never going to look like a man. You're never going to get too big unless that's your goal. I guarantee you no one has ever done it by accident, you know? So it's one of those things where you're going to have to get too big on purpose so you can get too big eating cupcakes, but you're not going to get too big in bulk. You're going to go get a bodybuilder, a female bodybuilder unless you try. So don't worry about that. You know, lifting weights appropriately will do a great amount of function for you.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:07] Now, if you want to specifically target stuff, how much are your legs, your butt, your, you know, sex function? If you want to target, you know, your chest and take not up your arms or delts or whatever, you can specialize the exercise. That's not very difficult. You can, you know, you can tweak things, you can build things up. So you get, you know, there's a lot of easy work that you do for your glutes, your butt, your thighs. Get those looking good, your calves. You know, it's really easy to get your mid-length skirt down to look great in which you look really good. So that's not a hard thing. He's going to work into it. So that's the thing. You're going to have to lift weights. The other thing is, is that on the workout routine, yes, you have to sweat to get this keep the skin healthy, keep the skin working the way it's supposed to. You need to sweat. You need to exercise. You needed soreness. You need to, you know, go out and do things physically so that your right pushes chemicals through the sweat that the you know, you're going to have a lot of, you know, electrolytes and all sorts of things come through the skin.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:03:09] So you want to you'll have the skin detoxing because that's about so sweating. See a big piece, Find a time to sweat. You'll be fine. You don't have to wash your hair every single time you sweat. Don't freak out about that. But you're going to have to sweat. So get that going. All right. Now, here's a big thing, something I talk about all the time. And it's just laughable to me that we have self talk about this. Get your hormones specifically testosterone regulated taking and dry walks with the natural guys, taking testosterone, supplementing testosterone is more natural that supplementing with vitamin C. Your body makes disaster. Your body does not make fire and see. So for anybody to say, well, taking disaster and it's not natural, is it is one of the most natural things. If you're right, isn't that enough of it? We need more easy running makes B vitamins. Then you take B vitamins. You know, your body makes D three and you take the three because there's all sorts of things that your body makes.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:12] Your body has like probiotics, right? Has probiotics and will regenerate a greater probiotic base as long as you put it in Right. Physician. But you take all these things to be healthier and they're natural. Testosterone is 100% natural. Your body makes it. So you need to get those levels up. That's going to help with your pregnancy. It's going to help with your muscle tone to help with your energy. It will help your orgasm function tremendously. It's like as an F1 eye on that one. When men take this option, it greatly reduces erectile dysfunction problems because it helps restore blood flow and nerve function to the joints. How the clitoris swells up with you. If you're on testosterone and it goes back to a very natural, very healthy, very sensitive position. And so you get much stronger, much faster, much easier orgasms out of it, which leads to the next thing you guys should legit have more sex. The the thing that we see with men where we have these massive health benefits does not stop with us. It helps with you guys too. So, you know, getting especially if it's in a committed relationship with a committed partner, because that's one of the ways that we, you know, both interact with each other. It's one of the major love languages.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:23] Even if it's not yours, it helps to kind of build the build the marriage back together, build the relation back together. And it helps you in a number of different ways with different hormonal releases, neurotransmitter releases like oxytocin, oxytocin release during orgasm. And it's one of those things that make it's the love hormone helps bind you to people. So sex is a big one. And then moving the processed foods out of your diet, you know, like it's not just about being fat. If we get these seed oils out or get the dyes out or get the processed trash out, we're creating things are bags and boxes and stuff like that. You know, I know you love your protein bars you have here and there, but there's ways you can make that stuff. The more natural foods you eat, the more natural your body resonates with, the more body, the better your body deals and lot ciliary kale and crap like that. I could use that, but necessarily But you know, you don't have to just eat meat. You don't have to just eat plants. You can eat kind of a nice variety. The other thing we're talking about eating hypoglycemic levels in check. And what I mean by that is if you're if you're mezza over Indo Mazo, if you're your endo, you're going to keep that sea level really low. So the more endo you are, the lower that has to go. If you're act out, you know, if your echo here, 35 to 50, you can kind of moderate it.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:42] So it's not it's not high like it is when you're in your teens. You're trying to gain mass, but it's got to be a little bit higher than the echo in here. So you a higher than the Indo and the Indian as well. So you know regulate that, you know, properly. And what I would recommend on that one is, you know, when you're going for some of these things, if you've got to go higher, embracing crunchy rice and potatoes are really a good play. I you know, the juice stuff is really, really good for your high dose and they're trying to gain mass and they're in your teens and 20s. You know, juice isn't a bad option for you. It does, but it's I would use I would use more of a sweet potato, you know, oatmeal, rice type of thing. Can that mid upper 40, 50 range, that's going to help tremendously maintain blood sugar functionality and your your growth functionality. So that's the other one. Keep your keep your keep your glycemic function in check with your summer type. That's probably the easiest way. But if you go to our talking about I've done talks like this a lot you can think about each other. I'll walk you through how to do it. And it's not super difficult, but it is a little involved. So that's the other one. You keep your sugars where they're supposed to be. You just watch that and so know the other one is get to sleep. There's so many women that I talk to in the night.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:02] Well, I stay up and I read this and I stay up and I do that. I do this and I have to get up to take the kids. And they're getting five, 4 or 5, six hour sleep. Six. They cut it for a lot of you. But three, four and five is going to cut it for anybody. So you guys need to get your sleep, your beauty rest, that sort of thing. You got it. The other thing is that for everybody, you got ancient oils and your antioxidants. So the oils, you know, your extra virgin olive oil. I put it on salads, put it in things, cook with it. You know, that's a big deal. You need those things to help actually fuel and feed your skin like that oil that your body produces is there to keep your skin from getting dry and ashy. Flake Not so. You need to feed the body's ability to produce this oil. Oil is one of the great things we use for it now. Your oil is also fantastic for bowel function. Bowel movements. Your bowel function is also a great thing to do for anti-aging because the more that flows, the more bell moves. Accessing the colon liver. You have, the cleaning, your liver, the cleaner, your skin. So, you know, those type of things are going to be the big pieces that you guys need to start focusing on to it. You know, if you're like, well, where do I start with that weight bearing exercise? Get your hormones for the six or so sjöström and then just start cutting the sugars down and the processing out.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:19] But if you'll just start working on those things, you'll get where you need to go. Again, a lot of this stuff is going to be phenomenal with a coach like get a personal trainer who's going to walk you through the stuff you'll get with a diet coach who can explain to you how your body works. Like, look, everyone's eyes look different. Here's how we're going to set you up because this is how your body works. Here's how we're going to figure out what your writing needs. My favorite things is looking for sleep that monitors the signals and to walk people through where the glucose is occurring. There's not a time to really, really beneficial for us. Those are the things. There's a whole bunch of supplementation things, you know, D3 cook, You tend to make three fatty acids, you know, those are things we're really important on the source of information. If you're taking testosterone, you do not normally need to take DHEA. So we have I've seen women do this all the time and they come in like I'm taking my DHEA because it's important and I want to sjöström it's important for a man to match the and facial hair and like it's a DHEA drive the DHEA, clear that out and you won't be deficient. It's a powerful androgen. So but those if you guys can focus on those things, you'll you'll have a lot better time growing older. And here's the deal.

Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:10:37] The earlier you start, then the more you push the clock back. It's really hard to wind it backwards. It's not that hard to slow it down as far as the aging rock. So if you guys are wanting to slow down the aging work, this is where you start. Do it now. Start early. Go through it, guys. If you want your wife to be beautiful for a lot longer and that's that's one, two things. One, you get a beautiful wife and two, you don't hear her complain about it nearly as much. Get her on these things early. Make sure she can make time for her. Make time to work out, you know, if she's got kids in your house stuff and all sorts of in her job and all sorts of things. Figure out a way that you guys can get her the time so she can work out, you know, and get some sleep and the whole deal. So these are the things I know a lot of you guys we know like, Yeah, I know. I keep hearing this. Well, then start doing something. Really? Talk about the emotional psychological piece, which is way more interesting. But these are the things started here and you guys and get these things going, you'll be a giant step ahead of where you should have where you would have been had you not in there. If you want to of the psychological stuff and we do that, I would say. But that's the stuff for physical. If you guys will do this you know I'm right is ever right like just a Google like Google like seven year old you know weightlifting women and Joe, look at other 60 year old normal women who are working out and you're going to notice a giant difference in the way their bodies look, the softness, the oldness that's with that. So check it out. If there's any questions, questions that charge loss, icon or drop in the comments, we'll take you there. Thanks for your time.

As always if you have any questions, please send them to Questions@ChalmersWellness.com

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Dr. Matt Chalmers

Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness

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