Discover the powerful connection between movement and overall well-being in this insightful episode. Learn how flexibility, strength training, and cardiovascular exercise contribute to pain management, mental clarity, and long-term health. From understanding the importance of mobility to integrating yoga-inspired movements into daily routines, this discussion highlights the key elements of a well-rounded fitness approach.
Whether you're an athlete, a casual exerciser, or someone looking to improve joint health, this episode breaks down the benefits of combining different workout styles. Explore how movement supports brain function, reduces stress, and enhances recovery, helping you build a stronger, healthier body.
Highlights of the Podcast
00:04 - Introduction
01:28 - The Importance of Flexibility
04:20 - Movement & Mental Health
06:56 - Benefits of Cardio & Strength Training
09:51 - Finding the Right Workout
12:31 - Integrating Yoga into Workouts
13:55 - Final Thoughts
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:00:04] So I've got a podcast today with Laura, the founder of Lit White Yoga. And so I want to talk a little about that's what makes our thing up to where it's about snacks. So when we did five five. We start off with the business of flow. So for those of you who are not your other people than yourself, flow is. Yoga where you're not stopping. So you're moving, you're moving flow through the whole fluid motion and a long gated manner. So, you know, it's the reaching down between your legs. You got in heels and coming back up and coming back in the, you know, the warrior one word or two. These are things when you move into the position of our position, you don't have to really hold. And I'm a big, huge fan of that for the in for the idea of we want to take the muscle to its furthest comfortable. When I say it's not comfortable but it's not painful in point range of motion. And by going into that point range of motion, it's slowly coming back out for that in point range of motion. You can actually get the muscle belly to reluctantly start to elongate. It's one of the it's one of the best ways to get range of motion restoration, to get active joint motion back in the joints. It's really, really, really cool.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:01:28] So we do a lot of this like in the Office of right, just people over there and teach them, hey, you know, like it's always fun to, like, bend over and touch your toes. You know, I can do that. And I'm like, You should 100% more than never touch your toes like every single person you actually it's an act of God. Like, so this person could never touch your toes. They're super duper flexible. No, you're just radically inflexible, A detriment to your health and flexible that you see a little bit over to your toes at will whenever you want all the time without making a whole bunch of noises like this should be a normal thing you can do. And the inability to do this creates a lot of back pain, hip pain, knee pain, all sorts of stuff. So this is a big fat because I teach you all this, this toe touch technique where you go or you bending over and it hurts. It hurts, it hurts. You slowly come back out. You go back down. You never, ever hold. It's a constant motion and it's based on the neurology of muscle central fibromyalgia, tendon organ, which are the little receptors that are your and tendons. The tell your body. If you stretch too much, you're going to tear those sort of thing. So that's also how we fix how I fix Fletcher's fasciitis carpal tunnel, frozen shoulder and scoliosis. So we are all neurologic tone issues.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:02:45] We have really, really good results with pleasure, such as a superfine consumer like hobble in or they come out like on crutches and I'll work on them and they get up and they walk around and like, my gosh, it's substantially better. Yeah, it tightens back up a little bit, but it's because of the way the brain, the musculature reacts. And so the types of yoga, the types of movements like like Laura has done will let. Is a really, really cool functional movement, which and Laura is a is a physical therapist by training. And so her idea of how the body should move the range of motion function, the joint functionality, joint mobility is, is inspired by that line of thinking, which is spectacular. You know, physical motion for therapy for bodily therapy is the only real thing that works. Now, you can give people drugs. It's, you know. It's a short term hospital. Maybe you can knock out the pain, but you're not going to restore functional movements until you functionally move. Like, that's just that's there is no way to do that. And a lot of people it's funny because you ask all the time now, why is chiropractic gone up in need over the past 20 or 30 years? It's because people are, you know, more open to it. And, you know, people are starting to learn the neurology and all this now. It's because it makes people feel better. And the reason I still feel that it's because they're no longer moving, but they can think of life. What is our number one thing we've come out and said is the worst thing that we can do to ourselves, and that's the center.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:04:20] So if you just sit and don't move. Worse than smoking for you causes the cancer that causes all sorts of things. You know, I tell you that one of the biggest one of the reasons that we have such high depression is not move it because the way that our brains and bodies are designed to function is that as you excite all of these muscles that are fighters and all the tune organs, all the receptors, your bias as they were moving since all that information to serve on several fires up real big. Well it has to send that information salami process so it sends it to the front loaded process into functional. Information as that's happening, it suppresses the temporal lobe, which is where your depression comes from. If you're had anger, terror, depression, all that stuff lives in the amygdala and you fire. Frontal lobe. It suppresses temporal. So, you know, that's why exercise. I give you a very, very, very complex neurologic function. That's why that exercise is simple as it sounded, radically decreases depression, movement decreases depression. This is why even even pain like sort of blocks our pain is purposeful. It functions like a pain. So it's like walk it off. You bang your Shanghai, you bang your shin, you walk around, you're like, all right, now some of that. Or if you just sat there and dealt with, it would take, you know, sometimes 2 or 3 times longer to quit early.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:05:41] They think the reason we rub things, we bang robbery, start rubbing it. It's because as you're moving it around and you're giving extra sensory information, you're giving your brain more stuff to deal with. And the more information has to deal with, it has to start categorizing it. And so pain is at the very bottom. The the movement is the sensory piece of rubbing it like that. So set is graded higher incidence of hackings. Your writing this is this doesn't lessen the pain as much. And so that's how we don't feel the pain as these. So we have chronic pain lots of times just because we don't move enough, you know, you'll get up and you'll move like we referred to as knocking the dust off or knocking the rust off the joints. As you start moving around more and more and more, what ends up happening is that the muscle fibers and you'll do generics are activated more often. You might as listening to them more. And so it ends up happening is that you're getting more sensory input than your pain input. So that's one of the reasons why exercising properly makes your body feel functional and better, less pain, more functionality all the way across. So, you know, finding your way to move is super important. You know, if we're looking at if we're looking at long term functional health, you need to move.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:06:56] So we're talking about, cardio, so great for your health, cardio is phenomenal for your health and it's going to fit into any type of functional exercise routine or as you know, it helps with fat loss and helps with oxygenation. Tissue helps with, you know, it actually does help with muscle creation because as you start doing more cardio, you start actually increasing the oxygen that your body can carry and that your oxygen rate does carry. You grow new blood vessels, you create more blood, but more oxygen is going to help you heal faster. And so when we look at building muscle tissue, one of the things we definitely want is oxygen to help heal, regenerate so that we can grow faster. So that's how the right amount of cardio actually helps build muscle tissue as well, strength as well. But that moving will also create pumping of lymphatics and things like that, which is your sewer system. It's that stuff moving through. Your body can kill viruses, bacteria much faster and it has great access to them and to the viruses. Bacteria is the word smelly to your body. You sweat out toxin waste products. So there's there's a giant amount of benefits to your overall health to get up and move. Now, the problem we get into is that like I like to lift and I actually kind of like to do very, very moderate, low impact cardio, but not everybody likes to lift and, you know, really likes to workout. Right. All right. Cool.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:08:19] So what do we do? We have to find a way of all of that, which is why we designed five five by 534. So it's fantastic. It's under ceramic form for red emitters. So I was I picked those out for the frequency functional. And then we have a we have a tiered structure where we do the nasal flow and cardio with some weights and we can start that whole series over and three times. So I did some elongation, muscle tissue, blood flow, Postle yoga at the end to help kind of move waste products out of it, just to start functioning better again. And then we do the cold towel soaps. Just go relax and calm down and everybody's kind of our heart is decreasing under the cool, that thing. So which is not, you know, not I love doing the workout, but it's not something I do on a regular basis because it's not really working out. But it is the way a lot of other workout men and women. And so that's fantastic. They're still moving. I still doing all this stuff, if you like bar like which is which is a ballet inspired. Exercise group class exercise, which if you're looking to build your thighs and your body up, phenomenal thing. It's a great, great, great class. Your whole leg strength is fantastic function. It's a great it's a great technique. I would rather do it with weights and squats. It's like that. But again, it's not a waste of a T. The bar method is fantastic for what it is, you know so well with the kind of the goal is.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:09:51] One of the reasons I want to do all this podcast is these different types of athletes types of exercises. Because if you find one that speaks to you go to that, you know, like I give CrossFit people a hard time a lot and, and I need to stop because we were trying to interpret that is I don't think you should do CrossFit. It's not. So it's just that what happens with CrossFit is that you're pushing yourself and a weight and speed and function manner that is a high level, a very high. Like you see some of the, like the CrossFit like pros, like the guys are out competing and they're freaking jacked and they, you know, they can do amazing things. The problem is, is that not everybody who, you know, is working a keyboard for ten hours a day can sustain that level without breaking. And that's why it's like, look, if you're going to be doing anything besides walking, you know, you start walking, you're like, how often should get adjusted, you know, from the walking video to right. I don't think it's you create an issue where you need to get adjusted. It's like a break you department you just, you know, maybe once or twice a month would be, you know, the requirements for that. You know, if you're walking up hills down heels and so like that maybe once or twice a month, if you're lifting weights, you're probably a hard like I do, you're probably looking at once a week CrossFit. You're looking at least twice a week.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:11:13] You know, just because the you know, as I said, as long as the pressure on the system increases, the amount of maintenance required to keep the systems healthy also goes up. Now, the other side of that is that your ability to really cool stuff. But yeah, I think CrossFit is. While a phenomenal training path is probably the most. Injury prone of the things that normal people friendships. So you're going to require more maintenance. But if that's your thing, that's your thing. If yoga is your thing, yoga. Fantastic. It's going to help get muscle. It can help open up joints. It's going to help keep the pain away. It's going to help because people talk about like, it hurts when I do this. All right. What is your major? If focus implies same kind of concept, different, different approach, let's say my concept is we're going to make sure that the joint operates in its proper path, in its full range of motion. That is talk about range motion all the time. That's what we're supposed to get. You're using body way too much of a stuff, so it's not going to, you know, it's really fantastic for movement. I think that everybody should add a deep version of yoga to the exercises they're doing just for general overall health, which is not which you can do that pretty easily.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:12:31] Like if you're like, hey, like if you're let's say you're you're a woman and this is it's in my head who's like, I want to have around her, but I want to have better I want to have nicer thighs. I want to have the doubts, the shoulders. I want to I want to look like an athlete, but I also want to be functional and lean and feel great. Fantastic. So you can do your 20 minute leg workout or 25, 30 minute leg workout and then, you know, 15, 20 to 30 minutes of actual yoga and you're going to get everything kind of combined into that same functional piece. So, you know, I think yoga and I do I do a decent yoga technique stuff while I'm working out to keep joints open and functional. So yoga's fantastic. You guys are not integrating yoga inspired movements into your workouts. You really need to think about it. So we're going to the podcast today, hopefully be out next week. Susan comes out and you guys hear about it because it is. I think this type of discussion is be really, really cool. So if you guys are looking to add something new to your workout because your joints hurt or something like that, first of all, we're going to just because we'll end up happening if you don't get a just before you start a yoga is actually joints are like this and they're supposed to live independently in the really in a blocked unit because they need to be adjusted. The joints that are moving will move a lot more. The joints aren't moving, will not move anymore.
Dr. Matt Chalmers [00:13:55] And so you end up with hyper movement in joints that you don't want there. You want you want to be open even and spread across all the joints. So as you start going into the yoga yoga technique, you want to start getting adjusted more often than not. And so typically what we'll do is you're doing this just like a 6 to 7 week deal where you will adjust. You kind of like your your you're doing CrossFit like twice a week, three times a week to make sure that all those things are open and moving. Now, the older you are when you start this, usually the longer it's going to take your joints properly moving or not. So start young. If you've already started doing it, don't stop. You know, if your friends are doing it and you're not doing it yet thinking about it, you're going to suck at it because everybody sucks when they start things. But go start doing it. Like just go start doing. Some yogis are moving, take some yoga classes so you learn, okay, here's an hour yoga where here's how I can integrate this into what I've already doing and get moving or get somebody like, I teach this to you all the time. You know, get somebody who can integrate that into your workout. This what are your goals? So check an interview. But if you guys are not thinking about fluid motion again, you should. So thanks for your time, if you have any questions, Or dropping the comments, thanks for your time, Bye
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Dr. Matt Chalmers
Disclaimer: This content is for informational purposes only. Before taking any action based on this information you should first consult with your physician or health care provider. This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition, your health, or wellness